
Two Lies and One Truth

Alpha or not, Shera didn’t want to listen to her father. Money or not, there was no way she would let herself be duped into being someone’s mate on someone else’s terms. It was a life long commitment. She had a future ahead of her and with everything that was going on? The pack losing money, the alpha’s changing almost every week between her father and her uncle; a marriage was the last thing she needed on her plate. She couldn’t even party with the other wolves of the pack because of the divide. What could an alpha from another pack bring besides more confusion?

Windheim · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Chapter 18

Standing in her doorway quietly, Gerard watched her sleep. He hadn't even made it a step into the house before he saw her on the couch. It was her bad habit, he noticed, and it reminded him of a puppy who missed its owner. He set the bag by the door, shutting it quietly and clicking the lock in place before walking to the back of the couch. He leaned over and stared.

Her hair was splayed across the couch pillow she clung to, her body curled up and making her seem smaller than she was. She looked like a kid every time he caught her sleeping and the innocence she had was much mire present on her face. He moved a strand of hair from her face to see the scars that were still scabbed, pulling back quickly as she silently shifted on the cushions. He chuckled breathlessly, reaching down and hooking his arms underneath her. There were no blankets to maneuver around as he lifted her, cradling her close as she groaned.

"I know," Gerard shushed her, resting his cheek on her forehead. "You're going to get a crick in your neck if you sleep like that, little foxy." There was no response as he walked her to her room, stopping at her door and turning for his. He didn't want to let her go, not when it was one of those moments when she didn't berate him for his affections. It was tiring but she didn't mean any harm, she was defending herself in her own way and he understood that.

He laid her down and pulled the blankets over her shoulders, stopping when he heard sniffling. He turned, staring at Sherry who held ice cream and a horror movie in her hands.

"She was crying too. I didn't think she'd cry over someone else's mom," Sherry sniffled. It took a moment to register and Gerard sat on the bed carefully.

"Go put those away and come here," he nodded. Sherry was gone from the doorway and she was soon back, rubbing her eyes as Gerard patted the other side of the bed. "I didn't expect her to but your mother got in a cheap shot. She reacted on instinct before pulling away." Sherry settles herself on the other side of Shera, hugging onto her while nodding.

"I know," she sniffled. "I'm not mad at her, I know how she is." Gerard nodded and patted her head, chuckling quietly.

"It'll be okay," he smiled. "It'll be all right. You two just sleep off all the sugar you ate, all right?"

"Where are you going to sleep," Sherry asked quietly.

"Probably her room or the couch. I still have to look over some cases," Gerard shook his head. Sherry stared and scowled, pulling Shera over with her to give Gerard room to lay down.

"Stay with us," Sherry pleaded. "I'll be gone in the morning but stay?" Gerard sighed and crawled into the bed next to Shera, propping himself you on his elbow to see Sherry. "There was a few incidents while you were gone."

"Like what," he asked quietly. His hand snakes over Shera's waist, playing with the hem of her shirt.

"She got into a fight with Lukas after asking where you were. Lukas didn't want to and barely put up a fight but he didn't tell her," Sherry nodded. "Her dad ended up calling again and that's when I asked her why she wasn't answering. She barely spoke to me until then because of what happened between her and my mom."

"I'd say block the man's number but then he'd know we were into him," Gerard sighed a little and smiled softly. "Go to sleep Sherry. You're going to be grouchy tomorrow."

"One of the pack's sent their strongest female, Gerard. I've been keeping Shera in the dark about it and I've housed her in a different part of the complex but you're going to have to address the situation. Personally. She didn't want to leave." Gerard stared and grit his teeth, his hand reaching up and petting Shera's hair mindlessly.

"I'll deal with it tomorrow," Gerard nodded. "I don't think you should have hidden Shera away though. There will be a challenge between the two." Sherry shivered a bit and nuzzled into the woman they spoke of, regret filling her expression.

"I'm worried about her. She hasn't been sleeping right," Sherry informed him. He sighed and put his hand over Sherry's eyes in an attempt to get her to close them.

"Sleep," he ordered. There was no more talk after that and Sherry had clocked out faster than he thought she would. He closed his eyes, his body rigid and keeping him awake enough to feel the girls moving if they did. It was a few hours before Shera twisted violently, her hands slammed around his throat. He opened his eyes slowly, gently pulling her hands as her grip was weaker than the initial impact.

She was panting, a cold sweat making her skin glossy, and there was pure terror in her eyes. She was struggling to come to, to face the reality that she was awake. Gerard kept eye contact with her, kissing her palms and smiling softly. "Good morning, foxy," he cooed quietly.

"You're back," her voice was hoarse but he could hear the slight relief. Was she really worried about him being gone? "He said he had you."

"Scott doesn't have anything," Gerard sighed and pulled her down against his chest. She struggled for a moment before giving up, her hands were still shaking as they gripped at his shirt.

"You didn't change," she noted.

"I was begged to come to bed," Gerard motioned to Sherry who had stared out upon Shera moving. Shera looked at the woman, her body tensing up. "Don't worry, she doesn't hate you."

