

a orphan on the verge of dying finds out he has powers, fueled by his hatred for demons he fight them but later finds out he's not human but a hybrid of angel and demon now with this confusion and happenings of events around him he must find the secret behind he's powers and the truth about his parents, join Zeke in discovering if his an angel, demon or human

masterdiabloPPP37 · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs

Dragon vs Demon

wow, that's so cool she said

I know right, I'm better than that dweeb

hey your also me you know

shut it, will you, this is the first time I'm out in the day time

so your like what a different person or something

kinda, I'm grimm I was formed from zeke's negative emotions but I like to think of myself as me own person

tana would have thought he was kidding but then she could feel it, this person, the energy coming out of him, it's the same energy I saw last time, the dark red energy I saw movie rampant in his body, but can that really result in a change in personality, he's bizarre



zeke has never let me in the day time before and we've never shown our identify to anyone so it's either you show us or I just take that necklace away from you and your true form will reveal itself

tana just smirked then slowly and shyly took of her necklace and a sort of yellow barrier around her slowly broke like glass revealing four short red horns close to each other, two on each side pointing upward, a hug tail and light red scales on her arms, legs and the sides of her belly, her nails grew a little then her teeth became rigid like shark teeth. She stood there a bit embarrassed, she didn't know why but revealing her true for felt like taking of her clothes in front of zeke, she felt too exposed and grimm wasn't helping matters as he just stood there looking at her in amazement

both grimm and zeke for the first time where thinking the same thing

she's drop dead gorgeous

wow grimm said, you look hot as fuck

her face went beep red, c..can you stop staring like that, you look like a perv

if it means admiring the hot chick in front of me I'll take it as a compliment grimm said with a huge smile on his face

getting over her embarrassed ment she took a stance and asked again


for what?, oh right, yh I'm ready, no holding back ok

try not to get knocked out ok

I don't know much about you dragon folk but I'll say this, don't you dare underestimate me grimm said while he's eyes began glowing red

They both stood there for a second and the next second the disappeared, a huge force exploded creating a gust of wind pushing all the branches and trees away from there battle, the had only traded a single fist but even with that they could tell who was stronger

this bitch is unbelievable, even in my form with full strength she still feels like an iron pole

he's stronger, much stronger than before but, he's not at my level, so I'll hold back a little

Grimm pulled back, wooo that punch chattered my hand, you sure are strong, it it doesn't matter he said as his arm healed back to normal, cus I'll still kick your ass

bring it on she said

the took a stance again, this time they threw a kick at each other and there legs clashed and followed up with a barrage of punches, each fist hitting each other and the force creating gust of wind pushing everything away from them, grimm pushed forward moving faster and faster but still tana was keeping up with him. This kept up till grimm disappeared and appeared behind her grabbing her tale and pulled it, using her as a sort of hammer and slamming her into the ground

if you won't go all out then I'll force you he said slamming her again and again then throwing towards the lake put she stopped herself putting her feat on the ground, he didn't have time to recuperate as grimm landed a heavy blow directly on her face forcing her to the floor head first making cracks on the ground. She his arm then sent him flying with her own punch but he landed on his feat then ran forward towards her with a flying kick but she dodged grabbing his head then slamming it down on the ground then went into an arm bar

you love submissions a lot Grimm said picking her up then slamming her on her back breaking the floor but she just turned it into a another submission move

arrrrr this is getting annoying grimm said as he once again pulled her up but this time he held her up with the arm she was still clinging up to and with his other arm attempted to punch her but she used her tail to stop it rapping it around his arm. They where stuck like this for a moment before grimm started walking,she turned around and saw where he was going, he ran forward then with his strength jumped up high then dived straight into the lake making a big splash, few moments later grimm flew out of the water and crashed into a tree destroying it, she slowly walked out

you know I hate getting wet! she said looking really pissed off

grimm just smiled and stood up, good cus so am I


Elsewhere at the HQ

so your saying a human is behind this

not really he looked human hut I'm sure he's a demon, maybe he has a shape shifting ability or power of some sort

hmmm and what where they looking for

I think there after rune stones but I don't know what there using it for

rune stones! levi said surprised

yh I'm sure the stone he picked up was one of them,it had a marking on it like a strange symbol

