
Twin Demons of Tekkaden: Gundam IBO FanFic

It's a Fanfic of Gundam Ibo where Mc is the twin brother of Mikazuki Augus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Check it out. I am way to lazy to write a Sypnosis.

Royan_the_Great · Tranh châm biếm
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82 Chs

70:- Ichiro's Triumph

Rustal, jubilant: "Yeahh!"

Rustal's face lit up with a twisted sense of satisfaction as he witnessed Ichiro's relentless onslaught. His eyes glinted with a calculating delight, recognizing the formidable power before him. His triumphant exclamation reverberated through the command room, a chilling manifestation of his sinister ambitions.

His excitement, however, was short-lived as he swiftly shifted his focus back to the impending battle.

Rustal, commanding: "Julieta, command the Thunder Spear troops."

Julieta, ever eager to prove herself in battle, sought permission to engage Ichiro directly. Rustal regarded her with a mix of disbelief and disdain, questioning her audacity.

Rustal, incredulous: "You want to die?"

Julieta, her enthusiasm dampened, quickly backtracked, realizing the gravity of the situation.

Julieta, subdued: "Okay, no going."

Rustal, his sinister intentions hidden behind a façade of confidence, grinned with a macabre sense of triumph. The prospect of capturing Ichiro, the unleashed beast of the battlefield, filled him with a sadistic pleasure. His mind was already weaving plans on how to break the formidable Tekkadan pilot and bend him to his will.

His voice, smooth and composed, cut through the tension in the command room as he issued his chilling orders to his subordinates:

Rustal, commanding: "Hey, keep an eye on him. Make sure no one kills him. Capture him alive."

His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of his intentions. Rustal's desire to possess Ichiro, not just as a prisoner but as a pawn in his twisted game, fueled his determination.


In the heart of the chaotic battlefield, Ichiro moved with the primal grace of a beast, leaping from one fallen mobile suit to another like a relentless predator. His movements were swift, his actions brutal as he tore through the enemies with an unyielding ferocity. With every kill, he grew more savage, snatching control of the mobile suits and crushing their cockpits within his powerful grip.

Feeling the fuel reserves of Ogre depleting, Ichiro's keen instincts led him to a desperate yet ingenious solution. Spotting a seemingly undamaged Gjallarhorn mobile suit, he pounced upon it, showing no interest in damaging it. Instead, he swiftly eliminated the pilot and forcefully tore apart the suit's fuel supply. With unmatched dexterity, he connected the salvaged fuel source to his own mobile suit, refueling Ogre and rejuvenating its energy reserves.

Ogre, now brimming with newfound vitality, crackled with electrifying energy as Ichiro's eyes fixated on his next target. Before him loomed a Gjallarhorn ship resembling a hammerhead, its imposing silhouette casting a foreboding shadow in the vastness of space. Determination etched across his face, Ichiro prepared himself for the next onslaught, ready to unleash his unleashed wrath upon this formidable adversary.

With a powerful thrust, Ichiro propelled Ogre forward, his damaged but determined mobile suit surging ahead in the vastness of space. Despite the battle-worn appearance, Ogre pressed on, its head unit showing signs of the fierce combat it had endured. One of its antennas was damaged, a testament to the intensity of the previous clashes.

Ichiro made a strategic decision, shifting Ogre from its berserk mode back to normal mode. The mobile suit's berserk claw folded back, and its menacing crimson eyes transitioned to the standard graze configuration. This change allowed Ogre to maximize its speed, its large thrusters roaring to life as it surged ahead.

With a swift transformation, Ogre reverted back into its berserk mode, its claw unfolding once more, ready for the next onslaught. In a display of raw power and skill, Ichiro seized an axe salvaged from a fallen Gjallarhorn mobile suit, its deadly blade glinting ominously in the light of the distant stars.

With lightning speed, Ichiro propelled Ogre toward the Gjallarhorn ship, a blur of motion in the vastness of space. The axe descended upon the ship's machinery, striking with unyielding force and precision. The strike was executed so swiftly and accurately that not a single bullet from the ship's defenses managed to touch Ichiro.

Undeterred, Ichiro continued his assault, his eyes sharp and focused. He swiftly located the ship's second front machine gun, a menacing threat hidden among the ship's structures. With a series of calculated strikes, he disabled the weapon, rendering it useless in the face of his relentless advance.

Ichiro quickly surveyed the ship, his eyes narrowing with determination. Spotting a random beam gun among the wreckage, he swiftly grabbed it and unleashed a rapid volley of shots at the ship's harbor area, the section designated for unloading machines and cargo.

