
Twin Demons of Tekkaden: Gundam IBO FanFic

It's a Fanfic of Gundam Ibo where Mc is the twin brother of Mikazuki Augus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Check it out. I am way to lazy to write a Sypnosis.

Royan_the_Great · Tranh châm biếm
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82 Chs

08:- Fierce

Ichiro's heart raced as he sprinted through the hangers of CGS , Mika had already left in his mobile worker. The urgency of the situation weighed heavily on him, and he knew he needed to reach his newly built Mobile Worker, the I2 Seltos.

As he neared the hidden location where he had stashed his creation, his mind raced with anticipation. The I2 Seltos was his secret project, a labor of love and determination. He had poured countless hours into its design and construction, and now, in the midst of this chaos, it was time to put it to the test.

Finally, he reached the concealed spot where the I2 Seltos was hidden from prying eyes. The sight of the Mobile Worker sent a surge of pride through him. Its sleek black frame was adorned with jagged thunderstrike patterns on its tank-like wheels, giving it a distinctive and formidable appearance. It might have looked ordinary to anyone else, but to Ichiro, it was a masterpiece.

"It's time to test the new ammunition".



Amidst the chaos of battle, Ichiro and Mika's Mobile Workers reunited on the war-torn ground of CGS .

Ichiro's voice crackled over the comms system. "Mika, what happened out here? Who attacked us?"

Mika's response was terse. "I don't know, Ichiro. But it doesn't matter right now. We need to fight."

Ichiro nodded, even though Mika couldn't see it. He trusted Mika's judgment implicitly. With a shared understanding, they engaged their Mobile Workers in combat once more, each covering the other's back as they moved through the battlefield with uncanny coordination.

Their teamwork was nothing short of extraordinary. It was as if they shared a telepathic connection, predicting each other's moves and working in perfect harmony. Enemy Mobile Workers fell before them like dominoes, their combined firepower devastating.

As they fought, the members of Third Group couldn't help but watch in amazement. Whose Mobile Worker is that? Everyone knew of the white one it was mika's but that black one had seemingly come out of nowhere, exhibit such incredible skill and synergy?

One of the younger members of Third Group, Takaki Uno, couldn't contain his awe. He turned to another comrade and asked, "Do you know whose Mobile Worker that is? It's incredible!"

His comrade could only shake his head in disbelief. "I have no idea, but I think Mikazuki knows the one ."

Ichiro and Mika fought valiantly, their resolve unwavering. They had reunited in the heat of battle, and nothing could shake their determination to protect their comrades and their home.



Ichiro approached Shino, his Mobile Worker standing behind a barricade shooting the enemy.

Ichiro cleared his throat and said through comms system. "Hey, Shino."

"Who are you ?" asked Shino.

"Ichiro ."

"Oh sorry man, I didn't recognize this new machine of your's ".

Shino gave Ichiro's Mobile Worker a thorough once-over and whistled appreciatively. "Nice ride you've got there, Ichiro. Looks like you've put a lot of work into it. Looks like a surprise for a big battle."

Ichiro couldn't help but smile . "You could say that. I've been working on it for a while. Needed something to keep up with Mika."


"Gosh , are they rich or something? They're firing so much." said Shino trying to shoot down a enemy.

"I don't know who they are, but they want us dead." said Ichiro shooting a enemy from his new upgraded rifle.

"No ", said Mika and continued "They're coming".

"Wait , these mobile worker they are of...". Ichiro speaking but got interrupted by Mika "Gjallarhorn".


"Thanks, Mikazuki you saved me back there ", said Shino.

"It's okay but they are so many". stated Mikazuki.

"We're low on ammo", said Shino.

"Shino's team fall back , Dante will relieve you. Go resupply ", Orga's voice errupted through the comms.

"Orga , You're late", said Ichiro.

"Sorry , Mika and Akhiro fall back as well ", said Orga.



The time of Dawn was nearing but there was still the sound of bullets and bombs vibrating through the CGS.

"Concentrate Fire", commanded Shino to his teammates.

"Hey , what are you doing Danji ", screamed shino trying to stop Danji from going close to the enemy.

"Their Armor is thick , I need to close to be a hero...", Danji tried to reason with shino. As Danji was moving toward the enemy his mobile worker tripped and stopped .

"Move , if you stop. you'll die", shino screamed through comms. A Gjallahorn Mobile Worker was about to shoot Danji but before that can happen, it is shoot down by Mikazuki who had arrived in the scene.

"Sorry to make you wait", said Mikazuki. and started destroying enemy mobile worker's here and there. Soon Ichiro also arrived at the scene ."Hey mika take out the one's in the left and i'll take out the right ones" said Ichiro.

Both of the brother's started destroying mobile workers her and there .Both them were on a rampage. A enemy mobile worker who ichiro was about to shoot got shoot down by Akhiro."I won't let you Brother's hog al the glory".

At the back of the battlefield Orga was standing his upper body out of the mobile worker as he had an eye on the battlefield."Yes, Mika , Ichiro and Akihiro have engaged. Not many can beat them in melee. Time to show them the space rat's power." said impressed and continued to give a commenad "We will regroup now. Get the wounded out of there". "But this is just buying time . It's still getting worse. And where are the main forces, First Corps?When are they going to turn up?".


"Is that you, Biscuit? How is it?",

"It's as bad as we thought it was. The First Corps and the President are fleeing the battlefield through the rear". Biscuit said informing them of the situation they were in.

"What are we going to do? I don't wanna die in vain here!" said Eugene .

"No , you're wrong." said Orga . "What?" spook eugene trying to understand what he was implementing to.

"That doesn't make thing's right . Right , Biscuit ?" said Orga smiling.

"Sure". said Biscuit and pressed a button in his hand . Red flares pierced through the sky in the rear of the battlefield.

"What is that ?" exclaimed Shino

"A signal Flare?". said Ichiro and shoot down another mobile worker .

"What's that? First Corps? asked Eugene while getting out of the Mobile Worker trying to see the flares.

"Yeah , it look's like they'll act as decoy for us". said Orga.

"The enemy is moving ", said Shino through the comms.

"I bet , If I'm reading the situation correctly, they're not going to let anyone escape". said Orga through Comms.

Some mobile worker's started walking towards the First corps but some of them got blown up by the mines, buried by the Third Corps.

"Okay, time to fight back". said Orga to everyone.

But as soon as he said that a heavy bullet came crashing on the battle field ."Heavy artillary, From where?" Eugene asked while moving back into the mobile worker.

"This is.."