"How," Shera mumbled. "That was her mom. I didn't even know until I asked Ferdinand and Bernard. You probably hate me too. She was practically your-"

"She wasn't my mother," Gerard sighed. "You will meet the people that actually raised me at some point, foxy." She simply nodded. Gerard gently rubbed her back and closed his eyes again, "Sleep. You look like you haven't had any."

"They keep coming," she muttered. "They keep calling and dying over and over again. I can't sleep." Gerard patted her back before shifting. He hooked his hands under her arms and pulled her up so her head was just below his neck.

"I told you, the first bodies are always the hardest," he sighed. "You'll accept them eventually but it's all right to be haunted for a little while. Even recent deaths can haunt a man seasoned in killing." She rested her chin on him, looking up.

"I don't want to accept them," she mumbled. "I want to take it all back."

"I know you do," he hummed. She put her cheek back on his chest and sighed. It was a little while later her breathing evened out and he knew she was sleeping. He stretched subtly, pulling his phone up and going through it. Maybe he could have Taj talk to her; he knew more of what to say and he had said many things to help others. They may even get along.

The sun began to rise when Sherry sat up and rubbed her eyes, her gaze falling to Shera and Gerard. "Don't," he warned when she grabbed her phone. He didn't want to move though, powerless unless he wanted to be smacked with a pillow. Sherry knew that and she was using it, the sound of a shutter going off as she giggled drunkenly.

"Aw, look at that," she cooed.

"Delete it," Gerard hissed.

"No way! This is priceless," she giggled. She put her phone in her pocket and waved, humming as she left the room. Gerard sighed and put his head back before taking another glance at his phone. A grin spread across his face and he gently nudged Shera until she woke up.

"I need you to get dressed and all of that," he hummed. "Someone important is coming today."

Shera tiredly stared before she sat up, Gerard grunting as she mashed a pillow into his face, "What the hell are you doing in my bed, Gerard?"

He laughed and moved the pillow, "It's my bed and you cuddled me." Her face was red and he couldn't help the laugh that came out of him. "If I didn't know any better, little foxy, I'd think you were trying to play rough with me."

"I'm not-" she frowned and looked down, quickly moving off of him as her eyes became the size of dinner plates. Gerard got up and stretched, walking past her with a large grin on his face. She was fun to tease and while she may hate it outwardly, he'd never get over how much he enjoyed it.

"This man is kind of important and I owe him a lot," Gerard nodded. She at least deserved to know that much about Taj, especially if Taj was going to talk to her the way Gerard thought he would. "And he isn't that much of a stickler."

"My face," Shera's voice trailed off as she touched the scarring scabs. Gerard's grin diminished, the look in her eyes screaming insecurities that he knew all too well. "I don't have a way to cover them up."

Gerard turned towards her, stopping his feet when they were toe to toe, "You see this ugly mug?" He motioned to his own face, her eyes falling to his scarred lips and jaw. "The man was the one to take care of it. A messed up, pretty face won't deter him. Just be you and he'll return the favor." She continued studying his face before she made eye contact, the insecurities all but gone as she nodded at him.

She walked out of his room, leaving him standing there as his thoughts took over and his body went to auto pilot. He knew she had questions and understood too well how much he should tell her. He didn't want to though. Dumping his stories on her when hers was currently being written, twisted to form the Shera that life wanted her to be, would be cruel. There were similarities between their fathers she'd draw parallels with, incidents that she'd judge him for, and stories that would make her potentially fall away from him instead of towards him. Arranged or not, he needed her to love him, to want to stay in the marriage that he proposed.

All he wanted was to have her; the entirety of her was necessary to have in his grasp and he couldn't shake that feeling. He didn't need to know why nor how he had come to that conclusion. All he needed to know was that she'd be his and it was still a maddening uncertainty. Gerard stopped in a mirror, fixing the tie and blinking. He looked as though he had gotten ready for a board meeting with some boring old man.

He pulled the tie off, walking towards the closet and digging through a drawer he hadn't opened in what felt like ages. The colors would pop exponentially to the point of potentially shocking the rest of the pack into confusion. He hadn't worn the bright greens and yellows since the last pack feast he had with Taj. Now there'd be another one and it spurred Gerard into action, the smile on his face the biggest he had in a while.

"Gerard, I-" Shera stopped in his doorway, staring and frowning slightly before bursting into laughter. "What is that?"

"A gift I got a long time ago," Gerard hummed as he turned, staring at her and tilting his head. As minimal as it was, the shin length dress she wore was perfect for her. Her curves were hugged, her shoulders framed by the straight collar, and the colors of the floral pattern causing her hair to stand out. He leaned on the closet door, staring hard at her to get the image stuck in his head, "You look beautiful, foxy."

Her face was red and he chuckled, "Stop that. When are they going to be here? Don't we have to tell-"

"I already messaged Ferdinand, Lukas, and Sherry. They're working on it right now so no need to worry," he chuckled. "It's a pack event so at least you didn't overdress." He walked to her and tied the scarf, pulling the suit jacket off and tucking the ends into his vest.

"You seem," she hesitated before smiling softly, "Excited?"

He blinked and laughed, moving her so he could step from his room, "Why wouldn't I be? You get to meet who I call father, little foxy."

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