

When the world was created there was peace because there was no race or clans to cause destruction. The first ever race known as the bright race had legendary abilities. Along came the second race the shadow race who had dark abilities. The shadow race was very dark and secretive whilst the bright race was kind and nice to everyone. But when the universe looses it's balance due to the shadow race they have to find a way to destroy it. The universe manage to destroy them with the help of the bright race but what if not all of them got destroyed and some actually survive. Years passed and two twins,Jace and Jason are born with legendary mystic elements and the ability to control every element. Being competitive,they tried to prove they were better than the other. Not knowing anything about twinergy and how to comprehend it,they kept on growing farther and farther from each other. What happens when the twinergy sparks to give a sigh when they touched? Will they realize the twinergy within them or will the shadow lurking around them separate them. Journey with the Twins,Jace and Jason,and see how they adventure through the world where a shadow seeks something from them. What happens when it turns out that they are the key to destroying the shadow race for good?

Ericus · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Birth of the Twins

Golden Age City

It was minutes to midnight in this beautiful city.Lights and decorations were hanged everywhere in the city adding another touch of beauty to it. Instead of sleeping,Everyone was wide awake. It seemed to be like they were waiting for someone or something to appear. They all gathered in a beautiful luxurious palace. It seemed that the palace was the Royal palace where the royal family lives in.The beauty,luxury along with the domineering and majestic aura exuding from the palace makes it evident that it's the royal palace.

Inside the palace in a specific room a woman who looked like she was facing death it self was lying on a bed. She was panting so hard that it seemed she would die. Near her an oldlady could be seen. She was sweating profusely that it was evident she was having a hard time.

The woman lying on the bed was pregnant and the person delivering the babies was the old woman.Yes they were going to be twins.

It was like yesterday that the oracle told them she would give birth to twins. It's not like he has been wrong before. Every prophecy he makes comes true.

He has been with this family for over thousands of years. He's been like the king's adviser,right-hand man and father since he lost his father. He's always been there and will continue to be there.

Even though he is not a family member he has proved to be more and they couldn't be more grateful.


Divine Star Mountain Peak

Inside the mountain an old domineering figure could be seen. One could tell he is not a force to be reckoned with. He has been cultivating in seclusion for about a decade now and was still cultivating. He seemed to be trying to break his own limit when

suddenly he opened his eyes.

His blue eyes can send shivers around a person's body. He had a primordial aura emanating from his body. There was no doubt he has lived for millions of years. His body looked like a normal human's body with his complexion fair. Glacial blue markings could be seen on his body.

"It's time" he said the moment he opened his eyes and then disappeared.


Golden Age City

Some people were standing near the door of the pregnant woman. They were waiting to see the babies of the woman inside. Most of them were excited because they knew no harm will come to the babies. Others were praying for it to be successful and the rest were just waiting to see what happens.

The cries of babies could be heard from the room. This proves the pregnancy was successful.

One man outside could not wait to hear the good news. He rushed in the moment he heard he babies crying. The people there were shocked with this action by the king. Yes,The man who just rushed in was the king.

Saying a king was not even appropriate since he ruled an empire. He was an Emperor. As an emperor he had to keep his cool but what can he do if his children were just born.

The woman lying on the bed was the empress of the land,The emperor's wife. Unlike other kings and emperors he only had one wife and he has proven his loyalty to her since they got married.

After opening the door,he immediately ran and hugged her so tightly that it was like ge was squeezing the life out of her.

"Are you trying to kill me?"she could barely talk as she was being squeezed the life out of her.

"Sorry,sorry,I won't do it again"he pleaded with folded hands as he released her immediately.

"No need to say sorry just look at your new sons,Jace and Jason"she said as a smile blossomed on her face as she showed him the children.

Suddenly,A figure came out of nowhere causing tension to arise. When they saw the person,they were overjoyed. It was a man dressed in a white robe. He had fair skin with glacial blue markings written all over his body.

"You are here"Ciran said shocked.

"I didn't expect you to come since you never come when I give birth"she continued. The woman lying on the bed was Ciran and the man was Eryn.

"I told you I would come since I think these children are something special"He said whilst gazing at the children mysteriously.

"Anyway,thank you for coming"Eryn said smiling. "Children come meet your brothers"Eryn added as he took the children in his hands.

Two children,boy and girl,appeared from the crowd of people standing outside. The boy was two years older than the girl making him taller.

They approached the babies and starred at them with smiles on their faces.

"Mom,Are these our baby brothers"Lucas said in his cute, adorable voice.

"Yes"Ciran assured.

They couldn't control their happiness and jumped with joy shouting in unison "We have baby brothers" repeatedly.

"Enough children. Now go and inform your elder brother and sister about this okay"

"Okay"The children quickly ran to inform their brother and sister at their father's behest.

"Time to present the children to the people"Eryn said as he took the babies to the nearby balcony.

He raised the babies and said "These are my newly born babies,the twins,Jace and Jason "

This is my first book so if there are any mistakes forgive me.Like it ? Add to library!

Ericuscreators' thoughts