
Homecoming Redux

Eugene and Jaden were walking with Aksel Dolph, the son of the Candy-Man, the most prominent Anthem smuggler in Maplewood. Jaden had made up his mind to aid Aksel in his twisted scheme that would end up with his father in jail.

After walking few meter in a straight dim underground pathway, the three reached a nicely carved wooden door.

"Alright," Aksel opened the door welcoming both boys in. "My father is probably gonna catch up with in a few."

Both Eugene and Jaden eyes were looking in every direction trying to grasp this underground livingroom-like decorations. Eugene was staring at all the different heads of diverse set of creatures from across the realm.

"...Is that a goblin's head?..." he wondered.

"Yup," Aksel said. "That's a legit goblin."

"But how—" Eugene stuttered.

"My dad was an explorer back in the days." Aksel explained. "He and his crew used to venture through 'impossible to get to' places."

Jaden glimpsed a photo framed on the wall as he listened to Aksel. Then, he picked it off the wall.

—— I guess, those were supposed to be his 'crew', he looked at the faces that were on the picture with him.

"Oh, there's a pic of them!" Aksel invited Eugene to take a glimpse.

"So, that's Candy— ehh, your father?" Eugene stuttered.

"Aren't these people familiar?.." Jaden looked at Eugene who focused his energy on trying to remember.

"I— I think that guy is Kym's father.." Eugene muttered. "This one might be... Julia's father, too!"

"Not far from the truth that they were close back then.." Jaden smiled.

"Yeah, that's right!" Aksel added. "Did you know that lady on the left is Mayor Jaros?!" Aksel said.

"The Mayor?!" Jaden exclaimed. "Was she an explorer too?!"

"I think all of them are." Eugene replied.

These 7 people were all going on expeditions and what not, Jaden theorized. If the guy in middle is Aksel's father, the two on the right were Kym and Julia's father, and then there're four young women on the left. The furthest one being Mayor Jaros— wait a minute..

"The one next to my Pops is Miss. Crumble." Aksel said.

"Oh, YEAH!" Eugene was surprised. "Didn't expect that at all! And that one is probably Julia's mom.."

Aksel glimpsed Jaden cracking a slight smile. "Were you able to understand it now?" he asked.

"It's crystal clear.." Jaden replied. "Death Gun is after this expedition team. He's been hunting them one after the other."

"That's right!" Eugene understood it as well. "But who's that last woman?"

"She died several years before they got disbanded." Aksel said.

Jaden wanted to ask even more questions, but he wasn't able to, a tall man with a weird large hat and a raincoat came into the room.

"Oh," he exclaimed. "I see you all are already here!"

"Uh—Dad, you're here!" Aksel said.

"So, these two are your friends that you told me about!" Aksel's father gestured to both boys to have a seat. "Get yourselves comfortable."

Jaden Eugene, and Aksel sat with him. It seemed to Jaden that the Candy-Man had already planed this meeting in advance.

He looks truely like a confident man with the a plan, Jaden thought to himself.

"Nice to meet you, sir." Eugene started. "We go to the same school as Aksel. We even took the lacrosse team tryouts together!"

"My boy here have told me all that is important.." he replied in disinterest. "My birth name is Theadore Dolph. I'm the current sole investor of Anthem on this planetoid."

"How did you end up in this field?" Jaden asked. "We just learned you were an explorer."

"As you may know, boy, one thing leads to another." Mr. Dolph explained. "As explorers, me and my folks have ventured where nobody else could have. We've seen breathtaking things, mind-opening things, scary things, tragic things even."

"…tragic things…" Eugene muttered.

—— Could this be why they've split?, he was wondering.

"So, you've discovered Anthem through your travels! You brought it with you from other planetoids..?" Jaden said.

"Brought it?!" the Candy-Man, Mr. Dolph laughed. "We were the ones who produced it from materials we gathered from untapped dungeons."

Okay! This started to get enticing!, Jaden was telling himself. According to the Hunters's Guid, most of the material found in dungeons were inert, and usually used for making armors of sometimes simple weapons..

"Where were those dungeons you and your team used to raid?" he asked.

"There were in the Realm of Darkness.." Mr. Dolph smirked.

