
Ultimate Greed System

A portal opened, and when unknown portals are opened well, it's common knowledge what might come through. This portal became an unbreakable link to Gehinnom, a collection of worlds linked together. New energies were introduced and the world evolved and terraformed to accommodate these new forms of power. Creatures and beings of fairytales were revealed. Some from other worlds and others hidden inhabitants of Earth. All this happened thousands of years back with many civilizations rising and falling during this time frame. The world as it was now had no semblance to it's past self. Well, this story is about how our MC escapes a hell hole were they were treated as lab rats and... Just read the story, nothing much to see in the synopsis, hehehe!!

holypen · Kỳ huyễn
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67 Chs


"What is wrong with her? I told her it was ok. She must hate herself for what happened, I should go talk to her", Gabe said.

He then walked to his bed to pick up the clothes he lay there and wear them. Immediately he put on his boxers a thought came flying and that was when he realized something.

"The time Willow came in, I wasn't dressed. No wonder she didn't look at my face and only stared downwards. Here I was thinking she was feeling very bad about the attempted murder when it was my weiner that captivated her. I should have realized this when she blushed hard and ran out of my room like she had seen a ghost while apologizing even harder than she did yesterday", Gabe said.

"So, should I still go and check on her?" Gabe asked in soliloquy.

"I think I should, but after I'm done hitting the gym", he replied to his question.

At the gym, Abel, Jack, and Rose were also present.

"Dude, are you okay?" Abel asked.

"Yeah man, we thought you were going to die yesterday", Jack said.

Rose just looked at Gabe and started laughing uncontrollably.

"That is what you get for trying to be Mr. Nice Guy", Rose said.

"Tch! I know I messed up but can you not rub it in my face", Gabe said.

"Ok, I will stop if you agree to spot me", Rose said.

Gabe sighed and agreed.

"I wonder why you guys are even here, I thought you all wanted a quiet and peaceful life but the way you are working out looks more like training", Gabe said.

The others paused whatever they were doing for a moment, but none of them had anything to say and resumed working out.

Gabe smiled and continued his workout routine.

'It seems Cole was right', Gabe thought.

While the others were working out, Willow calmed herself down and decided to give Gabe a proper apology for both the last day and the current day.

She then went to his room and made sure she knocked this time but there was no response. She checked around the whole house until she finally checked the gym room and saw that everyone was there.

She walked up to Gabe. His back was facing her so she called on his attention. Immediately he turned, flashes of what she saw earlier went through her head and then she turned beet red. She then tried to compose herself and spoke.

"I am extremely sorry for poisoning you yesterday, and walking into your room without knocking", Willow said.

"Why are you apologizing? Like I said, it wasn't your fault, and as for what happened earlier, it's no big deal so just forget it", Gabe said.

'It's my fault for trying her food out when we all knew that she couldn't cook at all', he thought.


Nothing major happened again the following days and like that, a week had already gone by.

They were expecting Cole's return but nothing of such happened and another week went by again. This made everyone uneasy. It was either something had happened to Cole or he had abandoned them. Or maybe a more sinister plot was at play. Every one of them had their own theory running through their head.

They all gathered to discuss their next step when they all sensed someone walking in the compound.

"That must be Cole right, he sure took his sweet time, let me go and check", Willow said.

She was about to move when Gabe stopped her.

"It doesn't hurt to be cautious, so I would rather suggest that we sneak and check out who it is. If it is Cole then we can scare the hell out of him as payback for making us stay this long", Gabe said.

"And what if it's not Cole?" Rose asked.

"Then we attack first and ask questions later", Jack said.

Willow was not in support of the plan and voiced her concern.

"We can't do that, what if they are like, I don't know, a messenger of Cole or something?"

"Like I said Willow, it doesn't hurt to be cautious, and one can never be too cautious so I am kind of in support of Jack's strategy", Gabe said.

"Ok, I understand", Willow said.

Following a different exit, they silently moved out of the house into the compound and hid in a corner. What they saw was a woman that looked to be in her late thirties.

"What now?" Rose asked.

"The plan still doesn't change", Gabe said.

As they were preparing to execute what they had planned, the woman spoke up.

"I can sense you hiding in that corner, show yourselves now!"

"We have been compromised, what now?" Abel asked

"Willow, can you check if there is anyone apart from her?" Gabe asked.

"Sure thing", Willow replied.

She then cast a spell. Vibrating the air molecules super fast she was able to produce a sound that had a frequency that could not be picked up by humans, and in a fifty-meter radius, using a technique similar to echolocation, she was able to sense everything like a RADAR.

"What was that sound you made just now?" Gabe asked.

The others too were curious as they heard it also and it sounded kind of strange.

"You guys were able to hear that? No normal human should be able to pick up that frequency", Willow said.

After she said that, she remembered where the people beside her were from.

'I almost forgot that they are basically superhumans', Willow thought.

"There is no one else around, she is alone", Willow said.

After hearing this, they came out of their hiding spot but before they could say anything, the woman beat them to it.

"I am giving you all five seconds to identify yourselves and your purpose for being in this vicinity at this time", the woman demanded.

"What the hell are you saying? We should be the ones asking you that question", Jack said.

"Four seconds left", the woman said.

"Is she for real?" Rose asked.

"Three seconds left", the woman said.

Willow had a bad feeling about the current situation and although she had been against what Jack had proposed, she still reminded them.

"I thought you guys said attack first, ask questions later. What the hell are we waiting for?"

"Ok, let's do this"

Following Gabe's instructions, Willow cast one of her spells, "flash-bang", which was followed by four teenagers rushing out like they wanted to tear the intruder into shreds.