

In the hidden world of Werewolf University, Alex's scholarship opens the doors to magic, love, and self-discovery. Amid secrets whispered by a campus gossip blog, Alex battles misbeliefs while chasing the heart of Cassandra, a descendant of the Lycoan family, a generation of the first werewolves. As they uncover ancient truths and face a manipulative foe, their journey becomes a symphony of loyalty, unity, and embracing worthiness in the shadow of a moonlit destiny."

EGWUJI · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter 8 Cassandra's POV

The dense forest enveloped me as I sprinted through the undergrowth, my senses attuned to every rustle, every whisper of the wind. This was my sanctuary, a realm where I could test my limits, where the world's expectations held no sway. But today, my mind was far from the physical exertion—it was consumed by a revelation that I couldn't shake.

Alex had seen the white wolf—the wolf that was an extension of me, the wolf that carried a secret that I had been trying to ignore. If he had seen the wolf, it meant only one thing—he was my mate.

The realization was a force that had crashed into my carefully constructed world, an intrusion that I had been avoiding for so long. My wolf—the entity that resided within me—had been urging me to acknowledge him, to accept the connection that fate had forged.

As I leaped over fallen branches and bounded through the underbrush, my thoughts churned with uncertainty. The bond of a mate was a powerful force, one that carried implications far beyond the realm of simple attraction. It was a connection that defied logic, that transcended the constraints of my own desires.

But my wolf was persistent, her voice a constant presence in the back of my mind. *Accept him,* she urged, her words a soothing echo that clashed with my inner turmoil.

I couldn't deny the truth—the bond between mates was a force of nature, a connection that was as old as time itself. And yet, the obstacles seemed insurmountable. My father's expectations, the legacy of my family—it all loomed over me like a shadow, a reminder that my choices were never truly my own.

As I slowed my pace, my thoughts settled into a steady rhythm. The forest seemed to pulse around me, a living entity that held its own secrets. My wolf's presence was a reminder that my own instincts were entwined with hers, that the choices I made would have consequences beyond my own understanding.

With a heavy sigh, I came to a stop, the forest around me a silent witness to my inner turmoil. The decision I faced was daunting—accept the bond with Alex, my mate, and risk everything I had ever known, or deny the connection and maintain the status quo.

But the truth was that denial would only lead to a life of half-truths and hollow victories. My wolf was right—accepting Alex was the only path that held any semblance of authenticity.

With a determined breath, I made my decision. I wouldn't speak to Alex about what he had seen, not now, not until I had reconciled my own feelings and faced the challenges that lay ahead. The bond between mates was a force that couldn't be ignored, and as I turned to leave the forest, my steps were resolute—guided by the whispers of the wind and the undeniable truth that I was bound by something far greater than myself.


Leaving the woods behind, I found myself on the outskirts of the campus, my heart still weighed down by the decision I had made. The path ahead was uncertain, and my thoughts were a tumultuous mix of doubt and determination.

As I walked, lost in my contemplations, a familiar figure came into view—Tunde, the friend who had been a constant presence in my journey at the university. His warm smile greeted me as I approached.

"Hey, Cassandra," he said, his tone friendly. "Lost in thought?"

I offered him a small smile, grateful for his ability to lighten the mood. "You could say that. Mind if I join you?"

Tunde shook his head, gesturing to the bench nearby. "Not at all. Have a seat."

We settled on the bench, the campus around us bustling with activity. Tunde was one of the few people I felt comfortable talking to, someone who seemed to understand the complexities of my situation.

"You seem like you have something on your mind," Tunde remarked, his gaze gentle. "Want to talk about it?"

I hesitated, wondering if I could bring myself to voice my concerns. But Tunde's presence was reassuring, and I decided to open up, if only a little.

"It's about Alex," I began, my words careful. "You seem close to him. What kind of person is he?"

Tunde considered my question, his expression thoughtful. "Alex is genuine, you know. He's determined, hardworking, and he doesn't let the normie label define him. He's got this way of challenging himself and those around him to be better."

