
Twin Flame (HP)

win flame: A soul that has been split between two people. This is known to occur in either a romantic or platonic relationship. In this case platonic, between 2 Pureblood twin siblings. The Malfoy Twins, Draco and Celeste Malfoy. It's their Third year and the challenges are already silently creeping up to the twins. Sacrifices will be made, hearts will be broken, innocent lives will be taken. Will they make it, will one of them die to save the other, or will they both meet tragic deaths?

Lilianna_Snape · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


"… 𝑖𝑡'𝑠 𝑎 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡'𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑎 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑠 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑠 𝐼 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟. 𝐼𝑡'𝑠 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑢𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑓𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦..."

Wednesday, September 1st, 1993

"Celeste sweetheart wake up, the train to Hogwarts leaves in an hour and, you have yet to begin getting ready!"

I groaned as I rolled over and pulled the warm silk blanket over my head "mum just five more minutes please, Draco kept me up all night again with his childish ranting about Harry bloody Potter."

Suddenly the blanket was yanked off of me, causing goosebumps to rise as soon the coldness of my room hit my warm, pale porcelain exposed skin.

"I'll take that as a definite no, on the sleeping for five more minutes!" I whined as I got up and looked at my mum's beautiful blue eyes pleadingly.

"I'll have Mippy come up and fix your bed while you shower sweetie" her warm smile instantly made me smile back as she walked towards the door and before closing it she added "and Celeste, it was a definite no." With that she winked at me as closed my room door.

I walked into my dark emerald high roof bathroom. I snapped my fingers and the lights instantly flickered on. I shivered as the cold black marble tiles made contact with my bare feet. I walked towards the glass shower, instantly dropping my black shorts off. I turned on the warm water and continued stripping until I was completely undressed, slowly going under the shower head as I closed the glass door behind me.

The warm water ran through my platinum blonde and black hair (similar to way Narcissa's hair is just longer), and down my soft naked body. I grabbed my vanilla scented shampoo and rubbed it through my long hair, rinsing it out and doing the same with my conditioner afterwards. I then took my coconut butter scented body wash, squeezed some onto my black loofah, and scrubbed my body. The suds running down my body onto the tile floor as the warm water made contact with my skin for the final time.

I turned the water off, quickly wrung my hair before wrapping the towel around it. I walked out and stepped on the soft carpet outside of the shower and wrapped another towel around my body, this one slightly longer than the one I used in my hair.

"Mippy" I yelled as I realized my clothes weren't brought in.

Instantly the house elf appeared in front of me "yes Miss.Malfoy, how can Mippy be of assistance to Miss.Malfoy?"

I smiled at the house elf warmly "can you please bring me my school clothes I picked out last night, Mippy, I forgot to tell mother to ask you to grab it for me and bring it here for me before I got out."

"Of course Miss.Malfoy, Mippy will get you that right away, I'm sorry Miss.Malfoy, Mippy should have thought about that before leaving Miss.Malfoy's room after cleaning it." She responded sheepishly as she apparated out of my bathroom and back "here you go Miss.Malfoy! Would Miss.Malfoy want Mippy to do anything else for her, or should Mippy go and help Miss.Malfoy's brother Mr.Malfoy?"

I took my clothes and smiled warmly at her once more "you can go help Draco Mippy, Merlin knows how much 'help' he needs!"

"Of course Miss.Malfoy, Mippy will go help Mr.Malfoy now!" She said happily before apparating out of my bathroom.

After fully drying myself off and rubbing my vanilla scented lotion, I slipped on my black panties and the matching bra. I then slid into my black ripped skinny jeans, threw on a black crop tank top and a sheer emerald green long sleeved shirt with little sparkles all over it, and finally put on my black watch father had given me for my fourteenth birthday almost three months ago.

I looked at my watch and realized I only had twenty minutes before the train took off. I grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth quickly. I ran out the room, grabbed my pair of all black vans and slipped them on once I put my socks on.

