
Chapter 6: A Spark of Inspiration

Yami spent the morning with his family, discussing Hikari's health and how to take care of her. They all gathered around the table for breakfast, and Hikari perched on Yami's shoulder, chirping happily.

"Her feathers are looking brighter today," Yami's mother observed, glancing at Hikari. "You've been taking good care of her, Yami."

Yami nodded, smiling at Hikari. "I've been doing my best. But now it's time to start training her."

His father looked up from his tea. "Training her? What kind of training do you have in mind?"

Yami took a deep breath. "I've been doing some research, and it turns out that psychic beasts need a unique kind of training. We need to work on her mental abilities as well as her physical ones."

His mother raised an eyebrow. "How do you plan on doing that?"

"I'm not entirely sure yet," Yami admitted. "But I've got some ideas, and I'm going to start working on them today."

Hikari chirped excitedly, flapping her wings. Yami smiled at her, feeling determined to help her become the strongest bird ever.

After finishing his meal and discussing Hikari's health with his family, Yami set off to begin his research on how to train a psychic beast. He decided to start with Madara's library since he knew it contained many rare and ancient texts on various topics.

As he made his way towards the library, Yami began to practice his new perception technique, which he had successfully completed in his previous training session. With this technique, he was able to sense and predict any obstacles that might be in his way as he moved, allowing him to move with greater speed and agility.

Upon arriving at the library, Yami began to search through the various scrolls and books, trying to find any information on how to train a psychic beast.

As he walked through the winding corridors of Madara's library, his eyes scanning the shelves for any relevant books on training psychic beasts. The silence was only broken by the soft sound of his footsteps echoing through the halls.

He came to a stop in front of a particularly old and dusty tome, its spine cracked and its pages yellowed with age. Yami carefully pulled it from the shelf, wiping away the layer of dust with his sleeve, and began to flip through the pages.

As he read, Yami's mind began to wander, remembering all of the different animals he had encountered in his travels. He thought about the way that they had moved and how their movements could be translated into his own training. He began to move through the library as he thought, weaving in and out of the bookshelves, practicing his new jutsu.

Occasionally, Yami would come across a passage that caught his eye, causing him to stop and read more closely. He would take notes on scraps of paper and tuck them away in his pocket for later study.

After what felt like hours of searching and reading, Yami finally came across a passage that seemed particularly relevant. It spoke of a legendary psychic beast, the strongest of its kind, that could only be trained by a master of both ninjutsu and genjutsu. Yami felt a spark of excitement as he realized that this would help him find the path to aid Hikari in acheiving her ambitions.

The legendary beast was known as the Celestial Phoenix. It was said to be a magnificent creature with feathers that shone like gold, silver, and copper in the sunlight. Its wingspan was said to be wide enough to blot out the sun, and its majestic tail trailed behind it like a banner.

The Celestial Phoenix was believed to be a symbol of rebirth and renewal, capable of rising from its ashes after its fiery death. It was said to have the power to heal wounds and cure illnesses, as well as the ability to grant long life and bring good fortune to those who were worthy.

As Yami read more about the Celestial Phoenix, he learned that it was believed to reside in a mystical realm beyond the reach of mortal men. The only way to summon it was said to be through a powerful jutsu, which required a deep connection with the natural world and mastery over the elements.

Yami was fascinated by the legends of the Celestial Phoenix, and he resolved to learn more about the jutsu required to summon it. He spent hours studying ancient texts and consulting with fellow ninja, seeking to uncover the secrets of this legendary beast.

Yami sat down with a blank piece of paper and a pen in hand. He began to brainstorm different abilities that Hikari would need to become the strongest bird ever. Yami knew that he wanted to focus on developing Hikari's abilities in a step-by-step process, and the first ability that came to mind was healing.

Yami thought about how the phoenix, a legendary bird, was known for its regenerative powers. Drawing inspiration from this, he decided that Hikari should also possess strong healing abilities. With that in mind, Yami wrote down "healing" at the top of the paper.

Next, Yami continued to think about the phoenix and its various abilities. He wrote down "fire manipulation" as the second ability, knowing that the phoenix was associated with fire.

As he continued to think, Yami remembered that the phoenix was also said to be able to create illusions. He wrote down "illusionary abilities" as the third ability.

