
World background...

The Transcendent universe is divided in 9 dimensions

Note:-dimensions may also be called realms like mortal realm, supreme realm or god realm...

0.center of the Transcendent universe

9 dimensions is divided in :-










World dimensions:-

Divided into 6 world dimensions from low to high







Once one transcended and entered the divine

dimensions, it's a qualitative evolution of the life level as under the god level,all beings are no different from ants,its like a dimensionality reduction like the difference between us humans being and ants...

Divine dimensions:-

Divided into 3 divine demensions from low to high




[center of the transcendent universe.]

main universe is the end/

Origin of the Transcendent universe

Each dimension has infinite universe :-

1.Low rank universe

2.Middle rank universe

3.High rank universe

4.Peak rank universe

5.Primeval rank universe

Each universe is divided into infinite worlds:-

1.Small thousand world

2.Middle thousand world

3.Great thousand world

Note:-only the primeval rank universe has an extra world

The chaotic world

There are countless cultivation systems and

in order to enter the next dimension,you need to pass the test of the heaven/tribulation,only then can u enter the next dimension but that doesn't means there won't be benefits for people who pass the tribulation as their potential will be increased as the stronger the potential the higher u can go

Note:-every dimensions peak realm is the emperor rank...

like the 1st dimensions great emperor or 3rd or 6th like celestial emperor or eternal emperor... including the god realm even if it is connected to the chaos realm and primordial realm as it was divided in the battle of the ancient times by the strongest powerhouses at that time...the strongest of every dimension will still be the emperor realm,and dimension beings above the mortal dimensions who can't enter the lower dimensions to enter the emperor rank,they can directly enter the next rank from the monarch rank but there will be a huge difference like between heaven and earth...

Phiysique and bloodline :-divided into innate and acquired

1.Mortal rank physique or bloodline

2.Immortal rank physique or bloodline

3.Celestial rank physique or bloodline

4.supreme rank physique or bloodline

5.forbidden rank physique or bloodline

6.eternal rank physique or bloodline

7.Divine/God rank physique or bloodline

8.chaos rank physique or bloodline

9.primordial rank physique or bloodline

10. Transcendent rank physique or bloodline

There are also some special physique and bloodline that can't be ranked...

For dimensions passed,his/her major life Order will be increased and it would called (number) dimension rank existence:-

1st rank dimension passed = 1st rank dimension existencep

9th rank dimension passed = 9th rank dimension existence

As for cultivation rank,you may explore on your own...