Levi was deep in thought, runes stones or rather runes are magical words that are either used to permanently boost a person's magical power or give them more knowledge about magic blessing them with a magical ability. If these demons are looking for rune stones in an organized fashion it means two thing, whoever the master mind is is a demon of high intelligence and if they get enough rune stones then, we're all screwed.

so what do you think levi takeshi said

I'll file a report to the higher-ups, but for now we continue with our routine but if any one these so called seven deadly sins are seen or encountered, the rookies should not engage ad the slayer should request for backup, no one is to engage them alone understand

yh yh takeshi said

you know I outrank you, show some respect

and you know I'm never going to do that

the other slayer members where sweating beads, they new who these two where so no one could utter a word to them especially when they where having an argument.

I don't get why I was dropped to a lower rank than you, we both where charged with the same crimes so why do I suffer more than you, takeshi complained

don't blame everything on me we both know who's fault it is

yh your right, where is he anyway

he's been signed to land of the dwarfs

ha serves him right, there's no women for him to spy on this time

yh and he can't drag us into it

back at the sparing session, grimm was panting heavily, like the first time he had a broken jaw, black eye, broken ribs, shoulder blade, wrist, fingers and a broken nose, but even at that he still didn't let up

common why'd you stop

tana raised an eye brow before saying, I think we need to stop before we destroy the place looking around ad seeing all the destroyed trees and cracks on the once smooth ground

urh common, one last time

no besides can't you see your in no state to fight anymore

you forget I can heal right

well you don't heal fast enough besides if I go all out I could kill you so no she said

tana was actually fine, u like the first time she was completely fine, the necklace held all her magical and physical power back restraining her but now nothing was holding her back so she was on phased by his attacks and didn't get a single atom of damage it seemed her scales where very durable. Unsurprisingly the only person who was sweating was grimm so he had to take a dip in the lake to freshen up a bit, when he got out tana was staring at him inspecting his physique

with the strength you showed I expected you to be muscular but you seem normal

now who's the perv

she immediately looked away in shyness

well spar again soon right grimm said as he dressed up

yh, this was a lot of fun for me, ever since coming to the human world I've never seen anybody who could match my strength, aldo you also can't but at least you can keep up

gee thanks he said with an annoyed look on his face

once he was fully dressed in new clothes, a red hoody and black jeans with his shoes he turned back to zeke

it's ok I'm all dressed up now he said making tana look back at him

ok them let's go

it was 6pm when they came to he man street, it wasn't as crowded as before so tana didn't cing to him anymore and she didn't have to wear her hoody over her head, as they walked the talked about tana first time here

The dragon clan live on an island away from the rest of the world, it's kind of like our own paradise but for me it was like a cage, I wanted to see the world so when I finally grew my wings and started flying I flew away and came here

what! just like that, what about your parents, aren't they worried about you

no not really, very small amount of people can take on us dragon folk so I'm good, besides we dragon folk have a sort of connection so if any of us is killed the others will know and no one on earth would want to get on our bad side

oh yh sounds true since you guys are the strongest race, that explains why it's so rare to see one of you

yh ever since coming here I had to discover things for myself but till now there are still things I don't know about

maybe I can show you

really, you would do that to a girl your meeting for the second time

sure, we are friends now aren't we?

tana stared at him as her eyes the reflected an image of zeke smiling shyly

y..yh we are, she didn't tell him but this was the first time anyone said she was there friend, back at the island everyone thought she was an odd ball fr wanting to explore the world, they had everything they needed so what else was she looking for, her curiosity had gotten her into trouble so many times that kids started staying away from her untile she left he island

wait how long have you been here

about a yr or so

wow ok then when next we meet well try out everything you haven't done before and don't understand

ok then it's a date she said with a smile

a...d...d..date! Zeke thought to himself