"Huh?!" Eugene exclaimed. "No way!"

—— Bingo!, Jaden smiled.

"That really seems sensational, sir!" he scratched the back of his head.

"So Dad, what's your new operation?" Aksel asked.

"It's a very simple one to be frank!" he answered. "I honestly would have relayed on my Mail-Man and his good men, but he's not suited for this specific delivery."

"So, he couldn't aid you with this one. That's why you wanted help." Eugene said.

"Exactly, every once in a while, we get costumers who would demand deliveries in very sensitive places." Mr. Dolph admitted.

Sensitive?!, Jaden wondered.

"So, I think I'll put my trust in you, and my son to fulfill this one."

After agreeing on helping in this delivery, the Candy-Man, Theodore Dolph explained the main plan to Eugene and Jaden. There will be 3 cars that will head towards the Northside that night, and then park in the highschool parking where the exchange will take place.

"So, this 'costumer' would be at school by tonight!" Jaden said.

He then glanced at Eugene who had apparently figured out who this costumer were.

"...Chico!" he muttered in surprise.

Jaden was just as surprised that Chico might go this far, but he tried to keep his face expressionless.

"Okay, let's get up and check the load of tonight's delivery!" he told them.

"C'mon you two!" Aksel glared at them both.

Both Jaden and Eugene got up, and Aksel heard Eugene said "This isn't very friendly— friend.."

Once they entered another larger space that seemed to Jaden like a warehouse, Mr. Dolph removed the sheets from a group of boxes contained pink colored Anthem discs.

"Pink?.." Eugene wondered.

"The kids love it!" Mr. Dolph shot back.

That was too Candy-Man of him to say!, Jaden thought. His eyes then glimpsed a large old space ship a few distances away from the boxes. It looked rusty, and lacked some external parts.

"Humph.." the Candy-Man smirked. "Gone are the days when we pushed through the unknown.."

"Why did you got disbanded?" Eugene asked.

The Candy-Man let out a heavy load of air out before answering, "You could say that we couldn't handle our sins—" he replied, but then, his phone rang.

"Hello?" he then walked away.

Seconds after that, Aksel walked the two boys out.

"I think we have a deal— Jaden, Eugene." Aksel shook hands with them both.

"You're rushing things on us with your wants.." Jaden said.

"Y'know, that's my Dad. He could be a bit of pushover sometimes.."

"Actually, there is something I want you to do for me." Jaden said.

Eugene had a weird feeling when he saw his friend is putting his hands in Aksel's.

"Name it!"

"I wanna take some parts outta your dad old ship."

"You got it!" Aksel replied.

There only 4 hours left for the dance to begin. Toby and Cristina went to their friend's house to convince her to come to the dance one last time. Julia was locking herself up in her room when they arrived.

"Julls, hey!" Cristina said. "Why you're sitting on the bed like that?!"

"Yeah, baby girl, rise and shine! We got a dance to crash!" Toby snapped.

"No, guys— I don't feel like going.." Julia sighed deeply.

"No way we'd be going without you!" Toby yelled.

"So you're gonna stay here with me?!" Julia said.

"No, we're going together, okay?" Cristina grabbed a dress from Julia's closet. "This is the one we chose, right?"

"And brought you a classy-nasty make up that deserves a queen face!" Toby said in utter excitement.

"..You guys..." Julia muttered.

"Don't be like that!" Toby held her hands. "We're best friends, aren't we?!"

"When you're happy, we're happy!" Cristina rubbed Julia's shoulder.

If only I can tell them, Julia thought. If only I can scream for help...

"What's the matter, Julls?" Cristina noticed her friend spacing out.

"Yes, this isn't like you at all— " Toby gasped. "Is it Kym?! Did he upset you?!"

"No..." Julia looked straight at both of her friends as their faces were expressing concern. "I—"

The moment her mouth was about to convey everything about Death Gun, Julia halted because she noticed a small portal with a gun locked on Cristina's head. Stammered Julia's face just went pale, and tears started coming down.

"I just need you, guys— so much.." she cried and held both Toby and Cristina tight.

"There, there." said Toby.

"We're always here for you!" Cristina embraced her tightly.