I grabbed my wand and flicked it making my hair go up into a high ponytail with two skinny tendrils of hair framing my face in either side. I looked in the mirror and with another quick flick of my wand, the cutest little cat eye appeared on my eyelids to top off my look.

I quickly ran out my room and down the hall, stoping as I saw Draco at the top of the stairs waiting for me.

"About damn time don't you think?" He said teasingly as his icy grey eyes met my icy blue ones.

"Whatever Draco, just remember a beautiful face like mine needs to be perfectly presentable at all times" I replied as he and I started walking down the stairs.

"There you are my darlings, we have to go now! The train to Hogwarts leaves in ten minutes! Your father already had your bags taken to Kings Cross station" mother explained before she took our hands and apparated us to the train station.

I held onto mother's hand until the dizziness was tolerable. Luckily she didn't make the attempt to move as our feet touched the ground. She knew Draco and I weren't accustomed to apparating like that just yet.

"Narcissa! Children! It's about time you three got here! I was starting to think that you both were going to miss the train to Hogwarts." Father said sternly glaring at Draco and I, then looking at mother who was clearly annoyed at him.

"Well if your precious daughter hadn't taken ages to get ready, we would have been here a lot sooner!" Draco replied teasingly as he threw his arm over my shoulder and squeezed it softly.

"Oh haha very funny Draco, anyone ever tell you that you'd make a wonderf—" I began before father cut me off.

"Alright children that's enough! You will have more than enough time to argue with each other back at Hogwarts, now remember" he said clearly annoyed at us bickering as he was trying to talk "if anything happens to come up that involves you both at Hogwarts, and I mean anything, owl either your mother or I immediately. I will make sure I do anything and everything in my power to fix it. Do I make myself clear?"

Draco and I nodded at whatever our father was saying. I then turned to look at our mother who just gave me a forced smile. I could tell she was angry at father for the way he was speaking to us, but wouldn't voice her thoughts until they were in the privacy of our manor.

Mother hugged me first giving me a quick loving speech followed by giving me a kiss on my left cheek, then walked over to Draco and did the same thing. My father just stood there and looked at us coldly. Finally with two minutes left to spare Draco and I made our way to the furthest empty compartment from everyone else in the train.


Draco fell asleep with his legs spread out on the cushioned seat and his head on my lap. I was messing with his hair before falling asleep, which surprisingly he didn't yell at me for it this time. Suddenly the train came to an abrupt stop causing me grab my sleeping brothers arms with my right hand so he wouldn't fall. My left hand instantly went to the side of his head so he wouldn't hit the compartment table. It got cold out of nowhere and the light above the table in our compartment started flickering. My body starting shivering uncontrollably causing Draco to wake up, and look around confusingly before taking off his hoodie and handing it to me.

As soon as I slipped my head through me brother's hoodie the compartment door unlocked and all I felt was Draco pushing me against the compartment wall. His back pressed firmly against the upper half of my body, and his arms spread out as if trying to stop someone or something from getting to me. I gulped and gathered the courage to peak over his shoulder ever so slightly and was faced with a grey decayed looking humanoid shaped. Its face and body was covered by a dark hooded cloak that was ripped all over. It felt like the little remaining hope and happiness I had was sucked right out of me as the rattling breaths that were coming from the Dementor filled the room.

I shut my eyes tightly and while burying my face into the crook of my brother's neck I hugged him tightly. Suddenly, just like that the dementor was gone and it was all over with.

Draco pulled my head to his chest and rubbed my head desperately trying to calm me down so I wouldn't catch a panic attack. I knew that my brother was trying to calm himself down as well so I didn't attempt to stop him. I closed my eyes listening to the beat of his heart and as soon as I was about to fall asleep, the compartment door burst open.

"Celeste … Draco, Are you both alright?" A familiar tremulous voice came from the compartment doorway.

"We're fine Kaiser thanks for checking up on us though!" I replied sleepily.

