

“ Make a wish at 11:11 p.m. and your wishes will come true. “ that was what Amy’s grandmother told her when she was younger. She never took her grandmother’s words seriously because honestly, who believes in things like that?

Why would someone put their hopes so high for something that is clearly unachievable and hurt themselves when it is obviously ridiculous that wishes will come true unless it is written in their fates? Amy has had friends who would always cry after getting their examination results, complaining that their wishes never come true.

But they somehow never stopped making wishes, as though they have never been disappointed with their actions. In some coincidences where her friends are lucky, their wishes actually come true.

Which is a funny thing because Amy solely believes that it is their fate and the wishes were a pure coincidence.

And there is a saying which goes, the sin you mock today could be sin you commit tomorrow. Obviously, making wishes was never a sin and is up to a person’s beliefs but the point is, Amy has always thought of it as a ridiculous thing.

But she came to a point in life where she had to fully rely on her wishes. She still remembered the desperation she felt at that very moment, and finally understood the reason people made wishes. It was exam season and she did not really have time to revise as she was busy with extracurricular activities her school held a few weeks before the finals.

It was 11:11 p.m. Amy put her hands together and closed her eyes with a heart full of hope. She did not wish for excellent results. As long as she passed her finals, she would be more than grateful. To her surprise, she passed her examination. She even got excellent results and was awarded as the best student.

Her friends envied her because everyone knew she did not really study for the finals, but somehow managed to ace the examination. That was when she regretted not believing in wishes that come true. Her life would have been so much easier.

However, Amy started to make wishes at 11:11 p.m. whenever she was desperate and not for every little thing. She was afraid the magic would not work if she overused it so she tried her best to only use it when needed.

And right now, she is desperate.

The clock struck 11:11 p.m., Amy quickly put her hands together and closed her eyes.

“ May everything go well tomorrow. I shall meet nice people and make a good first impression. “

Amy has been looking for a job for some time now. It was so hard for her to get a proper job as most of the jobs did not really align with her field of studies. Which means, most of the jobs offered to her were out of her list of interests. She got this job which finally suits her and tomorrow is the first day.

People bashed her for being picky but she stood with her stance, she will get the job she deserves. There was no rush to get a job, you can always find a job that you really love.

Her heart was finally at ease, now that she has made that wish. But little did she know, everything was never going to be the same anymore.