
Discussing the school with Madam Sheng

The next day, Bai Yue went to Madam Sheng to talk about her project while Liu'er was working in the fields.

To everyone's surprise, Zheng Fei chose the very boring work of guarding the village gates all day round. Bai Yue hoped his sullen face wouldn't scare too many people away.

"Madam Sheng, this school can benefit the village tremendously," Bai Yue advocated. "Now, your village is still safe but can you be certain that it will still be true in ten years? Twenty? Thirty? One day, Xiangqi village will become a thorn in the Emperor's eyes. If not the current Emperor, then the next one. When this happens, will you or the next generation be able to defend the village and ensure its safety? Or will Xiangqi village become a cemetery filled with angry ghosts?"

The old woman listened to Bai Yue with a frown. Although she was aware Bai Yue spoke only the truth, it didn't mean it was pleasant to hear.