
Tycoon’s Young Wife

“Uncle Ivan, Are you taken? If not, why don’t you be my boyfriend?” ‘Wait! I got marriage proposal on my first date?’

BlackGuide · Thành thị
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41 Chs



Just when they walked out of the shopping mall building, a voice called out to Vivian.

Vivian recognized who the voice belonged to.

She immediately let go of Ivan's hand.

Ivan doesn't like the feeling of the warm small hand that left his palm, but he could not do anything about it.


Walking toward the woman that just called out her name. She would never have thought that she'd end up running into her mother at this very moment.

"What are you doing here?" Trying to hide her hand that was wearing a ring.

Mrs. Wah didn't answer VIvian. She took a quick glance at the tall handsome man standing behind Vivian Wah, not far away from them.

She then looked Vivian in the eyes "Care to explain?"

Mrs. Wah lips curled up in a smile but her eyes look dead serious.

Vivian was nervous and didn't know what to do. She can't let Mrs. Wah find out about what happened a few moments ago.

If Mrs. Wah knows, she'll start planning the wedding as soon as she goes back home.

God please help me get out of this situation.

Vivian prays in her heart that everything will go smoothly.

"My boyfriend." Vivian Wah said nervously.

Nodding her head. "Yes. This is the boyfriend that I mentioned earlier today on the phone."

Ivan walked up to them.

"Hello aunty, my name is Ivan Da, Vivian Fiancée."

Mrs. Wah's eyes widened. "What? Vivian, when did you get yourself a fiancé that I never knew about?"

"Just now!"

Vivian nervously holds up her hand showing her mother the big diamond ring on her finger.

She wants to hide it, but ends up showing her mom after Ivan introduced himself as her fiancée.

Mrs. Wah was overwhelmed with excitement and shocked at the same time.

'Great! Now I bet that my mom will rush me to get married soon. Now everything is ruined.'

She then gave Ivan a sharp glare.

If eyes could kill, Ivan was already a dead meat by the glares that Vivian gave him.

She tries so hard to hide the ring on her finger. She doesn't want things to go wrong. She and Ivan are just pretending to date so she doesn't have to go on blind dates anymore.

"I apologize for not going to meet my aunty early. Vivian was worrying that you guys might not accept me since I'm way older than her."

'What's this man saying?'

Shaking her head and sigh lightly. Vivian gives up. It seems like he won't stop until he gets what he wants.

It seems like Vivian will have to talk with him to find out what he want after they part ways with Mrs. Wah.

The shocked face that Mrs. Wah had turned into a happy smiling face.

Taking Ivan hands in hers "There's no need to worry about that. Age is just numbers. It's not important how the age gap is."

Just by looking at his face, Mrs.. Wah knew that the man standing in front of her was almost ten years older than her daughter.

But since her daughter likes him, she doesn't care about the age gaps between them as long as he treats her well.

She then slightly hit Vivian's forehead. "What's wrong with you? Am I that kind of person in your eyes?"

Vivian feeling wrong.

This is their first time going out and so many things have already happened. And now everything has become her fault.

"Mom I…."

"Please don't scold Vivi. It's my fault for not pestering her everyday. I'm the one to blame."

Before Vivian could say something, Ivan cut her off and tried his best to give out his most saddest look.


Vivian skin was shivering from all the words and acting that Ivan was doing.

'What's wrong with Uncle Ivan today? Why is he acting weird like this?'

This is Vivian Wah's first time seeing Ivan acting like this.

She regrets asking Ivan to be her boyfriend. Vivian never thought that he'll act shamelessly in front of her mother.

"Don't worry son. You have me." Mrs. Wah lightly patted Ivan's arm.

"Are you free this evening?"

Before Ivan could answer, she continued, "You won't turn me down, will you?"

Smiling handsomely, "that will never happen since we're about to become family."

Mrs. Wah liked what Ivan said.

"Great! Now let's go."

Wrapping one of her hands round Ivan's arms. Then they walk to Mrs. Wah's Wahparked car. They look just like a real mother and son.

Both of them got in the car and left Vivian Wah alone by herself.

Since Mrs. Wah made Ivan get in her car, he didn't get a chance to turn around and talk with Vivian.

"Vivi, I'm taking my son in law home today. I can't wait till Saturday since we already met here.

Vivian Wah already feels like the third person just by standing there with them while they were having conversations and now they're leaving her behind.

She doesn't know if she should be happy or nervous in this situation.

Vivian Wah was not sure if she would be able to get out of this situation. Now she should start making plans to break up with Ivan as soon as possible.

If not, her family won't leave her alone and start doing weird things behind her back.