"Yeah what she said Nott." Draco vexingly answered.

Draco highly disliked Kaiser Nott. Not only because Kai wasn't intimidated by my twin brother like the rest of the Hogwart's students were, but because Draco knew that since our first year at Hogwarts Kai has had this obvious love interest in me. Which didn't go unreciprocated. He was the only person in the whole school I found genuinely interesting. He has these gorgeous dark olive green coloured eyes, that were beautifully complimented with jet black hair. His soft light beige skin never failed to remind me of the sand at Fraser Island in Australia. Not mention the fact that he always has such a sweet, tender and welcoming smile on his face that's accompanied by small indentations on either cheek.

I sighed as I Draco stopped rubbing my head, and pushed me off of him slightly.

"How was you summer Kai?" I asked after yawning and stretching my arms.

"It was absolutely lovely, my parents took me to America for the first time in my life. It was quiet the experience honestly, they talk way differently which was a bit odd, and the food they eat was extremely different and heavy on our stomachs, that's one thing we didn't get accustomed to whatsoever. The place we stood at had tons of tall buildings, which in my opinion was quite a lovely scene. The only thing I didn't like was the fact that our sleeping schedule was fucked up after getting there and coming back. But enough about me and my summer, what was summer for the Malfoy's like this year?" His eyes never breaking eye contact with mine.

I warmly beamed at him before finally looking down at my hands resting on the table "Um well, it was the same as every other year. Nothing new at all honestly, father was always at work or anywhere but the manor. Mother was taking Draco and I to Diagon Alley, and Hogsmeade whenever she had the chance to. Her excuse always being 'I just want you both to get out of the house as much as you can, and spend time with me of course'. But besides that it was pretty boring honestly."

I sighed and shrugged my shoulders as I noticed Kai didn't know how to respond.

Draco forcefully chuckled "Don't go all quiet on us now Nott, you were just talking up a storm minutes ago, what happened huh? Cats got your tongue now? Or is that your pea sized brain forgot that summer for us is just like any other bloody day at Hogwarts?"

"What Draco is trying to say" I nudged Draco softly on the arm "is that summer, or any other break we have from school at that, seems like it doesn't matter to our father, and mother has to pick up his parental slack. Basically for Draco and I, it's a never ending cycle that's been a part of our family for as long as I can remember. It's shown us the loneliness that accompanies the word family, especially for the 'Perfect Malfoy Twins'."

"Yeah what she said" Draco spat angrily at him.

Suddenly the train came to a stop, meaning that we were finally here. We had finally arrived at Hogwarts.

Draco got up quickly, grabbed my school robes from my trunk, and threw it at me. As I put my green and black robe on, Draco was grabbing his and doing the same after he finally found them.

"Oh shit guys I almost forgot to mention this but, when the dementor was looking around on the train earlier, it went past Harry Potter's compartment and something happened. Now as to what exactly happened I'm not necessarily sure, but all I know for sure is people were asking him if he was okay … apparently he fainted or something along those lines." Kai announced teasingly.

I grinned at Draco, who unsurprisingly was already grinning evilly at me.

This night just got a whole lot better now!


As Draco and I walked towards the Great hall, I felt someone push me from my brother's side. In fact this person pushed me so hard that I bumped into a Ravenclaw First year. I apologized to the poor girl and, turned to find none other than Pansy "Pugface" Parkinson standing in what was my spot merely seconds ago. I laughed as I saw the obsessed Third year clinging to my brother's poor arm as we kept walking with crowd. I looked at him briefly as and sighed as I saw my brother's pleading eyes silently asking to be saved from her.

"Pansy darling, why don't you let go of my brother's poor arm?" I asked sarcastically as I cut between the both of them and linked my arm with his.

"Celeste, beautiful girl I didn't see you! Where were you?" She confusingly asked me.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed "Darling, I was the girl who you pushed off of him the second you caught sight of him!" I paused and grinned at my brother who just raised an eyebrow wondering what I was about to do "but enough of the formalities darling, where's Zabini at Pansy? I bet he would be thrilled to hear all about what you're trying to start … yet again with my twin."