His words resonated with me, reminding me of the glimpses I had caught of Alex's character. There was an authenticity about him, a refusal to be constrained by others' expectations.

I glanced at Tunde, uncertainty clouding my gaze. "And how does he… how does he treat others?"

Tunde's eyes held mine, understanding in his gaze. "He treats everyone with respect. He's not the kind of guy to put on a facade. What you see is what you get."

My heart felt lighter as I absorbed Tunde's words. If Alex was indeed genuine and treated others with respect, perhaps the connection between us was worth exploring. But my father's expectations and the weight of our family legacy were still daunting hurdles to overcome.

Tunde leaned forward, his voice softer. "Why the sudden interest in Alex?"

I hesitated, my gaze dropping to my hands. "It's complicated. There's something I need to figure out, and I'm not sure how to go about it."

Tunde's gaze held a mix of understanding and empathy. "If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. And I'm sure Alex would be too."

A wave of gratitude washed over me, the realization that I wasn't alone in this journey bringing a sense of reassurance. Tunde and I continued our conversation, the weight of the decision I had made still lingered, but the presence of a trusted friend helped to lighten the burden. Th campus bustled around us and I couldn't help but feel that the path ahead held the promise of unexpected connections and the strength to face the challenges that lay in wait.


The next day dawned with a sense of unease, my thoughts still consumed by the decision I had made and the complexities that lay ahead. As the day progressed, I found myself growing increasingly restless, my mind a battlefield of conflicting emotions.

Nightfall came, and I retreated to my dormitory, hoping that sleep would provide some respite from my thoughts. But as I closed my eyes and drifted into slumber, the dreams that awaited me were anything but restful.

I found myself standing in the heart of the forest—a place that had become both my sanctuary and a realm of uncertainty. The moon's soft glow cast shadows that danced across the trees, creating an eerie, otherworldly landscape. And standing before me was a wolf—massive, its coat a pristine white that seemed to shimmer in the moonlight.

Fear gripped me as the wolf's piercing eyes locked onto mine. I turned to flee, my heart racing, but my steps felt sluggish, as if I was trapped in a nightmare from which I couldn't escape. The wolf's growl echoed through the forest, a sound that sent shivers down my spine.

I ran, the underbrush clawing at my skin as I stumbled through the woods. The wolf's presence loomed behind me, a relentless pursuit that refused to waver. The forest seemed to stretch endlessly, the trees closing in on me with each desperate step I took.

My breath came in ragged gasps, my heart pounding in my chest. The wolf's growls grew louder, the sound reverberating through the air like a warning, like a force of nature demanding my attention.

As I ran, my thoughts whirled with the echoes of my decision, the weight of my family's legacy, and the bond that fate had thrust upon me. The dream was a manifestation of my fears, a reminder that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges and the unknown.

But then, just as it seemed that I would be overtaken, a voice cut through the darkness—a voice that was both familiar and unexpected. "Cassandra."

I turned, my gaze locking onto a figure emerging from the shadows. It was Alex, his presence a stark contrast to the relentless pursuit of the wolf.

"Alex?" I called out, my voice a mixture of relief and confusion.

He held out his hand, his gaze unwavering. "Cassandra, take my hand. Trust me."

The dream seemed to shift, the forest's oppressive grip loosening as I reached out and clasped his hand. And then, as if by some unseen force, the wolf's pursuit began to fade, its growls echoing into silence.

The dream world seemed to blur and shift, the moonlight casting an ethereal glow over Alex's face. He offered me a reassuring smile, his grip on my hand steady.

"I've got you," he said softly, his words a promise that carried a sense of familiarity.

The dream dissolved into fragments and I found myself waking, my heart still racing, the lingering sensations of the dream a powerful reminder of the journey I was on.

Lying there, I couldn't help but wonder if the dream held some deeper meaning, if it was a reflection of the challenges I faced and the choices I had to make. With the moon's light filtering through my window, I knew that the bond between us—the bond of mates—was a force that could not be ignored. The echo of Alex's voice still resonating in my mind, I closed my eyes, determined to face the uncertainties ahead with a newfound sense of resolve.