
Chapter 15



Fucking temptation is what she was.

I never fucking kissed chicks or came in them or rode them bare for that matter.

But fucking it all to hell, I had become a man unrecognizable to myself and God damn it, I didn’t regret shit.

I wanted to come inside her all-day hell all night or forever for fucking sake. Her head cocked to the side, her innocent eyes took their fill of me and it ate up my six. I smashed my lips with hers, my dick growing painfully hard inside her again.

I wanted to fuck her. I wanted to fucking dominate this little body of hers to oblivion.

I had had a taste and as perverse as I was, I wanted to fuck her again.

Women were my freaking kryptonite long before my asshole of a father taught me what being a man meant. I fucked women and I fucked them hard. I made them submit to me and I lay out all my frustrations in fucking and in giving them mind blowing orgasms but with Nicole?

Shit with Nicole? It wasn’t about me cooling off but about me showing her just how beautiful and gorgeous I thought she was. It was about me giving her all the pleasure she fucking deserved.

Thrusting deeper till I could feel my own release dripping out of her, I grabbed a fistful of her hair my tongue in her mouth like it had been inside her cunt. My hands on her waist, I started to pull out only the weirdest shit had to happen.

I couldn’t fucking pull out and she noticed it. Pulling away from the kiss, her body tensed next to mine and when her voice came out weak and confused, I hated myself.

“C-Callan…w-what’s happening?”

She wasn’t letting go, that was what was happening. Stilling and trying to buy time, I pushed her hair from her neck kissing her cheek.

“Shit’s fine, baby you just have to take a breath”

And like the disobedient minx she was, she did the opposite. She fucking tried to pull away from me only to feel the pain tenfold.

“I’m stuck...I-I can’t move. I can’t…please help. Help me”

“Nicole”, I called her inaudibly not recognizing my own shit of a voice. Her head cocked to the side, her chin landing on her shoulder. Our eyes locking, I did the one thing that would distract her from our looming predicament.

I fucking claimed her lips with mine. Drinking in all her worries, taking away all her insecurities and showing her that she was safe with me. She would always be safe with me because I wanted to protect her like I hadn’t protected any other woman in my fucking life before.

I pulled out slowly and her body wilted in my arms. Placing her naked on the bed as if she were some special ceramic fragile vase, I pulled the comforter past her shoulders.


“I wasn’t planning on leaving, sweetheart”

Not after being inside her and still wanting to fuck her again and again. Her cheek on my bare shoulder, her head lying beneath my chin, I took in her pure feminine scent and wished that just for once, I had someone to call mine.

I never gave a shit about being alone. In fact, I rather enjoyed being alone and being free of any fucking commitments or responsibilities. A week later, I wanted to be selfish and take the damsel in my arms to be mine.

I liked her. I fucking liked the brat with her arrogance, her feistiness and her innocence and after all this, my sick mind wanted to mark her as mine and that was impossible.

I fucked her, not as much as I would have liked to, but that was the fucking agreement. We fuck, no attachments and definitely no second rounds.

“Why do they call you Cannon?”

Her soft voice came out weary and sweet. I contemplated over giving her the story behind the nickname or shutting up. I never did small talk after sex.

Hell, I never slept idly with a woman after sex let alone had her stay in my bed after we were done.

“Why do you want to know?” I fired a response.

“Do you always answer a question with a question”

“Yes”, I said nonchalantly.

“I’m just curious is all. Cannon is a weird last name so I just assumed it’s a nickname given to you when you served or am I wrong?”

“I’m good with ammo. Guns, rifles, cannons hence the nickname”

It was better than telling her, I had a weird obsession with guns and I fucking liked killing people like bugs.

“What was it like? Being a Marine”


Fucking tolerable. Shit at downrange was something I wouldn’t want anyone to go through and at the same time, the Marines offered a safe place to heal from bad shit like abusive dads and mothers who were too fucking gullible to defend you or your sister from being beaten up.

“Hell”, I answered and she turned on the bed her body on top of mine, her eyes glancing at me with fucking pity.

‘I’m sorry for everything you went through”

I was sorry for her, damn it! She had no clue her father had fucking died and I didn’t know how long I could keep it away from her.

“Don’t be. You didn’t do shit”

“I feel like I did. I smacked you with a pan and your sister and you? You almost got shot trying to rescue me from a madman?”

Getting shot wasn’t something new in my life. I got shot in the leg in Kyrgyzstan, a bullet to my fucking shoulder in Afghan, let’s not even start about the numerous IEDs I survived while serving my country.

“You always blame yourself for shit?”

It was an honest observation, really.

Looking aloof, her eyes almost losing color, she spoke something under her breath and I fucking heard it.