The girl scoffed angrily past me and through the Great Hall doorway.

"You owe me one, dear brother" I cunningly whispered to my brother as we made our way into the Great Hall doorway, and sat down at the Slytherin table. My brother sat in the side of the table closer to the Gryffindor table, while I on the other hand sat opposite of him.

"Welcome Students! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! Now before we get too into our excellent feast, I have a few things to say, To start off I myself am particularly looking forward to the flaming kiwi cups, which, might be somewhat treacherous for those of us with facial hair…" Professor Dumbledore announced excitedly.

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat and raised an eyebrow at the headmaster who simply nodded sheepishly.

The headmaster cleared his throat uncomfortably "Yes, First and foremost I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Good luck to you, Professor!"

Everyone in the Great Hall start clapping loudly at the announcement of a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. A few girls were already admiring the new DADA teacher.

Suddenly my bother's whispered voice rang through my ears and I grinned evilly "Psst Potter!"

The Gryffindor boy ignored my brother causing me to roll my eyes "hey Scarface, my brother's calling you, are you deaf?"

The boy finally turned to look at my brother. The annoyance on his face made me laugh quietly.

"Potter! Is it true you fainted?" Draco teasingly asked the obviously confused Gryffindor.

Pike, a fellow Slytherin friend of my brother's and I, pretended to dramatically faint causing us to burst into laughter shortly after.

"I mean, you actually fainted!?" I added through silenced laughter.

Ron turned and glared at all of us "Shove off, Malfoys!" He growled before proceeding to turn Harry away from us.

Draco turned and smirked at me before turning his attention back to the headmaster who was still blabbering.

"As some of you may or may not know, Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher for many years, has decided to retire in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fear not though, fortunately his place has aalready been filled by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid!" Dumbledore announced happily.

Instantly Draco and I's eyes went wide, we stared at each other too stunned to say anything.

The Golden Trio and the rest of the Hogwart's houses on the other hand, started to applaud vigorously. This caused the abnormally big man with long tangles of bushy black hair and beard to turn ruby red. As he went to stand up, he nearly knocked the staff table down, this caused the water goblets and plates on the table to clash into each other loudly. Draco, the rest of the Slytherin, and I just snickered at this. Hagrid cleared his throat as he waved at everyone and sat back down, carefully this time.

Dumbledore cleared his throat briefly glaring at us in the process before continuing his speech "Finally, I want to add on more of a disquieting note, Hogwarts until further notice, will be the host to the Dementors of Azkaban. This will only be taking place because the Ministry of Magic requested it …" he paused as murmurs filled the Great Hall "…fear not students, as the Dementors will only be stationed at the entrances of the school grounds! The Dementors are under strict orders, the orders being that they not allowed to enter the castle, or approach any of you as you go on about your daily activities. While those orders are in place, we ask that you do not approach them under any circumstance, as being forgiving is not in the nature of a Dementor."

Draco and I sighed simultaneously and shook our heads as we made eye contact.

"Now that all of the announcements I had to make are finished, let the feast begin!" Dumbledore exclaimed happily as he waved his arms causing the tables to get full of delicious looking food.


After the feast was finally over, Draco and I got up and walked towards the dungeons. As we got to the doorway that led into our common room, I whispered the password. The painting swung open, and I walked in, Draco following closely behind me.

"Malfoy's, you both are bloody lucky, you know that!" Blaise Zabini said from besides Parkinson.

"Why is that Blaise?" I replied dryly.

He turned and looked at me coldly "because you don't have to share a dorm with 4 other people, it's just you and your bother in a personal dorm your father asked for you both to have."

"Suck it up Blaise." Draco responded with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

Draco pushed me towards the stairs that led to the dormitories.