In the middle of woods inside their Wrecked ship, Jaden and Eugene were preparing for the important mission they had accepted. They'd done some shopping for some necessities related to that mission.

"This suit looks great on Eugene!" Eugene said as he was fixing his tie. He was standing back to back to Jaden.

"Haha! I just remembered that we usually look like monkeies when dressed formal!" Jaden replied sarcastically.

"Come on! Not all the time!" Eugene bluffed. "On our actual Homecoming, I was wearing a really amazing suit! Everybody was impressed!"

"I bet you were..." Jaden muttered as he was fixing his own tie.

Eugene and Jaden's plan was to be at school during the transaction. And since it was the night of the dance, they couldn't find a better cover. But to Eugene something didn't add up.

Mado is always very cautious and careful when it comes to dealing with people, he thought. Helping a stranger like Aksel kinda seems out of his nature..

"I was surprised when I didn't find you at the dance, you know.." Eugene said. "I even called you, but you didn't pick up.."

...So, I didn't inform anybody that I wouldn't be there, huh..." Jaden mumbled with raspy quiet voice.

Or maybe, I didn't know that I won't be going, he thought.

"That must've been a let down.." Jaden sadly muttered. "Sorry, Majd."

"Yeah, I know— I get the whole introversion thing.." Eugene smiled.

"A—actually, I don't even know why didn't I come to the dance. So, I can even defend myself.." Jaden said. "But I wouldn't normally miss something that was important to you guys. Man, having memory holes just sucks!"

Seeing the disappointment in his friend's face, Eugene put his hand on Jaden's shoulder.

"Cheer up!" he encouraged. "I know things might look dim right-now, but at least you're not alone anymore!"

Jaden cracked a slight smile in response, "I guess you're right.."

"That's much better!" he replied. "Alright, time to rock on!"

The two boys were fully ready, and started walking out of the ship.

"Try not to get carried away, okay?" Jaden said.

"Okay, no worries!" Eugene replied sarcastically.

Tracks were playing, lights were flashing and blinking, and every fabulously dressed girl and boy were grooving to the beat. At exactly 8pm, the Homecoming Dance was happening, and the hall was full of energy. There were some people dancing in the massive herd of overly festive people. There were people dancing together for the first time, people holding hands for the first time, and people kissing for the first time. But there was another person who had a first time experience with such event. With his surprisingly fit suit, Jaden paved his way through the lively thumping crowd all by himself. He directed his glance to the his right, and saw Eugene near the buffett, talking to few students. And when he looked the other way, his eyes caught Julia. She was wearing an attractive red dress, and her hair and makeup were done to look like some otherworldly princess. As she was greeting some people and taking pictures with them, her eyes met Jaden's for a brief little moment before abruptly looking away.

Jaden finally placed himself at a less crowded corner, and leaned against the wall with hands in his pockets.

I see, he thought to himself. So that's Homecoming! I could at least understand all excitement behind it..

"Hey, Mado!" Eugene approached him with a drink.

"Calling me by my real name! You must be excited." Jaden shot back.

"Not like anybody could hear me without screaming." he scratched his head in embarrassment. "So, how are we doing so far?"

"Depends on what you're talkin' about." Jaden took a sip of his drink.

"I'm talking about the dance— first.." Eugene said.

Jaden sighed, "Not my thing at all."

"W—what?! Really?!" Eugene was surprised. "I thought since you like music, you'd like it loud and—"

"You two are ready?" Aksel approached them.

"Oh!" Eugene said. "Aksel, you look different in suit and tie!"

"What's that supposed to mean, you dolt?" Aksel was annoyed.

"Sorry, he meant you don't usually look this clean." Jaden added sarcastically. "Seems like you finally took a bath!"

"WHAT?!" Aksel got angry. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU SO HARD!!"

"You're welcome to try!" Jaden replied sarcastically.

But Aksel knew better and stepped back. "You guys are terrible.." he sighed. "Your phones are ready?"

"We don't have any!" Eugene replied.

"How's that even possible?! How do you two live?" Aksel was shocked.

"We're travelers, so it's kinda useless to us." Eugene clarified.

"You're pain in the ass, ya know that?.." Aksel scratched his head before suggesting, "How about timing your watches, then?"

