

"So I found the tome we need, and it tells us how to find out if you have a gift for magic or not." - The witch's pleasant voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned around and saw the girl's sweet figure and curves. She walked impatiently toward me, blowing dust off the thick book at the same time, which looked rather comical, and it was obvious that the folio had been lying idle for a long time.

In just a few minutes Freya was engaged in chanting, while I was trying to make a serious appearance of being a part of it all. Here, having finished loudly, the girl spoke hurriedly:

"Now quickly give me your hand!" - Without giving me time to pull it out, she pulled it to herself and briskly stabbed her thumb with a thin needle.

Impatiently, but not without grace, she deftly twisted my hand so that the palm was turned to the floor. A drop of blood appeared on the pad of my finger, which decided not to linger under the force of gravity, separated from my finger and flew under the force of gravity into a small vat with some liquid.

As soon as the drop came into contact with the liquid and dissolved in an instant, the vat was illuminated by a bright but non-pressurizing glow. I hope this reaction is correct, and that's how it should be. That's what I decided to ask Freya.

"It's supposed to be, isn't it?" - I mumbled with doubt and uncertainty, for I knew nothing about magic at all.

"Hoo-hoo-hoo, that's what I had to prove! YOU are capable of witchcraft!" - She sang excitedly in a high-pitched tone.

"So you were sure I'd have the strength for witchcraft?" - I arched an eyebrow in incomprehension.

"Yes! I was almost a hundred percent sure! You must know your own blood!" - She grinned, and my eyes widened in shock and understanding.

"So I have Mikaelson blood in me now?" - A part of me didn't want to believe it.

"Well, it's not just Mikaelson blood, but your original blood is in there, too, though of course ours prevails." - Freya enlightened me, and I think I was finally able to breathe the air out of my lungs, which had seemed to refuse to breathe before.


Then an hour flew by while I was getting used to the fact that I could be a super-duper sorcerer. During which I didn't really learn anything from the books the Sorceress had helpfully shared with me.

At the end of the hour, we assembled at the Mikaelson family home. I had had time to be introduced to all the personalities who would be involved in the venture. As I had said before, I was not going to retract my word. So it was decided that I would go together with Klaus.

Though he resisted, the two frowns from Hayley and Hope quickly cut off the ancient vampire's advances. So much for female power, in action.

I couldn't call what happened next "a glorious battle," but it was quite literally a massacre. In which I did not fail to participate. The massacre was brutal and swift. It was over in no more than half an hour.

I hadn't even had time to get the hang of my newly acquired powers. It was easier to deal with the vampire side, because I'd had those powers before, but they'd been slightly diminished and altered. But now, I absorbed the best of both types of vampires, and I also acquired werewolfism. At any moment, regardless of the full moon, I can summon my wolf, which will gladly meet and punish all my enemies with me.

"Are you sure you were right to let her escape?" - Nicklaus asked as calmly as possible to Elijah, who was standing beside him with a sad expression.

"I gave her a chance, and how to use it is up to her." - Betrayed by his love, the vampire answered his brother's question coldly.

"So be it. We're done here." - he briefly said to all of us. Justice prevailed. Enemies, on the other hand, are radically punished.


"I would love to help Hope, but unfortunately, it's not in my power yet." - I really wanted to help the girl, but at this moment I was powerless against her future enemy.

"But I can help you, and my offer still stands." - I nodded to Klaus and Elijah.

"What kind of offer are we talking about?" - Hope asked, and Hayley nodded in agreement. The mother was clearly supportive of her daughter on this point.

"He offered us a world similar to ours, but without vampires from the beginning." - I told the ladies who were interested in my proposal.

"Is that really possible?" - Freya asked me.

"Yes. Wouldn't it be a good idea to start over? Back to the beginning?" - I asked ingratiatingly.

"Well, we would have to think about that." - Elijah answered, who was never much of a talker when he came back to his old self.

"As you want, but don't drag it out to the last. Still, I'd rather think that a living father/husband/brother is better than a dead one, right? Although they will be very far away from you. But you can always use the Alexexpress service" – I smiled at my joke. Although in every joke, only a fraction of the joke itself, the rest is the truth.

"Will we really be able to see my dad?" - Hope looked at me hopefully.

"It's just like I said. As long as it's not every day, the Express might use up its energy." - I wasn't a hundred percent sure that I would be able to get into that world every day, so I didn't want to give them false hope.

After my answer to Hope, the girl remained silent with a complicated expression on her face, but she was not the only one. Everyone was thinking. Especially Klaus himself.

"Okay. I've put a mark on this world, and on all of you in particular, except you, Marcel, I'm sorry, but it's nothing personal." - I didn't trust him yet, not that there were any preconditions. But it's good to be on the safe side.

"So when you think about it, all you have to do is wish me to come. And the stronger the wish, the better." - I informed the Mikaelson family. And he continued." - And now it's time for us to say goodbye to you, affairs is not waiting." - And not only affairs, but also my family, who probably already missed me as much as I missed them. I hope, as an apology, my surprise will be just right for them.

"Are you leaving already?" - Hope was distracted from her thoughts.

"Yes. My family is waiting for me." - I smiled sadly...


[Beacon Hills County...]

[Deep evening...]

Allison was worried sick, no, not about herself. But for her l... she didn't understand who he was to her, but she knew he was very dear. And so the one she cared about was slashed across her chest with a katana. The katana lay in the hands of Oni, the creatures nicknamed demonic warriors, who had been taken over by Nogitsune.

Without a moment's hesitation, she aimed her bow and aimed straight for the heart of one of the Oni and fired an arrow. Which, in a moment, hit the target.

Sorry I was gone for a few days, there were some issues that needed to be resolved...((((

Wasilisk100creators' thoughts