
The Royal Wedding Part II

After the wedding ceremony was held within the confines of the Grand Cathedral, Berengar, Adela, and the hundreds of guests retired to the Palace for the Reception, in the ballroom of the Royal Palace, there was a place set for dancing, where Berengar and Adela were currently waltzing in the middle of the dance floor.

In Berengar's past life, it was a tradition of Germany for the Groom and Bride to waltz, followed by the bride dancing with her father and the groom dancing with his mother. This was a tradition Berengar had already established in Austria, and as such, he was currently waltzing with his new bride. As he did so, Adela began to speak to him with a loving smile plastered on her doll-like face.

"Berengar, my love, you look so handsome in your current attire. Your regal appearance is befitting of a man of your position!"

Berengar continued to smile as he danced with his wife; in doing so, he returned her compliment.