‘Blaming me for everything is what my dad’s good at’

I didn’t want to fucking pry but I wanted to know everything about her. About her fears, her happy place, her favorite food and fucking what made her smile the most.


Glaring at me as if she had been caught saying something she shouldn’t, she made an attempt to move away from me but I held her close.

“He blames you for what, Nicole?”

“Let go”, she hissed and I gripped her waist tighter to my naked body, her perky nipples smudged against my chest.

“No. We handling your shit right now, right here”

She laughed. She fucking laughed only it wasn’t comical but cynical.

“I’m sorry did I miss the part where we got matching friendship bracelets and decided that we were bffs telling each other our deepest secrets?”

She was avoiding the rather sore topic by being a brat and I felt like spanking her ass till she reverted to being the sweet open book, I had fucked minutes ago.

“You started it”

God damn it, she was the one who had started the small talk, not me.

“I started it and you didn’t seem interested in talking right after you’d fuck me. I get it now. We fucked, nothing more. You fuck your clients and that’s it….no commitments, no sentiments. Isn’t that the code you live by- “

“What does your father blame you for?” I continued ignoring all the shit coming out of her mouth.

“Nothing”, she fucking lied to my face.

This was the reason why I didn’t get to have a woman or a girlfriend for fuck’s sake. Women were a rather hard species that drove men nuts and right now I was staring at a traumatized woman keeping shit to herself that ate her away bit by bit. And that right there drove me nuts.

“Nicole- “

“Don’t—don’t call me that. Don’t call me as if you fucking care about me or as if you fucking care about my past”

She cried and before I would wipe away her tears and tell her I fucking cared, my stupid door bell fucking rang. Fucking convenient!

Two rings and I knew something was up. Nicole got off me, taking a few of my grey covers to cover her naked body.

I got off the bed, getting my cargo pants and my shirt and putting them on. Her face turned to the night stand and away from my gaze, her womanly body crunched up under my sheets, I admired the sight because it looked so fucking unreal.

“We are not done, Nicole. I fucked you but that doesn’t mean I’m done with you. I’ll get the door, I’ll fucking make the person standing in my doorstep disappear and when I come back? You’ll tell me everything about your life and I’ll fuck you right this time. We’ll make love”

And with that said I opened the door, stomping down the stairs irritably.

Making love, wasn’t in my dictionary but God, Nicole’s pussy was unlike anything I had ever tasted. She was unlike any woman I had had. Maybe it was her bratty attitude or her complicated shit of a life. God knew, I was always drawn to dangerous women.

Taking my 9mm from the living room, I stood outside the door turning the knob.

“Jesus, Cannon. I gave you phones for a reason”, Berkely stormed in and I lowered my weapon closing the door as I watched him meander to my living room.

“Anything I can help with?”

I knew what he fucking wanted and I wouldn’t let him have it, not after everything that had happened upstairs.

“Don’t play dumb with me. Give me the girl”, Berkely fumed eyeing my house inch by inch for any sign of Nicole. When his eyes landed on the shirt, on the floor, Nicole had worn, I mentally groaned for not hiding it before I opened the door.

“You motherfucker, you fucked a client again”, Berkely scoffed rubbing a hand over his scrawny beard.

“I didn’t make any promises I wouldn’t fuck her”, I retorted cockily leaning against the wall like I couldn’t fucking care if he fired me or not.

“There’s a bounty on your head, giving the girl false hopes about you two will only break her heart”

“Never said I loved her”

I sure as hell didn’t but I would protect her.

“Right you saying that to make me believe you? Or you saying that to make yourself believe it. We don’t have time, boy. You have to skip town and I have to make sure the girl is safe”

I hated hearing him call her girl.

“She is safe. I’ll protect her”

“She is not yours, Cannon. Did you tell her she wasn’t the only woman you fucked? Did you tell her you fuck all your clients? Did you tell her her father’s dead before you fucked her? I’m pretty sure she won’t want you after- “


Fuck me.

Standing by the staircase, wearing my shirt, her languid eyes pooled with tears. Her hand covered her mouth and she held back a sob.

“My dad’s…dead?”

“Ms. Montenegro, I’m sorry you had to find out this way-

Hell broke loose again when my door fucking opened and a breathless sandy brown-haired guy in an expensive custom suit barged in.


Blaze stormed right after looking at Berkely then at me.

“I couldn’t stop him”, Blaze uttered and Berkely dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

Before I could say shit, Nicole descended down the stairs falling in Sandy brown’s arms.

“Luke”, she sobbed and the bastard hugged her tight.

“I’m so sorry”, he said and I gripped my gun tighter wanting to put a bullet in his head.

“Who the fuck is he?”

“Funny you should ask. That’s her fiancé”