"They're so bloody spoiled, like who the actual fuck do they think they are to be sitting there and talking to you like that!" Pansy whispered so quietly I barely heard her over all the commotion going on in the common room.

I turned to face my brother, who unsurprisingly was giving me a 'don't you dare' look. I shook my head and slightly pushed him out of the way, and walked back down the stairs.

"What was that Parkinson?" I snapped angrily.

"What are you on about Celeste! I haven't said anything." She snapped back to me quickly getting up from the couch and crossing her arms.

"Oh so I must be hearing things right?" I questioned her sarcastically from behind the couch she was just sitting on.

"Yeah you probably are Celeste, might want to go get that checked out as soon as possible! Hearing things isn't necessary a normal thing you know? Could be one of the early signs of you going crazy." She responded cockily.

I had enough of bickering back and forth with the stupid girl. I ran up to her so quick that Draco, nor Blaise could stop me from pinning Pansy by the neck to the stone wall.

"Listen here you spoiled little brat, mummy and daddy aren't here to save you this time! So I suggest you listen extremely carefully" I growled tightening my grip around her neck slightly "don't you dare ever speak about my brother or I the way you just did a second ago understood!"

The terrified girl gulped and nodded against my hand in response.

"Celeste let her go please!" Zabini pleaded desperately.

"Zabini I wouldn—" my brother began to warn Blaise but I cut him off by laughing.

I mischievously grinned at Pansy "oh Blaise why don't you follow Draco up to our dorm, there's something we needed to discuss with you really quickly!" Not once did I break eye contact with Pansy as I released her.

She instantly started gasping for air, and rubbing her neck where my hand was just moments earlier.

Blaise looked at Draco confusingly "Uhh sure, I guess, just wait for me here Pans!"

My brother and Blaise made their way up the stairs quickly, I followed them. As I reached the top of the staircase, I turned to Pansy and smirked once more before walking to my dorm.

I stood outside of the door and heard Blaise apologizing on Pansy's behalf to Draco, who surprisingly wasn't saying anything in response.

I entered the room dramatically and smiled warmly at the two boys who looked at me with a hint of fear in their eyes.

"Oh Blaise, you sweet boy" I cooed "you shouldn't be the one apologizing, it should be that spoiled, selfish, cheater who you call your girlfriend."

Draco's eyes widened as the words that came out of my mouth rang through his ears.

Blaise blinked a couple times, and sat on the chair by my desk "w-what do you mean by that?" Blaise asked softly.

"Celeste don't!" Draco snapped angrily at me.

"Oh Draco, don't be silly, he has every right to know everything" I began explaining calmly turning back to look at Blaise "the girl you're 'dating' has began obsessing over my brother once more, dear. It started of with countless love letters being sent to Draco over the summer, which he never responded to just so you know. Then it escalated into unexpected and unannounced visits to my family's Manor, which creeped both my brother and I on a whole different level. But the cherry to top everything off was the fact she was all over him earlier in the hallway that leads into the Great Hall."

"Are you serious right now?" Blaise shouted angrily at Draco.

My unbothered brother just shrugged his shoulders and sighed.

"I'm sorry Blaise, we just felt like you had every right to know." I warmly cooed at him.

"It's fine … I just need some time to myself …" the heartbroken boy whispered as he walked out of our dorm.

My brother scoffed to himself as he jumped into his bed and, started reading some random book he brought with him from the manor.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head

Some nerve he has. Sitting there and getting angry at me as if I was the one in the wrong. All I did was tell OUR friend the cold truth, something he couldn't do his damn self.

I grabbed my school pyjamas from the bed, Accioed my towel and soaps from my trunk, and walked into the bathroom.

"Celeste…" I heard my brother call from his bed.

"Not right now Draco, I'm not in the mood to deal with your bloody attitude or listen to any snarky remarks you feel like you need to say." I muttered.

I took a quick shower got dressed, brushed my teeth, and walked out to find my brother sleeping peacefully.

I sighed as I curled under my blanket and slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.