Jaden and Eugene agreed to his new input. They timed their watches to 10:15pm for their plan to run in motion.

After everything was set, Eugene went back to the dance, leaving Jaden with Aksel. As they were talking about the dance, Doulchry ambushed from behind.

"What the fuck, man?!" Aksel said. "You scared the shit outta me!"

"Didn't mean to ruin your white pair though, mate.." Doulchry laughed. "So, you two want some Anthem? I got some y'know!"

"No thanks." Jaden refused while Aksel wondered how Doulchry was able to bring Anthem to the dance.

"Of course, Chico gave me! He gave everybody!" he replied.

Both Jaden and Aksel didn't like what was going.

On the other side of the hall, Carmen was dancing alongside Petra. The music had changed beat, and got even more intense.

"Carmmy, you're slayin', girl!" Petra said. "Didn't expected to be this hot on the dance floor!"

"What? You're turned on already?!" Carmen playfully asked.

"I'm straight, y'know." Petra replied.

"Let's hope you stay that way!" Carmen started twerking. Her butt got very close to Petra's body.

"Oh, Damn!" Petra yelled.

As she was indulged in all the dancing, Carmen felt someone grabbed her from behind. The discomfort and fear made her immediately turn over.

"Ahh— Chico!" she trembled.

"Why so surprised?!" he replied with a grin of his face. "I missed groping your ass by the way, hehe."

"This is girls night, you dick! So, get lost already!" Petra grabbed Carmen's hands and helped her up.

"Shut your fucking hole up, Petra!" Chico said. "I'm here to give her a gift."

"Huh?!" Carmen was confused. Why would Chico give her a gift?!

Chico put some pink Anthem in her hands before saying "Have 'em before the dance is over, Gabetto?"

"But, baby— this too much! I might as well—" Carmen tried to argue before she got chocked by Chico.

"I said: Have. Them. All!" he said angrily.

"LET HER GO, YOU MONSTER SON OF A—!" Petra tried to release her as she was yelling her lungs out.

When people around started noticing, Frankie, Chico's right-hand lackey intervened.

"Yo Chico, you're making a scene. This ain't tight at all!" he whispered to him.

Chico dropped Carmen down, and tidied her hair. "Okay baby, your man gotta bounce for now." he said to her. "Have your meds, okay?"

Frankie had successfully dragged Chico away from the two girls. Carmen and Petra were left a bit dazed.

Few minutes later, a student with a very shiny purple suit got up on the stage as he was holding a microphone.

"Check, check.." he tested the mic. "Works fine, hehehe!"

The awkward gestures he made had caught everyone's attention. The boy then began.

"And now my friends of Maplewood High," he said happily. "We're going to announce this year Homecoming King and Queen in a few minutes. So you better make your last minute vote count, am I right?!"

People screamed and clapped in response. Jaden even heard some kids yelling Julia and Kym's names out loud.

Eugene went to refill his cup, and bumped into Julia.

"Oh!" they both exclaimed. "So, you came?!"

"Uhh, I mean—" Eugene stuttered.

"It's fine, haha!" Julia giggled softly.

After the awkwardness had cleared off, Eugene took a long glance at Julia.

"What?" she said. "You're making me uncomfortable!"

"Sorry!" he was flustered. "It's just, you know— I wanted to ask you about the Sheriff's department and all that.."

"Oh, yeah— it's all set. It only took a one call..." she answered. "Better not embarrass me! Sheriff Scott is very close to my dad.."

"Don't worry about that...and.." Eugene calmed himself down. "You look like a Homecoming Queen!"

Hearing that, Julia smiled a little, and looked at the stage.

"I bet I'd have been blushing if someone told me this in the past." she said. "I can't believe that I used to be so eager about it.."

"Well, being a queen is a big deal, isn't it?" Eugene replied.

"Maybe..." she muttered as she looked down at her cup. "You know when you think that a transient title or position could get you all the love and appreciation you've longed for? You go crawl after it with blood, sweat, and tears believing that you're getting there!"

"Oh, well..." Eugene looked at Julia as she continued.

"You end up finding yourself idolizing anybody who achieves it! You end up giving it way too much value! But once you're there, and you realize that you only feel numb. All that you admired is merely false illusion. There's only a single feeling you end up with."

