
Awaiting Logistics

Honoria sat on the beach with a cigarette in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. She had returned from the outback not long ago and had already reported her findings to the commander of the marine attachment which accompanied her and her girls on this perilous journey. As a result, the small outpost which was established on the shores of Australia's western coast was on high alert.

German marines rushed through the base, loading up their magazines, and stashing them away in their load-bearing equipment. To be frank, they did not know how large this island was, nor how many people were present here. However, because they had encountered hostiles within a one hundred kilometer radius, they were not willing to take any chances. 

As for Honoria, she was rather stoic as she took a puff from her cigarette and blew out the smoke into the air. Malissa was by her side, and was questioning what their next objective was.