
Twin Demons of Tekkaden: Gundam IBO FanFic

It's a Fanfic of Gundam Ibo where Mc is the twin brother of Mikazuki Augus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Check it out. I am way to lazy to write a Sypnosis.

Royan_the_Great · Tranh châm biếm
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82 Chs

30:- McMurdo

As the meeting on Saisei came to a close, Naze had some positive news to share with Orga, and he couldn't help but flash his charismatic smile. The dimly lit room with its luxurious furnishings had been the backdrop for important discussions, but now it was time for a moment of respite.

"Orga," Naze began, "I've got some good news for you. I managed to sell Tekkadan's commercial properties, and we've raised a significant amount of money."

Orga's eyes widened with a mixture of relief and gratitude. The financial situation had been a source of concern for Tekkadan, especially given the costly battles they had recently been embroiled in. "Naze, that's fantastic news. We really needed those funds."

Naze chuckled warmly, waving off Orga's gratitude. "No need to thank me, Orga. We're family now, and family helps each other out. Besides, I want to see Tekkadan succeed and thrive."

Orga nodded appreciatively, his earlier worries lightening. "We appreciate your support, Naze. It means a lot to us. We wouldn't have come this far without the Turbines."

Naze's tone grew more earnest as he leaned in closer to Orga. "Now that we've got some breathing room, I suggest you and your crew take a moment to celebrate. Enjoy the peace while it lasts."

"Do you always do that to your wives, Naze? You know, the parties and all," Orga inquired, curious about the dynamics within the Turbines.

Naze leaned back in his chair and let out a hearty laugh. "Yeah, Orga, it's like family duties. If women don't let out their steam, they explode. As the head of the family, I've got to ensure harmony and happiness on this ship."

Orga nodded thoughtfully, finding a kind of wisdom in Naze's approach. The idea of being the head of a family, responsible for the well-being and happiness of its members, struck a chord with him.

Inspired by Naze's words and the responsibility that came with being a leader, Orga turned to Eugene and Biscuit with newfound determination. "Tonight, we're going to have a party. We'll celebrate our achievements, and we'll do it with gusto."

Eugene's eyes lit up with enthusiasm at Orga's declaration. "That sounds like a plan, Orga! Let's make it a night to remember!"

Biscuit, ever the voice of reason, raised a concern. "Orga, we do need to manage our money carefully, you know. We've got to think about the future."

Orga understood Biscuit's concern, but he was determined to give his family a well-deserved break. "Biscuit, don't worry. We've got the funds now, and we'll celebrate sensibly. It's important for us to enjoy the peace while it lasts."



Inside McMurdo Barriston's office aboard the massive planetary cruiser Saisei, Kudelia stood before the influential leader. Mikazuki Augus was by her side, offering his support and wisdom. The room exuded an air of authority, with rich mahogany furnishings and subtle opulence.

McMurdo Barriston leaned forward, his fingers steepled together in front of him, and his voice carried a tone of caution as he addressed Kudelia. "Miss Kudelia, I understand your intentions and your desire to help the Martian people in their struggle for freedom. However, you must also consider the consequences of your actions. Your current path may inadvertently lead to a war."

He paused, carefully choosing his words. "I have a proposal for you. Teiwaz, my organization, is willing to step in and support the Freedom Movement in your stead. We have the resources, the connections, and the experience to navigate the complex web of Martian politics without inciting a war."

Kudelia's brow furrowed as she considered McMurdo's offer. It was a tempting proposition, one that could potentially prevent bloodshed and suffering. Yet, it also meant relinquishing some control over her own mission.

"I need time to think about this," Kudelia replied, her voice carrying the weight of her decision.

Kudelia gazed at Mikazuki, her eyes seeking guidance in this moment of profound decision. Mikazuki, the epitome of composure, met her gaze and spoke with a calm and measured tone.

"Kudelia, whatever choice you make, people will still die," Mikazuki said, his voice carrying the weight of his experiences. "You've seen that firsthand by now. This decision, it's like the first time I killed someone. Your entire future will depend on it. So, you have to decide this yourself."

His words resonated in the room, a stark reminder of the harsh realities they faced in their pursuit of justice and freedom. Kudelia respected Mikazuki's perspective, knowing the depth of his commitment to protect his comrades and achieve their shared goals.

McMurdo Barriston, a prominent figure in the world of Teiwaz, nodded in agreement from his seat behind a grand desk. "This is indeed a significant decision. However, I must admit, time is not on our side. I am not a young man anymore, and I cannot wait indefinitely for your choice."

Kudelia absorbed their words, understanding the gravity of the situation. She expressed her gratitude with a gracious nod and a soft-spoken response. "Thank you both for your guidance and understanding. Please excuse me for today."

As Mikazuki was leaving the meeting room with Kudelia, McMurdo Barriston's observant eyes fell upon him. The boss of Teiwaz, a man of wisdom and influence, couldn't help but be curious about the young pilot.

"Wait a moment," McMurdo called out, his deep voice carrying authority.

Mikazuki turned to face him, his expression stoic and unwavering. "Yes?"

McMurdo leaned back in his chair, studying Mikazuki intently. "What's your name, young man?"

With a calm and straightforward demeanor, Mikazuki answered, "Mikazuki Augus."

McMurdo nodded in acknowledgment. He seemed to recall another presence in the room, a name that was linked to Mikazuki. "You're one of the pilots of the mobile suits, and your brother is Ichiro, right?"

Mikazuki affirmed McMurdo's observation with a nod.

The boss of Teiwaz, McMurdo Barriston, leaned forward, his expression thoughtful. "Alright, Mikazuki Augus, we'll take good care of your mobile suit here."

Mikazuki's brows furrowed slightly in confusion. "What do you mean?"

McMurdo Barriston chuckled, a knowing smile on his face. "Our craftsmen are quite skilled, you know. It's just an old man's whim. I won't take it away from you."

Mikazuki remained stoic, his mind processing McMurdo's words.



In the cozy confines of the Isaribi's cafeteria, Orga's plan to celebrate Tekkadan's induction into Teiwaz unfolded. The younger members gathered around the tables, their eyes wide with excitement as Orga presented the assortment of sweets he had purchased.

The room was filled with laughter and chatter as the children eagerly reached for colorful candies, chocolate bars, and pastries. They savored each bite, their faces radiating joy as they indulged in the rare treat.



