
Chapter 58: Aftermath (Part 2)

"When he shot you, your sister and the sword were directly behind you. I remembered being in shock, watching your blood as it gushed out through the exit hole the bullet left in your side."

"What are you saying?" She battered her lashes.

"When I took up and carried the sword for Victor, it was covered in blood...your blood."

"This is crazy," Ezra looked Terry in the face after pushing his eyeglasses upon his face. "I didn't see that. I was there too, did you forget that?"

"How could you...You were hiding behind a table. Did you forget that?" Terry stood his ground. "I'm telling you it was cover in her blood. Prove me wrong. Give her the sword. I know I'm right."

"Here," Essen then out of nowhere handed her the sword despite Ezra's denial. Its whisperings suddenly became louder.