Finally, Yami thought about the phoenix's ability to rise from the ashes and be reborn. He knew that Hikari would need strong defensive abilities, and so he wrote down "regeneration and defensive abilities" as the fourth ability.

Satisfied with his list, Yami leaned back in his chair and read over the abilities again. He knew that this was just the beginning of Hikari's training, but he was excited to see where it would lead.

After a little while, Yami left the library feeling both satisfied and overwhelmed. He had gathered a wealth of knowledge about training a psychic beast, but at the same time, the amount of information was daunting. He took a deep breath and looked up at the clear blue sky, hoping it would help clear his mind.

As he walked through the streets of Konoha, Yami couldn't help but ponder on the different healing abilities that Hikari might need to grow in that direction. He reviewed his notes, thinking about the various techniques he had read about in Madara's library.

Yami's new perception technique made him acutely aware of his surroundings, allowing him to anticipate people's movements and avoid collisions as he navigated through the busy streets. As he walked, he continued to think about the different abilities Hikari might need. He considered the abilities of the phoenix, thinking that its regenerative powers and ability to rise from the ashes might provide some inspiration.

Yami paused for a moment to watch a group of birds fly overhead. He noticed how they flew in unison, each bird moving as one with the others. It was then that he had an idea. Hikari needed to learn how to work with him as a team, and that would start with trust.

Yami smiled as he continued walking. The training plan was coming together, and he couldn't wait to start working with Hikari on the healing ability.

He pushed the door to his house open and stepped inside, breathing in the familiar scent of his home. The rustle of paper could be heard coming from the living room, where his mother was most likely studying her scrolls. He made his way over to her, noting that she had a few scrolls opened up on the table in front of her.

"Hey, Mom," he greeted her.

"Welcome back, Yami," his mother replied, looking up from her scrolls. "Did you find what you were looking for?"

Yami shook his head. "Not exactly. But I did come up with a few ideas."

His mother raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Oh? What kind of ideas?"

"I was thinking about starting with teaching Hikari how to heal," Yami said, moving to sit down across from his mother.

His mother nodded, understanding. "That sounds like a good starting point. Healing is a valuable ability for any ninja, and it will be especially useful for Hikari since she's a psychic beast. As for the other abilities, I'm sure you'll find a way to incorporate them as well."

Yami nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that's what I'm hoping for. Do you have any advice on how to teach a psychic beast to heal?"

His mother thought for a moment before responding. "Well, I would start with teaching her how to heal her own injuries first and work your way up from there. You can also try using your own chakra to guide her in the healing process. It might take some time for her to understand, but with patience and persistence, she should be able to learn."

Yami nodded, taking in his mother's advice. "Thanks, Mom. I'll keep that in mind."

His mother smiled at him. "Anytime, Yami. And good luck with Hikari's training."

He smiled back at her before getting up to head to his room, where Hikari was no doubt waiting for him. He was excited to start their training and see what progress they could make together.

Yami made his way back to his room where Hikari was waiting patiently for him. He closed the door behind him and sat down cross-legged on the floor, facing her. Hikari hopped onto his lap and nuzzled his chest affectionately.

Yami stroked her feathers and looked deeply into her bright eyes. "Hikari, we're going to start your training tomorrow."

Hikari chirped excitedly, flapping her wings. Yami continued, "We're going to start with healing. You have an incredible power within you, and it's important that you learn to harness it for good."

He paused for a moment, lost in thought, before continuing. "The phoenix, the legendary beast that I told you about, has the ability to heal and regenerate itself. We can draw inspiration from that to help you develop your own healing abilities."

Hikari tilted her head, listening intently. Yami continued, "But healing isn't the only ability we'll be working on. The phoenix also has the power of fire, and we can use that to help you develop your own fire-based abilities. And as you grow stronger, we'll explore more abilities, such as flight and telepathy."

Yami paused again, looking down at Hikari with a soft smile. "But for now, we start with healing. Tomorrow, we'll begin your training."

Hikari chirped happily, snuggling up to Yami. He held her close, feeling a deep sense of responsibility and love for this young, powerful being. He knew that their journey together would not be easy, but he was determined to help Hikari become the strongest bird she could be.