"What's that?" Eugene asked.

"Regret." she sighed.


The entire hall went quiet in an instant. There were drums rolling until the guy on stage utter the name.

"JULIA PARK!!" he screamed from the top of his lungs.

The claps were very loud that Jaden got irritated for few seconds.

Julia walked up to the stage. She put a large crown on her head, and put on a label that reads 'Queen of year 666'.

Among the clapping were Eugene, who was joined by Cristina and Toby.

"That our girl!" Toby said.

"Oh, look! Eugene is smiling!" Cristina teased him.

"Do you have a thing for her, Eugene?" Toby asked.

"No way! I'm just happy for her!" Eugene explained.

And maybe a little nostalgic, he thought. What she said to me just reminded me of a friend who told me the same thing. And she thought she was the only person who'd think like that.

——— Isn't that right, Safi..

"AND NOW FOR YOUR HOMECOMING KING!!" the flashy purple guy announced. "AND HE IS....."

Jaden was able to hear the people around him. They were all whispering Kym's name.

"CHICO VATOS!!" he yelled.

Aksel, Jaden, and the rest of the people around them were shocked and confused. Eugene was about to get chocked after hearing it. Kym, Blake, and the rest of their friends were in absolute unpleasant surprise.

Chico got up with high pride, and stood right next to Julia. Most of the Southrens cheered for him, but the overall vibe of the place had gone bitter and unbearable.

"YEAH!!" Chico raised his fist up high.

As the music got even louder, Jaden felt very uncomfortable. He couldn't bear the noise any longer, and decided to flee out of the hall.

"It's still 9:45.." Jaden sighed. He was sitting all by himself on the roof.

Maybe in the end, he thought. I actually didn't want to go to that dance,..

As he was staring at the floor, the lights from the inside of the hall escaped the ceiling window up to the roof. It casted Jaden's shadow down to his feet.

But a moment later, he noticed another shadow casted besides his.

"Oh?!" Jaden looked behind. "It's you, huh!"

"Oh, hello.."

Apparently, Julia is an introvert as well after all, he thought to himself.

Jaden stared at Julia for few seconds. She was still wearing the Queen label and her crown. He thought she looked extremely beautiful.

"Why ain't you celebrating with your friends, your majesty?" Jaden asked.

"I will! I'm just taking a little break.." she stretched up in exasperation.

"Oh, I see... being the center of attention is exhausting after all.." he replied. "Aren't you gonna sit?"

Julia sheepishly smiled and sat down next to him.

"You're a lot more awkward than I imagined!" Jaden laughed a little.

"You're a lot more anti-social than I thought!" she shot back.

Silence lingered between them for a little while. Jaden was wondering if he could ask her about the last time they met and Death Gun, but he hesitated. Julia kept quiet as well, but she glanced at Jaden every other second.

This is bad!, Jaden thought. I'm hella bad at small talk! Why weighing it all on me?!

Jaden gazed up at the sky and said "Don't you like the night sky?"

"Huh?" Julia wondered. "I've never thought about it before.."

"It's really captivating though!" Jaden replied.

"Well—— When you put it that way..." she gazed up at the moon.

Seconds later, Julia stared at Jaden's face before saying "You guys are so different, Jaden!"

"Eugene and I you mean?" Jaden asked.

"Yeah!" she answered. "And not because you're from another planetoid— it's deeper from that.."

"What's that about?" he smiled awkwardly.

"You two seem.... I don't know—— relieved... for some reason, but—"

"Hmmm.." Jaden couldn't come up with something plausible.

"But you seem more burdened as well.." Julia finished.

Jaden sighed. Most likely, it was my fault! Letting so much emotions show makes those around you invest in trying to empathize with you, which in this case, is a grave mistake..

"I thought depression, drug addiction and alcohol are what might burden people our age.." he said.

"You'd be surprised..." Julia muttered in sorrow.

What was that just now?, Jaden thought. A plea for help!

"Seems you're saying it from experience!" Jaden said.

"Do I look like someone who might do these things?!" Julia teased him.

"You might not seem a little like—"

"Well, my mom is an addict!" she opened her arms wide. "I sometimes have to go buy her Anthem myself!"

