
Chapter 11: Whispers in the Wind

Saki sat on a log, twirling a kunai while Ayame stood in front of her, reporting her observations of the planned ambush on Yami. Ayame described how Yami had reacted to the ambush, evading their strikes with his quick reflexes. She evaluated his fighting skill, noting how he had read the attackers' intentions with ease and dodged their attacks while countering with his own strikes. Ayame also evaluated his potential, noting that he had fought back with all his strength despite being outnumbered.

Ayame continued to describe the fight, noting how the attackers had become more aggressive as they sensed Yami weakening. They had tried to overwhelm him with their sheer numbers, but Yami had fought back with all his might. As the fight dragged on, Yami's movements had become more fluid and graceful, moving with incredible speed and agility. Ayame described how Yami had entered a trance-like state, his senses becoming heightened as he struck his opponents with a series of swift, precise blows.

Finally, Ayame reported how Yami had launched a devastating attack that had sent all four attackers flying, leaving them beaten and motionless on the ground. She concluded her report, noting that Yami had emerged victorious but not without taking some injuries himself.

Saki listened intently to Ayame's report, nodding as she took in the details. Once Ayame was finished, Saki stood up from the log and approached the four beaten attackers. She looked down at them with a cold, steely gaze, then turned back to Ayame and nodded.

"Well done," she said. "You may go now. I have some things to discuss with our guests."

Saki sat on the log, twirling a kunai in her hand as she gazed off into the distance. Her eyes were fixed on a point in the horizon, as if she was lost in thought, contemplating her next move. The wind blew through her hair, causing it to whip around her face, but she paid it no mind.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, centering herself as she reviewed the events of the day. Ayame had brought her the news of Yami's successful defense against the ambush, and Saki couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration. She had hoped that the surprise attack would have taken him down, but it seemed that Yami was more capable than she had initially thought.

But Saki was not one to be deterred by setbacks. She was a master strategist, always thinking several steps ahead of her opponents. And so, as she sat there, she carefully organized her thoughts, formulating her plans for the future.

She considered her options, weighing the risks and rewards of each course of action. She thought about the next phase of her plan, the testing of Yami's skills against her carefully selected group of ninjas. She knew that this would be a pivotal moment in her scheme, and she had to be sure that everything was in place.

As she continued to mull over her plans, Saki's face took on a determined expression. Her eyes narrowed as she visualized the steps she needed to take, the strategies she needed to employ, and the obstacles she needed to overcome. Her mind was like a well-oiled machine, calculating and precise, never missing a beat.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Saki opened her eyes and stood up from the log. She was ready. She turned and made her way to the group of five ninjas, who were waiting for her with anticipation.

As she approached, the leader of the group stepped forward, his eyes fixed on her. Saki looked at him with a cool, calculating gaze, sizing him up as she spoke.

"I have seen Yami in action," she said, her voice steady and controlled. "He seems to have a knack for taking life very quickly."

The leader nodded, his face serious.

"But," Saki continued, "I believe that he still has much to learn. That is why the next round of testing can begin. You are allowed to use ninjutsu from now on."

The group of five ninjas exchanged glances, their faces determined. They knew what was at stake, and they were ready to prove their worth.

Saki watched them with a satisfied expression, knowing that everything was falling into place. She had planned for this moment for a long time, and she was confident that her strategy would pay off in the end..

"We will not disappoint you," the leader said, his voice ringing with determination.

Saki smiled faintly. "I know you won't," she said. "You have been carefully chosen for this task, and I trust that you will do whatever it takes to succeed."

The leader of the group bowed deeply, and the other four followed suit. "Thank you for this opportunity, Saki-sama," he said. "We will not let you down."

Saki nodded, her eyes flickering over each of them once again. "You may go now," she said. "Prepare yourselves. The test will begin soon."

The group of ninjas bowed once again before turning and leaving the clearing, disappearing into the surrounding forest. Saki remained seated, her eyes scanning the horizon as she waited for the next phase of her plan to unfold.

The five ninjas left Saki's clearing in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. As they walked through the woods, the leader of the group gestured for the others to follow him, and they all fell into formation behind him.

Once they were a safe distance away from Saki's territory, the leader turned to the four behind him and began to speak. "You all know why we are here," he said, his voice low and intense. "We have been given an important task by our master Saki, and we must carry it out to the best of our abilities."

The four ninjas nodded in unison, their faces determined. The leader continued, "Our mission is to keep a close eye on Yami and report back to Saki when he reestablishes a regular schedule. We must do this in secret, without raising any suspicions."

The four nodded again, understanding the gravity of their task. The leader then thanked them for their sacrifice and assured them that their loved ones would be well taken care of. "Remember," he said, "we are doing this for the good of our clan. We must put our personal feelings aside and carry out our duty with honor."

The four nodded once more, their faces set with determination. They knew that this mission would be difficult, but they were ready for the challenge.

As they walked through the woods, the leader continued to give them instructions and advice on how to best carry out their mission. The four listened intently, absorbing everything he said and committing it to memory.

Finally, they reached their destination, a small village on the outskirts of Saki's territory. The leader turned to the others and said, "Remember, we must remain hidden and blend in with the locals. We must be patient and vigilant, and report back to Saki as soon as we have any information."

The four nodded one last time, their eyes shining with determination. They knew that this mission would test their skills and their loyalty, but they were ready to do whatever it takes to serve their clan.

Back in the village, Yami had just woken up after collapsing from exerting himself when healing the child. He found himself surrounded by concerned faces - his parents, the boy he had just healed, and Hikari, the raven who was like a sibling to him. Hikari's piercing black eyes were filled with worry and her feathers ruffled as she spoke.

Yami groaned as he opened his eyes, his vision blurry and unfocused. As he tried to sit up, he felt a sharp pain in his chest and his head began to throb. He blinked a few times, trying to clear his vision, and saw the worried faces of his parents and Hikari sitting around him.

"Yami, are you alright? You collapsed from using too much chakra. We were so worried," Hikari said, her voice full of concern.

"Yami, how are you feeling?" his mother asked, her voice laced with concern.

Yami groaned again, feeling exhausted and sore. "I'm okay, just a little tired," he replied weakly.

His father leaned forward, his eyes searching Yami's face. "What happened? Why did you collapse?"

"I used a lot of chakra to heal that child," Yami explained, his voice barely above a whisper. "I guess I overdid it a little."

The boy he had healed was also there, sitting beside Hikari. He looked at Yami with a grateful expression and spoke up. "Thank you for saving my life," he said. "I don't know how to repay you."

Yami managed a small smile. "It's okay, I'm just glad you're alright," he said.

His mother placed a gentle hand on his forehead, checking for any fever or other signs of illness.

"Your chakra levels are still low. You need to rest," she said firmly.

Yami nodded, closing his eyes and leaning back against the pillows. Hikari perched on the edge of the bed, watching over him protectively.

The boy who had been healed spoke up, his voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Yami. You saved my life."

Yami opened his eyes and smiled at the boy. "You're welcome. Just rest and take it easy for a while."

As the conversation wound down, Yami's parents and the boy left the room, leaving Hikari to watch over her friend. She perched on his shoulder, her feathers soft against his cheek.

Yami closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, comforted by the presence of his faithful raven friend.