
Twenty Five Year Quest

Zen a lone man, searching for justice of those who died at the hands of the corrupted government. After they refused to aid them, when they most needed it. The only survivor of the attack Zen lived on the streets, later joining a guild and building a reputation. Finding a quest that just might kill him if he fails, he takes it on anyways. Needing the power to defeat the very government that abandoned his once loving home. Shocking truths reaveal themselves to Zen, leaving him confused and trapped. Will he be able to find out the real reason why the government is so corrupted? Stayed tuned to this new adventure. _____________ Cover pic not mine, monsters portrayed 8n my book qre not myne, credit goes to the artists and creators.

Storymamma · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

Chapter Nine.

Far forward of Zen's existing position, sounds of grunting and heavy screeching could be heard. A dense purple cloud already hung in the air.


Zen halted meters away from the cloud, understanding its impacts. He could catch a glimpse of Leo and the other adventures face additional tree goblins, they must have ambushed them. However why leave him behind if only he knew where to strike the monsters?

"Leo, we need Zen. He is the only one who knows where to kill these hideous tree goblins." One of Leo's party members stated.


Zen'a fist clenched tightly, irritation burned with in him at Leo's words. He was done, despite what Mary had instructed him. "If that pompous son of a.....

Zen loo3ked at the battle ahead of him, several adventures already lay unconscious on the moss coated floor.

Zen grit his teeth, taking off his bow. He took aim at the first tree goblin, he had memorized the location of the small jewel in the tree goblins body. His arrow penetrated it from behind, it giving a definitive grunt before dropping dead in front of a few adventures.

Zen utilized the cover of the large tree's to obscure his movements, as he began taking down tree goblin after tree goblin. Several of the adventurers looked aghast, wondering who was slaying the vial monster.

Zen made brisk work of all the monsters, this time abiding out of the deadly cloud. He had only three recovery tonics left, he had to be clever about his activities, other wise he be dead.

Zen shook his head, he would not permit that to transpire so soon. Foremost he needed to know why Leo loathed him so, despite his scaring remarks.

The purple cloud began to dispate, Zen hid behind the large leaves, wanting to witness the parties reactions, one distinct individual seizing his attention.

"Who accomplished this? Who slaughtered all of these hideous creatures?" Leo looked around attempting to locate the individual who had finished the monsters with such ease. All of them shook there heads, as Leo glanced at them.

"It can't be that low life street rat, we took off without him hours ago, it would be problematic for him to catch up, let independently win against all these monsters."

Zen rolled his eyes at Leo's comments, if only he wouldn't be so blind. "Let's rest up here for a while, we head out shortly. It's best we reach the next cavern before a certain someone shows his mug."

Leo proceeded to sit on a rock, Zen crouched down surveying the adventurers, still infuriated at Leo's words form earl2ier. Minutes passed by Leo began looking une6asy, his forehead was covered in sweat.

"Leo, we are ready to head out." Jace declared.

"About time Jace." Leo stood up. " LET'S GO!" He began striding at a a rapid pace, yearning for to vacate as quickly as feasible.

What Leo did not comprehend was Zen following them at a an unhurried rate, still wanting to learn why Leo disliked him. The doorway came into view.

Steep stairs seemed to be leading up, instead of down, like the additional two caverns. Frigid air could be seen coming into the humid grove.

"COME, WE HAVE TO GET TO THE NEXT CAVERN!" Leo roared from far ahead.

Zen held up his guard, while staying back waiting for the others to get a bit further. He made his route down the large tree and started ascending up the stairs.

He took notice of the others footsteps and voices, all grumbling about the frigid atmosphere. The walls began transforming, bits of ice lined the walls. Zen was aware of his steps now as the stairs had a very thin coating of ice on them.

Zen's heart began to race, what lay before him? At least he was acclimated to the cold air, from when he grew up.

"CAREFUL, WE DON'T KNOW WHAT IS AHEAD." Leo's voice echoed off the the glass like walls. Zen's breath fogged up before his eyes. The atmosphere was now colder then before he left the dark grove.

Zen stopped before the entrance, noticing the others were still very close to the entrance of the cavern. Tiny snowflakes fluttered in from the cavern, landing on Zen's warm nose melting immediately.

Zen's took a peak from where he hid, The cavern was enormous, glaciers of light blue ice littered the whole floor and ceiling. It looked beautiful and deadly at the exact same time. The adventurers stood ankle deep in the snow, shivering form the frostiness.

The few fire user left, casted a warm orange like veils over them all. "About dam time, Nero, next time be faster!" Leo chid his party member.

Zen felt a little bad for them, being stuck with such an ass. Zen rolled his eyes as the others began to move deeper into the cavern. Zen dwelled and observed, his senses increased.

Like the other caverns before, he did not know what to anticipate. The others kept moving, Zen utilized the large glaciers as cover to hide his presence from the others.

The snow crunched underneath Zen's black boots. A flurry of snow kept falling at a steady rate, wetting Zen's black hair. "I wonder what monster we will find in this cavern?" Zen spoke underneath his breath..

Leo kept yelling at the others, telling them to quicken their pace. His voice sounded irritated all of a sudden.

Something then caught Zen's attention, far in the distance, Zen could see something move. He squinted to get a better look at what moved, then the ground began to tremble. Something was moving towards where the adventures were headed.

A deep growl was heard behind tall glaciers, Zen transfixed his eyes on the two largest glaciers while he crouched down, observing the situation.

"What was that?" The fox girl voice came out trembling.

Another deep growl went through the cavern, shaking the deadly glaciers that hung above all their heads. 'It's the crystal cavern all over again, except this one has ice cold glaciers.' Zen thought to himself.

The ground shook again, as a huge cat like monster with large teeth and horn peered from behind the two glaciers Zen was observing.

Leo took a defensive stance, making the others do the same. But Zen felt that the monster before them was different he did not know how or why, but deep within him he knew.

Zen kept observing the monster in the distance, seeing something move in the corner of his eye. The cat like monster let out a ear splitting roar, making everyone cover their ears.

The monster moved it large head side to side, as if it were examining for something. "Attack!" Yelled Leo. Everyone, including Leo rushed forward. Spells and weapons at the ready. Nothing could prepare them that happened next....