
Tyranny With A System

James Macarthur was an elite CIA operative with exceptional knowledge & talent that outmatched everyone but one day in a covert mission he was betrayed by his own people & lost his life. But his life didn't end there, as he is transmigrated into the body of an arrogant, worthless Duke's son in some unknown land with no memories about who is or any idea about where he is. In an era of political turmoil and civil strife, the Duke's son is forced to prove his worth for inheriting the title. Will he be able to accept the new reality and prove himself by leading this country into a prosperous future? Or will he cease to the pressure of his past and lose everything once more? -------------------------- 100 power stone - 1 bonus chap/week 200 power stone - 2 bonus chap/week I will add more until that, that's it.

thedefector · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Time to Act - II

"What is that plan, Lord? Please explain."

"Yes. The plan is we will not disband our army in just one day, as we all know it can lead to a chaotic outcry among them which can further escalate the already unstable case. No matter how we try, we won't be able to fully convince them to adopt farming as their primary way of living. It is just impossible."

Everyone present in the room nodded in unison as the duke's words were perfectly right.

"Then how are we going to do it?"

"We are going to start things slowly. As you all know, our army is deployed in various parts of our region diverging in size & they directly answers to me, right?"


"So first what we are going to do is relieve a tiny number of soldiers from east & provide them with land, cattle, house, whatever they want for them and their family. Basically, we will give them things they deem necessary to become farmers willingly. Also, we can pay them extra sum as salary until they will earn more from farming."

"But Lord, then they will ask for outrageous things like 100 cows or two houses & many other things. We can't possibly provide them with anything they desire. It would be disastrous in the long run." Asked a man getting up from his sit to out voice his opinion.

"I know & understand that problem perfectly. That is the reason we are paying them some money as salary to live off until the farming profits. And even if they wanted more, just send them to west to serve in that cold. After spending a couple of weeks, they will definitely understand which is more convenient for them."

"Yes." said the man sitting down as the duke's words were precise & perfect, with no room for error.

"It will take some time, but it's possible. And if everything goes well, soon we will be able to transition more of our soldier to farmers without any issue. Point to be noted that we will still hold a significant number of soldiers for protection, but if they willingly wanted to become farmers, we won't stop them."

The group nodded, looking at each other.

"And by doing all this, The Trinity also won't be breached, thus the emperor can't say anything to us. Then you will all say, but Lord, the contract specifies that we have to hold a minimum number of soldiers at our disposal & if that number falls because of more soldier choosing to farm as their job, then it will definitely be a violation. Right?" asked Anslem, pointing towards the group.

"Yes, yes." said all the group members one by one as it was a question they al had thought & the duke had already addressed the question.

"And now the question, what if that contract is breached? That moron is going to attack us & we all die cause we won't have an army to counter that force. Right?"

"Yes, Yes."

"I thought so too." said the Duke with a sigh. These people's question were too predictable & He already had solved all of them with his son beforehand.

"You idiots didn't realise that we can call all the soldiers back to fight when needed & there will be a term they have to accept which won't allow them to stay unfit even if they choose to leave the army."

The group gasped like children who understood something they were unable to. Also, it was not their fault, as they had never dealt with any situation like this.

"Also, Adalbert knows I can outplay him at any moment & won't try to wage a war unless he wants to die & give the crown to me." said the man with blonde hair & blue eyes with a sinister smile as if showing off his unshakable confidence.

"Yes, Lord, but there is still an issue." said the man with grey hair.

"And that is."

"How are we going to pay the salary to the soldiers who wanted to become peasants? Also, if we only gave it to them, the few people who are doing farming for generations will feel left out, so we have to give it to everyone who is farming. And if we do all that then, it will put a massive load on the duchy for money."

"You are right."

"Then how are we..."

"How do you think?" asked the Duke with the same cold tone as before, cutting the man's words.

"We have to increase the taxes on commoners. That is the only plausible solution I have."

"Do you think it will help the already escalating issue?"

"No... but..." The man with grey hair tied to say something, but no words came out as the duke was right & it surely could worsen the already dire situation.

With another long sigh, Heinrich once gain spoke up.

"We will not increase the taxes & yes we will play every farmer an incentive which will put load on the duchy cause we are gaining very fewer profits & more debts thanks to people like you sitting in this room. For the love of God, why can't you people figure out a simple fact?" said the duke with an irritated face.

"The how are we going to do it, Lord?" asked Harold as it was getting beyond his brain to keep up with the planning. He had spent most of his life just maintaining the existing system, but now the man before him was plotting to change everything drastically. It definitely wouldn't end well.

"Pretty simple fact, I am going to collect taxes from the noble families living in our region who are enjoying people's hard working money doing nothing."

Hearing the words, everyone's eyes widened with shock, as it was a new thing to do. Nobles were collecting taxes from the people & submitted that to the duchy, cutting of a considerable amount for their own development. And now this man was talking about taking it. Surely the noble society won't be pleased with it.

"But... But they won't..."

"I know what you are trying to say. They won't be happy with it & will complain to the emperor. Then let them. Do I look like I am afraid of the consequences?"

"No." replied the group in unison with faces full of fear.

"And even if they tried to attack, I will gladly take that offer. They will never win & I will be pleased to wipe them off the face of this land." said the duke with a sinister smile, as before, which sent a shiver down everyone's spine.

The situation was getting out of hand with each passing day & Anslem was not going to sit idly doing nothing. He was the ruler of this land, responsible for the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. An enormous responsibility to carry & he was going to see it to the end no matter the cost.

"Very well then. That's it for now. Please enjoy the stay here at my humble abode & we will discuss other things tomorrow."

"Y-es Lord."

With that, the group left one by one, bowing one last time to the duke & his son.

As the room got empty, Anslem got up from his seat & went towards the large window overlooking the vast & beautiful garden which always helped his distressed mind to calm down. He spoke confidentially in front of those people, but in reality, he was also scared a little. He was the ruler with enormous hope & expectations to fulfill & if he failed, it would not end well for anyone.

Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer.

thedefectorcreators' thoughts