Mrs. Wah is the biggest problem right now.

Vivian had no choice but to drive Ivan's car back by herself. She's just glad that Ivan handed her his car key and card when he went to use the restroom saying he might drop it.

Since her mother left her behind and took only Ivan with her, she had no choice but to drive herself back.

Vivian Wah didn't follow them because she's sure that Mrs. Wah wants to spend private time with Ivan and asking questions.

She gets in the driver seat and heads toward her own place.

"Ring Ring Ring"


"Hey mom!"

"Are you almost here?"

"Just calling you to let you know that I'm heading home now. Make sure you don't ask weird questions and let him leave early. Other questions can be asked later."

Mrs. Wah was sure that her daughter would come to the main house since she took Ivan with him. But she couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Are you saying you're not coming?"

"Yes. It's getting late and I'm tired. And I still need to sort out the class paperwork."

"Is your fiancée more important or work?"

Mrs. Wah was not happy to hear Vivian Wah answer. How could she think that her works were more important than her own fiancée's?

"Of course he is. But I can't just toss away the students' hard work aside, can I? They'll think that their professor didn't care about their hard work."

Before Mrs. Wah could speak, Vivian Wah continued "They work really hard and I don't want them to feel small or left out or thinking that no one cares about their hard work."

Mrs. Wah knew that Vivian Wah wouldn't give in and go to the main house. So she won't pester her.

"Alright. Do your things. I won't let it slide next time."

"Alright! So, can you let him go now? He has work tomorrow. We'll visit you later."

"Aww~ are you worried about him?"

"Sigh! It's getting late. Just don't keep him with you for too long. I'm sure he's tired and wants to take a rest."

Vivian Wah doesn't want Ivan to have deep connections with her family members since they're not a real couple.

If they were really a couple, that's another story. But they were just pretending to be a couple to make her mom give up setting her up on blind dates.

Vivian Wah feels bad for Ivan for dragging him in this situation.

"Ok! Ok! I'll ask someone to send him back now."

"Good Night mom."


Mrs. Wah hung up the phone. Shaking her head lightly and sighing "youngsters these days couldn't live apart from each other for too long."

"I just took her fiancé for a short time and she already called to let him go."

Then Mrs. Wah walks back to the sofa where Ivan was sitting.

"Son, you must be tired. So I won't keep you long. Let me send you back."

"Oh no. There's no need to tire yourself out. I can go back on my own."

"Who says I'm tiring myself out just sending you home? Don't tell me you hate spending time with me?"

"No no no. That's not what I mean. I love spending time with you…."

Mrs. Wah pretending to be sad and before Ivan could finish speaking, Mrs. Wah cut him out "you know, it's my dream to hang out with my daughter's man."

"I'll have to bother you then."

It worked!

Mrs. Wah's face lit up with a big smile on her face "let's go then."

Ivan feels bad for making Mrs. Wah take him home. But it's not bad to become closer to his soon to be mother in law.

Mrs. Wah had one of the chauffeurs drive them to Vivian's place.

"So, when do you guys plan to get married?" Mrs. Wah with a serious face.

Ivan smiles and politely answers Mrs. Wah. "When Vivi is ready to marry me. I'm not sure when. Since I just proposed to her, I'm sure she doesn't want to rush to get married."

Mrs. Wah nodded her head in understanding. "I see. Then I'll have to start planning for the wedding since you guys are not sure yet."

"We should talk about it with VIvi. I won't force her to do the things that she doesn't want."

Mrs. Wah looked at Ivan in confusion. "What do you mean by that? Are you saying I shouldn't stick my nose in you guys business?"

Ivan smiles. "That's not what I mean mom. I just don't want to rush things because of my own happiness. I want us both to be happy and ready."

"What about you then? Are you ready?"

The smiles on Ivan's face become wider. "I'm always ready to marry her."

"Good. Anyway, does your family know about Vivi?"

Ivan's face turned slightly sad. He shook his head. "We're dating secretly. That's why none of our families knew about our relationship."

Mrs. Wah nodded her head lightly. "Sigh! I see. I didn't know you guys were dating till this evening. When Vivi told me that she had a boyfriend, I didn't really believe her. But now I believe her."

"I just can't believe that she's worried about the age gap and trying to hide her relationship. You must hate me for making Vivi go on blind dates while she's in a relationship with you."

Ivan shaked his head. "I understand. It's not like Vivi going to date them for real. All she did was meet them. That's all."

Mrs. Wah smiles at Ivan and was happy for his understanding.

They continued chatting and talked about other things. They find that they get along pretty well with each other.