
Chapter 7: Mommmm!

It's Morning.. and Jace would be leaving the hospital today!

Lyn quickly had her shower and wore some clothes. She quickly ran downstairs to Mom's room

Mm.. Mom? She opened her door slowly as she peeked inside. Mom was still on bed.

Moommmmmm!!... you ought to get dressed before now.. she slowly walked in frowning .

Mom opened her eyes slowly as she saw Lyn sitter beside her bed.

Oh,Honey, I'm so sorry dear I completely forgot.. mom got up yawning.

We should go see Jace at the Hospital today, I'm already ready. She stood in front of the big mirror.

Okay, first I'd go make breakfast okay?

No Mom, why would you be doing that? How about Mary? And Susan? And.. she was cut off immediately

I know, actually Mary went to the grocery store, some Veggies are almost finished, so she went to get some, and the Susan is at her Mom's, she was diagnosed with some kind of disease. Mom wore her floppy slippers then she tired her hair to a bun.

Ashlyn just stood watching her.. mmm okay, I'll just be at the Dinning she walked out of the room.

She sat at the Dinning table as she waited for her, she then took out her phone to chat on Instagram.

Suddenly Mary walked in.. Lyn turned around to face her.

You're late, what took you so long? Her eyes were still on her phone screen

There was traffic jam, sorry Ma'am. She bowed.

You may leave, Lyn waved her hands away, Mary hurriedly left to the kitchen

Mom walked in with a tray of food, set gently kept it on the table as she set the dining.

Mom put out her food as they spoke.

Honey, I'll have to go to the office.. mom paused as she studied Lyn's face, Lyn just rolled her eyes again.

It's nothing new, that's where your heart, soul and body is of course. She mumbled as she rolled her eyes away again.

No honey, don't say that, I'll drop you off and once you're done you'll phone the driver, he'll come pick you up okay? Mom softly pinched her cheeks.

Whatever. She took a bite from her sandwich

Are you Mad honey? Mom turned to look at her.

She exhaled,then said. No mom, it's okay by me, as long as I'd see Jace. She paused as she smiled slightly at mom

Mom was relieved at the moment , of course she knew how Lyn acted once she's mad.

But mom, do you think Mrs Anita would be angry at me? I mean I'm the reason all these happened to Jace. She wore a sad face.

Mom placed her hand on her face, No my dear, it wasn't your fault, you both are still young, of course you'd all act up.. once you're both grown you'd stop doing some certain things.

Don't worry okay? She wouldn't be mad at you. Now eat up, we're running late.. Mom finger combed her hair

Lyn began to stuff the food in her mouth, she was quite happy to see Jace, she hoped he'd be completely okay when she sees him.

Hey, easy there tiger! Harley said to Ashlyn as he walked to the Dinning

Hey, honey, you're here. Mom looked up at him

Hi Mom, he kissed her on her left cheek and walked across to sit.

Mm..Mom I'm done, can we go now? She got up from where she was sitting.

They drove to the hospital, Lyn immediately walked to Jace's ward as she popped her head out the door.

Jace? Are you okay? She slowly walked to him.

Yes, Mom was here all through the night,so I'm fine, no need to worry. He gave her that grin but his face still looked weak.

Jace's mom immediately came in. Lyn turned to see her coming towards them.

Hi Aunt. She smiled.

Jace is in this state , all because of you, hope you're happy now? Mrs Anita glared at her.

But it isn't entirely my fault Aunt. She explained.

Mom, mom? Please stop , I did this to myself and not her, she did nothing wrong. Jace explained as he tried getting up.

No Son, don't, Mrs Anita ran to him, making him lay back on bed.

Leave Ashlyn. Mrs Anita ordered as she pointed to the door.

I'm sso.. Ashlyn was cut off immediately

Just leave! Mrs Anita yelled.

Lyn sadly walked out of the room without uttering a word.

Jace was discharged from the hospital. When he got home, he laid thinking of how Lyn felt about what happened. I'd just go apologize to her. He thought as he sat up.

He as about getting up when His mom walked in.

No Jace, you ain't strong to get up now, she tucked him in bed and adjusted his pillows.

Mom, what you did was totally wrong, you wouldn't have acted that way with Lyn, she was really worried about me and she even skipped school today just to come check up on me. He said sadly.

I wanna go see her Mom, I wanna go apologize to her. She didn't deserve that which you did to her Mom. He said angrily as he glared at Mom.

No, you need to rest, okay? Mom said softly as she placed her hand on his face he immediately turned away.

Jace what has gotten into you? Mom asked shocked by his behavior

Mom, you have to go apologize to her, he turned away backing her.

But Jace.. Jace cut her off

No buts Mom, go apologize to her otherwise I'd be so mad at you and you know what that means .

She knew how Jace was, if he was mad he would go on hunger strike till she does what he wants.

Fine, I'll go apologize, but please don't leave the bed okay?..Mom kissed his head and walked out of the room.

Moommmmmm..!! She just can't understand me, I told her not to scold Ashlyn but she didn't listen, now look what has happened, hope she's happy. He held his head in pain. It was a severe headache so he needed that rest so it could go away. He dozed off.

That same night, Mom came to check up on him.

She sat close to him as she smiled. I had gone to apologize to Lyn, I took quite long in speaking to her Mom.

How are you now? She asked as she brushed his hair with her fingers.

I'm better. Mmm...mom, I'll be resuming school tomorrow.

No, you aren't to well for that Just yet. You could go on Wednesday but not tomorrow okay?

But Mom Ashlyn already skipped a day for me, I can't let her do that again. He explained

That's it Jace! I can't let you keep making decisions, I'm your Mom for Goodness sake Jace, you wouldn't go there tomorrow . You already know I can't go back on my words. Goodnight honey. She gently kissed him on his head and left.