"Why?—" Jaden muttered.

"She can't stop!—— it's too late for her to try.." she replied with loosing her shoulders.

"I'm sorry, Julia.." he looked down. "That must be hard on you."

"But I won't give up just like that! I'll find a way for her out this... I'll restore hope to her heart.." she tightened her fists.

Jaden watched her got up on her feet.

"But don't worry about it.." Julia snapped back to a good mood. "The spectacle emerges from major adversities! I'll be all right!"

"Yeah," Jaden smiled at her. "You're the most spectacular girl I've met so far."

Julia Park, the girl with a dream, Jaden thought to himself. A dream where all she ever wanted was not to return hope to Maplewood, but to return it to her own mother..

"I believe so.." he said in a raspy voice.

Jaden looked at his watch to check the time. It was 10:13pm. He got up immediately.

—Now is the time!

"Where you're going?" Julia asked.

"I need to go find Eugene! Is everything else ready?"

Julia answered him with a thumbs up.

Jaden smiled as he went, "Thanks, Julia."

Julia waved to him in return.

"You seem happy!" someone said from behind her.

Julia turned around, and saw him. "Kym.." she said.

"Yeah, Kym!" he said. "So, that's why you were avoiding me! For him!"

"Not like that. Don't get it twisted!" Julia argued. "Jaden is trying to fight Death Gun! With his help, maybe we have a chance—"

But then she saw something unexpected. Kym stood before her, crying silently. This wasn't something she could handle anymore.

"My dad was so excited to see me be on the team, to see you, to see me happy.." he uttered. "And then I lost him, before my eyes!"

"Kym— I'm sorry.." Julia held his hands.

"I wanted to stay strong and fight to avenge his death... but I can't no more.. I'm in pain, Julls.. And I can't let anybody see it! But I can't help being selfish.. I need—" Kym's tears found their way to Julia's cheeks. "I lost my dad, Julls— I don't wanna lose you too...."

Julia wrapped Kym in her arms and held him tight. "Here, here.." she said softly. "I'm right here, I'll never leave you for the world."

Kym looked into her eyes, and said "Can you please be honest— and tell me the truth?"

Julia's grip on him got even tighter as she was locked into his gaze. What truth did he want to know about?

"Do you love me?" Kym asked.

"You are my first love, my only love." Julia got closer to his face. "The person that'll forever love."

As distance got closer between them. Julia's lips locked on kym's lips. Their kiss lingered under the starry sky.

At that moment, Mr. Dolph, aka: the Candy-Man, was on the phone with his son who was waiting for him to arrive in the parking lot. Aksel ensured his father all precautions were taken care of. Eugene arrived at position.

"Where's Jaden?!" he asked Aksel.

"What?!" Aksel was about to lose his short temper.

"I'm here!" Jaden appeared at the right moment. "Is he here already?"

"Two cars are coming our way." Aksel said.

"Two?!" Jaden exclaimed.

"We thought it'd only be your father!" Eugene complained.

"Apparently some of his guards wanted to join the party.." Aksel said.

"Check this out!" Jaden pointed. "Those are Chico's gang."

"Yeah, that's Chico's right-hand, Frankie Poole. He's a dirtbag.." Aksel said.

"I know, he's trouble!" Eugene stressed. "What are we gonna do?!"

Jaden took a deep sigh before deciding on their next move.

"Alright.." he smirked.

Moments later, two large automobiles got into the parking lot. As soon as they parked, around eight men armed and in full armor. They scattered through the area. Jaden, Eugene,and Aksel were hiding in a small car. Whereas Frankie, along with other four guys from Chico's gang, stood before the armed troop.

"I'm Frankie Poole, a member of Sato Vatos, and associate to Chico Vatos. I believe we're here for the transaction.."

After hearing that, and after getting the conformation that the zone was clear, the Candy-Man got off of the car.

"It's our turn, C'mon!" Jaden told Aksel to get out of the shadows. "Eugene, you stay till I give the signal, okay?"

"Alright then," the Candy-Man said stood face to face with Frankie and the Sato Vatos. He was wearing a clown mask to conceal his identity.

"That's a little sample for now. Why don't you try it?" the Candy-Man said.

