
Tycoon’s Young Wife

“Uncle Ivan, Are you taken? If not, why don’t you be my boyfriend?” ‘Wait! I got marriage proposal on my first date?’

BlackGuide · Thành thị
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41 Chs


And just like that, almost a week went by.

Mrs. Da had a good talk with Mrs. Brown about what happened.

Mrs. Da couldn't believe that Mrs. Brown lied to her. Now she can see that Mrs. Brown was the type of person who was thirsty for wealth.

When Mrs. Brown tried to befriend her, she didn't think much about it since the both of them come from wealthy families.

But now that she knew, she always gave Mrs. Brown excuses anytime she called to go out.

So Mrs. Da tries not to meet up with her as much as before. She tries to avoid her as much as possible.

In the end Mrs. Da didn't get the chance to go meet with Vivian since she's busy trying to avoid Mrs. Brown.

And as for Mrs. Wah, she was too busy planning for the wedding to notice anything.

She hasn't called Vivian much and anytime she called Vivian and asked about Ivan, Vivian just lied and said he's busy or they have other plans.

Vivian didn't even bother to explain the situation that she was currently in and let her mother do whatever she wanted.

She was scared that if she told her mother that she already broke up with Ivan, her mother might start setting her up for blind dates again.

Plus, her mother was fond of Ivan and treated him like her own son even though he's way older than her daughter.

Mrs. Wah sometimes called Ivan and asked him to stop by when he got a chance.

And Ivan did stop by sometimes to visit Mrs. Wah.

With his quick wit, of course Ivan noticed that Vivian hasn't told her mother that they are no longer together.

Ivan played along with the situation and pretended like nothing happened between them.

Anytime Ivan went to visit Mrs. Wah, after she called, he hoped that he would accidentally run into Vivian.

But Vivian never showed up at Mrs. Wah's place. Not even one.

As for Vivian and Ivan, none of them didn't appear in front of each other even though Ivan did wish that Vivina would appear in front of him or in her mother's place.

Ivan went back to the company for work and Vivian went back to work at the university just like before.

Vivian stops going to the WE cafe.

Thinking that Ivan might be there and if she goes there, she might not be able to hold her emotion and end up crying.

Trying her best to forget about Ivan by focusing on her work and hanging out with her friends anytime she got free time.

WE cafe was opened in the first place because of Vivian.

After Vivian stopped going there, Ivan didn't pay much attention to the cafe like the way he did before.

They're back to their old life once again.

After Ivan went back to work, the employees started having a hard time. Anytime they showed him their reports, he either told them to redo the reports or told them to quit their job.

Everyone feels like their boss became stricterand .

They started having to even come to work on the weekends. And they don't even have time to eat or drink much.

But that can't compare to one person, who's their CEO's secretary Jack.

Everyone could see that he already lost some weight in just a few days after their CEO came back to work.

Jack had to work his ass off going between the employees and Ivan.

Everyone was dead curious about what happened to their CEO that he turned to a different person. But they're scared to open their mouths to ask.

Ivan torture himself by working without eating much or getting any rest.

The pains after Vivian left hit him hard. He does everything to get her out of his head but nothing helps. In the end, his employees suffer alongside him.

"Sir, when do you plan to let us off? Everyone hasn't eaten or taken any rest yet."

Without saying anything, Ivan keeps his eyes on the reports in his hands while he flips through it.

"If you keep doing this everyone will end up being dead. I don't know what's going on inside your head right now, you should take some rest and eat something before continuing with your work."

Jack was dead tired. He can't take a rest or go grab something to eat since Ivan was still working.

"I'm not tired or hungry."

Jack frowned. 'You're not but we are.'

"Sigh! Alright. I'll just call Mrs. Da and ask her why you turned into a devil after coming back from work."

Ivan's hand that was about to flip another paper came to a pause for a few seconds. He then closed the report and put it down on the table.

He then looked up at Jack with a dangerous look on his face. "Try calling her if you dare. You'll see what happens after the call."

Jack's eyes widened in shock. "Wait! Don't tell me that you're being like this because of a woman?"

Ivan flinched at Jack's words. "Do you want to die?"

Jack gasped as he covered his mouth. "Oh My Gosh! I can't believe I hit a snail on the head."

The next second, Jack smiles. "If you miss her, go to her, don't waste your time here. What if someone snatched her away?"

'Please leave so that we'll be able to eat and rest.'

"I can't even if I want to. She hates me. She never wants to see me again."

'Oh God! He really is heartbroken. Whoever this person is, I like her. She made the richest man in the country go insane because of her.'

Before, Jack was confident that Ivan would be able to get any woman he wants with his looks and wealth. But now he's not sure anymore.

Jack was shocked to hear that there's someone out there who turned Ivan down.

Since Jack and Ivan grew up together, he saw countless women throw themselves at Ivan and tried to get his attention, but they never got a chance.

And the one who Ivan likes didn't even bother to give him a chance.

"It seems like there must've been some misunderstanding between you two. Don't you think it's better to go see her and explain everything to her instead of continuing to make her continue to misunderstand you?"

'Is she the one he proposed to? Did it not go well?'

Ivan stayed quiet without saying anything.

For once, Ivan agreed with what Jack said. Jack was right, he should go and explain everything to her in person.

But Ivan was scared that Vivian would avoid him when he showed up in front of her. She did tell him not to appear in front of each other.

But that doesn't mean he shows up in front of her on purpose if he is pretending to run into her accidentally.

Seeing that Ivan didn't say anything and was in deep thoughts, Jack continued, "If I were you, I would find ways to appear before her. The longer you wait, the more she might have forgotten about you, little by little."

Ivan stood up from his seat and grabbed his coat. He then put his coat on and was about to leave but was stopped by Jack.

"Where are you going?"

"To meet her."

'Great! That means we'll be able to go get some lunch and some rest after he leaves.'

Jack was overjoyed with excitement. He never thought that mentioning his lover would help this easily. If he knew from the start that Ivan tortured them because he got rejected, he gave Ivan the idea a long time ago.

"Looking like that?"

"What do you mean?" Ivan was confused. What does Jack mean by that!

"Sigh! You haven't taken a shower in a few days and you look tacky right now. Plus, your hair is messy and your clothes are wrinkled. Your mustache is growing and you look like an old man right now. Do you want to appear in front of her looking like that?"

Looking down on his clothes, Jack was right. He looks like a homeless person.

"Go back home and freshen up first. Take a few days off before you go meet her. So that you'll look more like your usual self. I'm sure you want to look handsome in front of your future wife."

'Because if you take a few days off, we don't have to work overtime.'

Ivan liked what Jack said

'He said future wife. Yes, she'll be my future wife no matter what. I won't give up no matter what. I'll keep showing up in front of her till she comes back.'

With a smile on his face, Ivan looked Jack in the eyes. "Alright! Tell everyone to get off work early and come back on Monday. Also, tell them that they don't need to worry about the reports for now. They can just work on them when they come back to work on Monday."

He then walked out of his office and left the company.

"Gasp! Oh God! I must find out who she is. No matter what it takes. Thank you lord."