
Tyrannical Cultivation

Xiao Chen led an unfortunate life, being an orphan at a young age and with no one to rely on he led the life of a thief for most of his life. It allowed him to survive and not die, and as he got older he made an effort to change his ways. Unfortunately not everything went to plan. His life of crime soon caught up to him and Xiao Chen was forced to flee his home and head into the Darkmist Forst, where his fate would change forever.

ChickKing · Huyền huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 3 Hunt

Trudging through the forest, Xiao Chen was on high alert. Just because he decided to hunt some beasts didn't mean he was willing to get snuck upon. So he made sure to scan his surroundings as efficiently as possible.

'What do I do if I run into a Demonic Beast?' He thought to himself his eyes darting from side to side. It was a real possibility after all, and he didn't know if he'd be able to kill one, not to mention he didn't even know how to distinguish between a regular beast and a Demonic Beast.

In the city Xiao Chen was raised, Black Bolt City, cultivation was only available to a select few and Xiao Chen definitely wasn't qualified. So he never came in contact with even the most basic of cultivation techniques, let alone Demonic Beasts.

'Whatever, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.'

Continuing to walk through the forest, Xiao Chen was beginning to feel a little disappointed. Despite walking for a good hour he hadn't run into a single animal. Was he not deep enough in the Darkmist Forest? Or had someone killed all the animals?

He couldn't really put his finger on it. Luckily for him, just as he was about to turn back and head to the cave, a distinct sound reached his ear.


A beast howled before appearing in front of Xiao Chen. It was a wolf-like creature, a meter tall and two meters long. With fur as black as night, and fangs that looked as though they could even rip steel, Xiao Chen was sure of one thing. This was no ordinary beast.

Without a second thought, the wolf rushed towards Xiao Chen biting towards the young man's shoulder. Having never been in a fight with a beast before Xiao Chen had no clue on what to do, but then almost instinctually, he punched out towards the wolf.


The wolf cried its fangs pressing down onto Xiao Chen's fist. Unfortunately for the wolf, it failed to even draw blood while a number of its teeth were shattered from the blow. 'Why is the wolf latched onto my hand!' Xiao Chen panicked swinging his arm back and forth trying to throw the wolf off of him.

A few seconds later, the young man successfully threw the wolf away slamming it into a tree. 'That was scary, time to finish it off.' Xiao Chen sighed in relief before approaching the wolf. He may be scared of a literal wolf being attached to his hand, but didn't mean he was adverse to death. This was a dog eat dog to begin with, and he had witnessed a number of executions in Black Bolt City on a day to day basis.

Approaching the wolf, it was weakly whimpering on the ground, the tree it had slammed into having snapped and fallen onto it. "You will be the first sacrifice on my road to revenge. Thank you." Xiao Chen muttered before stomping on the wolf, ending its suffering.

With the wolf now dead, Xiao Chen effortlessly lifted the tree off its corpse, before dragging the wolf back to his cave. Again and again he was surprised by his own strength, but he decided to just accept it for now, until he found his limit he'd just accept it as normal.

On his way back, he hurried up as he knew the smell of blood could attract more beasts, and he was really hungry, like really hungry. Nearly 10 minutes later, wolf in tow, Xiao Chen arrived at his cave. He then tossed the wolf inside before setting up a basic fire pit.

When he had escaped from Black Bolt City, he'd picked up a few survival skills, his only issue was starting a fire which took him a bit more time than he'd like to admit.

The young man then crudely skinned the wolf with his bare hands, before excitedly roasting it over the fire. 'I can't wait to see what happens.' Xiao Chen thought in glee. Sure was he hungry? Yes. But was that the main reason he went hunting so late a night? No.

His main motivation was but one thing, the 'Tyrannical Body Technique', now one might ask what did the 'Tyrannical Body Technique' consist of, and in all honesty Xiao Chen didn't know. At the moment he could only access the first chapter, but even that brought him great excitement.

This chapter was called, "Copper Bones, Vigorous Blood" and one could cultivate it by simply eating. Yes, all Xiao Chen needed to do was eat. Not only that but if one cultivated the first chapter to completion they'd gain strength equivalent to that of a Qi Spring Realm Cultivator.

Xiao Chen had never even heard of such a Realm, having only heard of the Body Tempering, Qi Gathering and Qi Refinement Realms, so he couldn't help but imagine how strong such a cultivator would truly be.

Once the wolf was completely roasted, Xiao Chen cut off a piece and began munching down on it. As he did so his breath changed, and his body temperature rose. Piece after piece, his body heated up, to the point where his skin began turning red.

'This is delicious!' He thought before shoving another piece in his mouth, and then another and another. At this moment unbeknownst to him his body was absorbing the vitality within the meat at rapid speeds, and converting it into Xiao Chen's own power.

Less than 5 minutes later, the young man had finished devouring the wolf. "Good meal, but I could go for more...fuck wasn't I meant to breathe in a certain way!?" Xiao Chen realised until he noticed he was already breathing according to the 'Tyrannical Body Technique'.

'What the, this is too weird...whatever.' Xiao Chen shook his head before putting out the fire, he then headed deeper into the cave before going to sleep.