
A Strange Surprise

He came to my house and he knocked, and when I opened the door I was utterly surprised to see him; my mystery guy.

"Hi, what brings you here?" I asked him.

"Ihave to discuss something with you, it is very important," he said to me.

"Sure, what is it?" I asked him.

"Can I come in? This is a rather private matter...,"he replied.

"Okay...," I showed him to the living room and invited him to sit down.

"Look, our neighborhood is in big trouble. There used to be an ancient tribe that lived here, they protected this neighborhood because it was once a sacred place to them, it was the temple to their most treasured knowledge. In fact, it is believed that their ancient library packed with ancient wisdom of their time still lays buried right underneath our neighborhood. Within this neighborhood, somewhere, no one knows where exactly, there is a book hidden, this book is called The Beacon of Light, it is said to hold one of the most precious hidden mysteries of human evolution within it,and whoever reads it will become illuminated by it and through those same two people will then shine a beacon of light that will aid in illuminating the rest of the world.But it is believed that only two people that are the keys to each other can unlock its secrets and use it. But is found in the wrong hands, it can just as easily destroy; as it can become a beacon of darkness in the hands of darkness that understands how to work with it. Just as there are people of light who are keys to each other,there are also people of darkness who are keys to each other, and they can unlock the secrets of the book and use it to their own will when in union, just as people of the light in union can. My brothers and I are keepers of that book, we know it is safe by sensing it, but since a few days ago, we could no longer sense its safety, which means it has been taken out from wherever it was safely hidden. Luckily for us, it is written in another language;the ancient language of the ancients who dwelled within this neighborhood. But if the one that has it figures out the language, it can do great harm to that person, and to all of us too in the end. You have to help me find it,please?" He explained.

I didn't know what to say, but then I suddenly thought of the book that I had found in my sister's kitchen. I went and got it from my bag and showed it to him.

"Could this be it?" I asked him.

"Yes,yes, this is the book! But where did you get it from?" He asked me.

"From my sister, she had it in her kitchen at her new apartment," I answered.

"Do you mind if I meet your sister and ask her a few questions?" He asked. "No,not at all, but you never even introduced yourself to me...,"

"Oh, I am sorry, I apologize for my bad manners.I am Timothy, it is nice meeting you," he replied.

"And I am Melinda." I called my sister and my sister was rather angry that I took the book without even asking her, but she agreed to meet up with us for questioning...

"So why did you come to me, of all people, for help?" I asked him while we were driving to my sister's place in his car.

"We'll, because..., we'll, you'll figure it out in time," he replied.

His reply to my question left me baffled... "So..., what do you mean by two people being keys to each other?" I dared ask another question.

"It is believed that people do actually have a perfect match,their rightful partner in life, and when the two come together then it is like two keys coming together,because they are the keys to unlocking each other, and it is also believed they unlock secrets to the universe together, and God.