The Sato Vato were apparently confused since the color is different from what they used to.

"You won't regret trying one.." the man said.

Persuaded Frankie, took a disc out of the sample box. When he put it in his mouth, a strange pressure came out of him.

It's similar to that gangster in 077!, Jaden thought. It'd be hard if we try to pick a fight head on with no mana.

"Shit yeah!" Frankie yelled "This ain't kiddin' around! I'm feeling dope!"

"I believe we have a deal..?" Mr. Dolph reminded them

"Of course! This worth every dime, wow!" Frankie laughed viciously.

Jaden checked the time. It was already the time for the police to take the scene.

Once the Candy-Man got his hands on the cash, the sound of raging footsteps was getting closer.


"POLICE! EVERYBODY GET DOWN!!" one officer said.

"Candy-Man, put your hands in the air now, immediately!!"

"WHAT THE..?!" Mr. Dolph stepped back.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!!" Frankie yelled.

"Jaden, now what?!" Aksel asked.

"We'll pretend as though we're on their side." he replied. "You follow your dad and restrain him. Eugene and I will get the Anthem!"

Aksel and Jaden went in opposite directions as the police force mistook them for gangsters.

"I better fly outta here!" Frankie muttered, but Jaden was able to hear him.

"Eugene! Now!" he signaled.

Eugene came out of the shadows and kicked Frankie and few others to the ground with one sneaky attack.

"Why you?!" Frankie wrestled to get up, but Eugene was able to take hold of the Anthem box.

Jaden served as a decoy for the Candy-Man's lackeys in armor. He tackled and dropped one of them down, and then picked a weapon, and tried shooting the rest.

Dammit! These machin-guns are heavy!, he thought.

At that moment, one officer aimed to shoot on Eugene. Jaden was further away for him to intervene on time.

"Crap! EUGENE, LOOK OUT!!" he shouted desperately.

The officer was about to pull the trigger, but he stopped. The Sheriff put his palm on the policeman shoulder signaling him to halt.

"This kid is on our side. Lower that gun.." Sheriff Scott said.

He then charged with his full masculine force towards the Candy-Man. There were some of the armed men protecting their boss. They hindered the Sheriff's assault.

Both the armed men and the Sato Vatos gained the upper hand with time. They ended up circling on Jaden and Eugene.

"The police are falling behind!" Eugene complained.

"Prepare the smoke bomb.." Jaden muttered.

"W—what? Right now?!"

"At this rate, we'll meet our end.."

"You better surrender, Candy-Man!" Sheriff Scott stood before Mr. Dolph, threatening to shoot him.

But the Candy-Man got the upper hand. He was as well threatening the Sheriff by using one of his officers as a shield.

"Well, go ahead and shoot! Unless, you care about your corrupted men, hehe!" he taunted him.

They both remained vigilantly in position for few seconds.

"That's what I thought.." the Candy-Man said. "Turn the car up, son!"

Aksel was inside the black 4WD that his father arrived in. The moment he heard his dad's command, Aksel did as he was told. The Candy-Man approached the car while still holding on to the hostage. His steady cautious steps were very wide, and he got near the door handle. Then, he let go of the officer, but what occured afterwards left the Sheriff dazzled.


Aksel punched his father so hard in the face that the latter flew out his seat, and into the ground with his clown mask shattered.


Sheriff Scott hurried and handcuffed him in an instant. The Candy-Man couldn't say much as he was almost unconscious.

"Anything you might say would be used against you in court." declared the Sheriff.

The rest of the officer charged against the rest of the armed and leathered troublemakers. Jaden and Eugene, on the other hand blew the smoke bomb, and fled— leaving the Anthem box to the police.

"YEAH!" Jaden jumped as they both ran inside. "We did it!"

"That was too much action for one lifetime!" Eugene panted.

"Said the guy who's been sliced by a goblin one of these day.." Jaden teased him.

"Damn you!" Eugene laughed.

As they decided to head back to the hall, they bumped into Julia and Kym as they were walking together and holding hands.

"You guys?!" Kym muttered.

"Julia!" both Jaden and Eugene said.

"What are you guys doing here?" Jaden asked.

