

could real love and commitment happen between an arrogant CEO and a bullheaded delivery guy

zamirah01 · Thành thị
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24 Chs

intruder II

Zamir woke up with a start and groaned. He checked the time and his eyes widened. He'd slept for three hours straight. that was surprising,he doesn't sleep that long during the day but his body feels very rested so he was thankful.

He yawned and stretched like a lazy cat as he got up to hit the shower. he came out not long after and in fresh clothes and went straight to the kitchen to hunt for snacks before going to settle down for some serious video game.

He hadn't settled down long enough to pick up his gamepad when the loud banging on his door started again and this time it was followed by a few continuous ring of the doorbell.

Irritated,he got to his feet and marched all the way to the door. the angry frown on his head deepened when he saw a crazy looking woman with an annoying smile standing at his door.

"heyy zamy, surprise" she shrieked

Yeah right, it was his nosy neighbor. The one that knows everything that goes on in the entire apartment complex.

"hello Katie" he greeted back stiffly "and it's Zamir"

"ofcourse pfft, ofcourse" Katie answered in a singsong manner "so um the other day, I was in the elevator and a certain young man asked of you..."

"it was this morning Katie and look..." Zamir pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance

"... if you ever bang on my fucking door as if you're on the run for your miserable life just for some stupid gossip... I will knock your fucked up nose of your fucking face"

Zamir didn't wait to see the shocked expression on the woman's face and angrily slammed his door shut.for the second time that day.

His ass hadn't touch the couch when another set of banging began. Zamir groaned out in frustration and waited to see if the jobless unhappy woman was going to go away if he didn't open the door but she didn't and instead continued banging louder.

Okay,he was probably going to be getting arrested for assaulting a woman today.

He opened the door hoping to see the relentless gossiper but instead he saw the relentless intruder.

He didn't bother with questions, and quickly shut his door but it wouldn't close because a certain someone stuck his leg inside.

He was shoved out of the way again as his unwanted guest forced his way in. he sighed and closed the door before following Noah who had gone into his kitchen with the bag he was carrying and was now digging around in his refrigerator.

Zamir eyed the grocery bags on his kitchen counter wearily before glaring holes into the back of the man who was now going through the cabinet one after the other

"please tell me what is going on?" Zamir's asked using a softer approach, not that he was scared or anything like that but he was too exhausted to start fighting someone who never seemed out of energy


"i'm going to Cook you a meal" Noah answered after he'd found what he was looking for "but why have your utensils buried away?" he asked folding up arms of his shirt

Zamir looked at him as if he was stupid "you were looking for the pots in the refrigerator?"

"that was to see what you've been feeding yourself" Noah answered while working.

"look if you're doing this because you think you're going to lose your job, you don't have to"

"I already let it go man..."

"that's a relief trust me but i'm cooking for you because I feel like it... and it's not going to be this one time.."

Noah stopped what he was doing and looked Zamir squarely "it's going to happen every..."

"fucking day? no shit, NO" Zamir cut him off.

he was begining to lose his cool

"I was going to say Sunday, every sundays" came the calm reply before Noah went back to his cooking.

as if that does make it better "it's still a no" Zamir answered firmly and wasted no time picking up ingredients, he turned off the cooker and turned the boiling spaghetti that had just soften into the trash.

He packed, picked or shoved items away and when he was done he turned to Noah whom had perched quietly on the kitchen counter, watching a good show "you need to leave" he said firmly and walked to the door.

He opened it to show he was dead serious and waited patiently while Noah got off the counter.he continued to wait patiently even when he went through his kitchen cupboard and fished out a bag of chips and a bottle of juice from his refrigerator before sauntering out the door crunching the chips loudly.

Zamir watched his back as he continued to stroll towards the elevator.

He closed his door gently and rested against it.

The boy was a nuisance, he had no respect for boundaries whatsoever. give him an inch and takes a bloody yard... so what was this feeling of disappointment that gnawing at his guts.

Okay, maybe he had half expected him to rebel and stay or even pick a fight with him... anything rather than the way he just walked past him by the door as if he was air.

No Zamir, this is it, he mustn't think like that.he doesn't care about anyone's feelings but his own. He wouldn't act like a clingy cat... but that thought lasted only for another second and the next he knew, he was out of his apartment chasing after him.

He punched the elevator button but he was to impatient to wait. So down the stairs he ran,he didn't even know why he was running after that idiot but he didn't stop.

When he got to the tenth floor below his own, his legs were beginning to feel tired but he kept going, just five more floors and he'd be outside

Noah was still slowly munching on his chips without any care in the world as he waited for the traffic light to change so he could cross the road when he suddenly heard his name.