However, the shots, while powerful, failed to inflict significant damage on the ship's structure. Frustration gnawed at Ichiro as he sought to find a way to breach the ship's defenses. His mind raced, devising strategies and considering his options.

"Damnit," Ichiro muttered under his breath, his frustration fueling his determination. The battle was far from over, and Ichiro knew he needed to find a weakness in the ship's defenses.

Ichiro, relentless and undeterred, swiftly shifted his focus to another nearby ship, his predatory instincts honed to perfection. The ship's crew, under the false impression that their bridge was secure, never anticipated the sudden onslaught about to befall them.

With the precision of a master, Ichiro maneuvered Ogre to the top of the ship. Unleashing his hidden needle, a concealed weapon of deadly efficiency, he struck like a viper. The needle pierced through the ship's bridge with unparalleled force, breaching their defenses and piercing the command room. The impact was swift and brutal, the pressure differential in the vacuum of space ensuring the destruction was absolute.

Inside the ship, chaos ensued as the crew grappled with the sudden breach. But Ichiro's strike was unforgiving, leaving no room for escape. The ship's fate was sealed, a testament to Ichiro's unmatched skill and the ruthless efficiency of his tactics.

With this devastating victory, Ichiro pressed on. The echoing thunder of approaching Bullets reverberated through the vastness of space, signaling the imminent danger that Ichiro and Ogre faced. The distinctive sound sent shivers down Ichiro's spine, a stark reminder of the formidable weapons locked onto his mobile suit.

Ichiro's senses sharpened as he narrowly evaded a barrage of high-speed bullets, the deadly projectiles whizzing past Ogre with a hair's breadth of distance. The near miss was a stark reminder of the perilous battlefield he navigated. His mobile suit bore the scars of the encounter, showing the damage sustained from the onslaught.

Quickly assessing the situation, Ichiro meticulously checked every system, searching for any anomalies or critical failures. His eyes darted across the control panels, his fingers dancing across the console as he sought to identify and rectify any issues. Time was of the essence, and he couldn't afford to be caught off guard again.

With a fierce determination, Ichiro formulated a plan in his mind, his strategic prowess coming into play. He set his sights on the hammerhead ship, a formidable adversary that stood in his way. The gears of his mind turned, calculating every move and potential outcome. Ichiro, undeterred by the challenges he faced, prepared himself for the next phase of the battle, ready to unleash his calculated assault on the imposing vessel.

With a calculated fury, Ichiro moved toward the hammerhead ship, his eyes fixed on the presumed location of the ship's bridge. The Gjallarhorn mobile suits, understanding Ichiro's intent, refrained from attacking, their deadly arsenal momentarily silent.

However, Ichiro's frustration grew. He had anticipated a challenge, a fierce battle, yet the mobile suits held their fire, denying him the combat he sought. In his frustration, he thrust Ogre forward, determined to provoke them into action.

The mobile suits, standing in a row with imposing gun missile launchers mounted on their shoulders, hesitated for a moment. As Ichiro closed the distance, their weapons powered up, and they prepared to unleash a barrage of firepower. The tension in the battlefield was palpable, the silence broken only by the low hum of energy and the distant sounds of battle echoing through the vacuum of space.

Ichiro's determination blazed like a wildfire. With a primal roar, he thrust Ogre even closer, forcing the mobile suits into action.

In a lightning-fast motion, Ichiro eliminated the pilot of one of the Gjallarhorn mobile suits, seizing the weapon for himself. The other Gjallarhorn units reacted swiftly, unleashing a hail of gunfire in his direction. However, Ichiro's instincts and agility were unmatched. He skillfully evaded the incoming fire, his movements almost dance-like in their precision.

With the stolen weapon in hand, Ichiro advanced toward the hammerhead ship. He located a narrow opening, a passage through which air and, more importantly, his bullets could pass. Ichiro forcefully jammed the gun's barrel into the small hole, taking careful aim at the ship's command room.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still. The crack of gunfire filled the confined space, mingling with the horrified screams of the ship's crew. The projectiles tore through the ship, striking the heart of its command center. Chaos erupted within the vessel as alarms blared, and desperate cries filled the air.

The hammerhead ship, now critically damaged and crippled, began its descent into the abyss of space. Ichiro's calculated and ruthless assault had effectively dismantled the once-formidable vessel, leaving it to drift aimlessly in the cosmic expanse.

Ichiro's victory was resounding, a testament to his unmatched combat skills and strategic brilliance.