"Haha, they're a couple, Jaden! Take a hint!" Eugene laughed and flustered at the same time.

Both Julia and Kym looked at each other and smiled happily. But then, the four of them heard a loud violent noise.

"What's that?!" Julia asked.

"Isn't it from the hall?!" Eugene suggested.

"Let's find out!" Kym took off, and the rest followed him.

Once they reached the dance hall, the four of them were in absolute shock. The hall was all a mess, and multiple people were pretty much beaten up and in a bad condition. It appears that Chico had went on a rampage and smacked almost everyone at the dance.

When they just got there, Chico was punching Blake. Blake's face was swollen, and drenched with blood.

"Blake!" Kym yelled. "LET HIM GO, CHICO!"

"Well, look who decided to show up! Haha, how do you find my input to you little Red Circle now, Buto?" he smirked devilishly. "You think you Northies can just fuck up my delivery and take my Anthem away?! No, noooo!"

"Petra please, don't do this anymore!" Carmen cried at the beaten up Petra.

What did this insane monster do here?!, Jaden wondered in anguish.

"Wh—what? Is that all you got?" Petra barely uttered.

Chico narrowed the distance between them in an instant.

How did he?— Jaden was shocked.

Chico swang his right arm horizontally, and Petra flew to the wall, and then collapsed down the floor.

Jaden couldn't take this any longer, and charged against him.

"YOU BASTARD!!" he yelled.

Chico easily parried him, but Jaden snapped and countered Chico. He tried few punches, but not for too long as Chico Vatos delivered one powerful punch in Jaden's stomach that hindered him. He then kicked him farther away from him.

"Jaden!" Eugene yelled.

"Stand down, Buto! I'm saving you for last." Chico spitted.

"You won't get away with this!" Kym charged towards him, but it seemed like it was what Chico had intended.

He countered Kym with incredible speed.

"What?!" Kym muttered.

Chico delivered a chain of ferocious punches in succession. One after the other, the punches overwhelmed him until Kym went severely unconscious.

"KYM NO!" Julia screamed from the top of her lungs, but Chico didn't stop for a second.

Not until Carmen came crawling at his feet, begging him to stop.

Chico let go of Kym and dropped him limp. He then grabbed Carmen, and ripped her clothes off.

"Rejoice, baby!" he smiled viciously. "Let's cross the line tonight!"

Eugene couldn't even move from the shock he was in. That was way too horrific to handle. But he noticed something new.

My hand, he sensed. It's lighter! Does that mean...

"System Call!" he uttered.

"CHICO PLEASE, DON'T DO THIS! I CAN'T KEEP DOING THIS!! NOOOO!" Carmen desperately cried out loud.

"Come to me, Calante!" Chico was about to bite Carmen bare breast.

"NOO!" she helplessly screamed, but at that moment, a sphere of high pressured wind pushed him away.


Chico landed few meters away from Carmen and unconscious Kym. Julia took the opportunity, and hurried to hold Kym. Eugene, on the other hand, was amazed and confused.

That was definitely Sacred Arts, he thought. But HOW COME?! I got a bad feeling about Chico! Something about him isn't right, in this planetoid standard...

"Who dares and hit me like that?!" Chico got up. "Was it you?"

Chico was walking towards Julia. He must have thought that she was the one that hit him with the Arial Sphere.

Jaden wrestled to get himself up at last. When he raised his head, he heard something familiar.


..Oracle Eye scanning complete...

Is that, he was surprised. My UI?! It's working!

Jaden skimmed the entire room for any significant findings, any username. His head was still dizzy, but he tried to keep going the best he could. The moment his eyes rested on Chico, Julia, and the unconscious Kym.

To Jaden surprise, Chico's stats weren't stable.

The numbers keeps bouncing!, he thought. What the heck is going on with him?! That incredible speed and agility isn't of this planetoid!

But as his eye sight was covering up as much people as it could, Jaden found one person with a Username bar above their heads.

There was a panel with a username on it. It didn't belong to Kym or Chico. It was floating on top of Julia. His gaze fixated on her as she was about to get hurt because of Chico. Once he read the name, in a split second, Mado immediately was able to recognized it.

It was you all along!, he was shocked.

—— Safi...!