
A few days before

As the forces of the CRM and the S.C.T. mobilized to clean the cities and connect their territories, Washington DC became the epicenter of their joint operations. It was the strategic location they sought to secure and turn into a stronghold of safety and coordination for both organizations.

The military movement was intense and coordinated. The soldiers of the CRM and the S.C.T. joined forces, leveraging their skills and resources to confront the undead. Using advanced tactics and cutting-edge technology, they embarked on missions to clean and secure key areas.

Throughout the process, there were casualties among the allies. The combined forces faced hordes of walkers, bravely fighting to protect each other and advance their mission. Losses were inevitable, but every fallen soldier was honored and remembered as a sacrifice for a safer future.

One of the key elements in this mobilization was the use of helicopters. These aircraft became an invaluable tool for troop and supplies transport. They were also used to mobilize captured walkers, transporting them to designated locations where they would be safely neutralized.

The process of cleaning and connecting the cities was a constant challenge. Each step forward required a joint and strategic effort. The forces of the CRM and the S.C.T. supported each other, sharing information and resources to ensure that no area was left unattended.

As they advanced, a sense of hope could be felt among the allies. Each cleaned and connected city represented another step towards the reconstruction of a functional society. Washington DC, in particular, became the focal point of their efforts, a place where the two organizations converged to establish a centralized base of operations and coordination.

While the path was filled with challenges and sacrifices, the forces of the CRM and the S.C.T. maintained the determination to achieve their ultimate goal: a world where the threat of the undead was eradicated and humanity could rebuild its future.

Amidst the military mobilization and combat strategies, a firm conviction prevailed that together they could overcome any obstacle. The hope for a safe and prosperous world propelled them forward, facing each challenge with bravery and sacrifice.


In a quiet corner of the CRM city, a group of citizens gathered in secret, sharing their concerns and frustrations about living under the oppressive rule of the CRM. They had grown tired of living in fear and submission, and they were ready to express their deepest thoughts and challenge the status quo.

Amidst their conversations, the citizens expressed their dissatisfaction with the harsh rules imposed by the CRM. One of them, named Tomás, sighed and said, "I can't bear to see my family members punished just for expressing a few words during work hours. It's as if we're living in a dictatorship, without freedom of speech."

Nods and murmurs of agreement resonated among the group. They all shared the same concern: the lack of freedom and constant repression they experienced in their daily lives. They knew that the CRM was willing to eliminate entire communities just to maintain its power and gain benefits at the expense of others' lives.

María, a brave and determined woman, raised her voice and said, "It's time for us to rise up and challenge this regime. We can't keep living in the shadow of fear and oppression. We need to fight for our rights and for a better future for ourselves and our families."

The murmurs of agreement grew louder, and the citizens shared stories of communities that had been sacrificed by the CRM in pursuit of control and dominance. They all understood that the price they were paying was too high and that they had to come together to resist.

Amidst the conversation, some expressed their fears and concerns about the possible reprisals they could face when challenging the CRM. However, Ana, an idealistic young woman, responded with determination, "If we continue to live in fear, we will never achieve the change we seek. We must confront our fears and be willing to fight for what we believe in."

As the discussion continued, the citizens shared their ideas and plans to resist peacefully, using unity and solidarity as their greatest strengths. They realized they were not alone in their discontent and that many others shared their desire to live in a fairer and more equitable world.

The conversation continued, filled with hope and determination. The citizens pledged to organize themselves and spread their message to others within the community. They knew the road would be difficult and they would face obstacles, but they were willing to fight for their freedom and a future where they didn't have to live in fear and oppression.

In that secret corner, the seed of resistance was born. The CRM citizens had awakened to the reality of their situation and were ready to challenge the regime that oppressed them. With courage and determination, they prepared to come together and raise their voices in search of change, willing to face any consequences to achieve the freedom they longed for.


The sun rose over the horizon as an imposing military convoy advanced through a rugged mountain. Over 1,500 people were part of this caravan, led by Merle and the brave group of fighters known as the Fireflies. Their objective was clear: to head towards a strategic base located in the west of the country to initiate an organized attack against the oppressive forces.

The sound of engines resonated in the air as the military vehicles advanced with determination. Armored tanks, transport trucks, and off-road vehicles were part of this impressive formation, displaying the strength and power of the convoy.

At the front of the group, Merle led with his fearless character and combat experience. He was respected by all, both for his strategic ability and his bravery on the battlefield. His eyes, filled with determination, scanned the terrain for possible obstacles or threats.

Around him, the members of the Fireflies marched with discipline and resolution. Each of them was equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry, prepared to face any challenge that came their way to the enemy base. Camaraderie and teamwork were palpable in the air as they fully trusted in their skills and the strength of the group.

As the convoy advanced, the mountainous landscape became increasingly challenging. Narrow and winding roads snaked through the tall mountains, demanding maximum skill from the drivers and concentration from everyone involved. But no matter how difficult the terrain became, there was no room for doubt or surrender in the hearts of these fighters. They were willing to overcome any obstacle to fulfill their mission.

As the convoy ascended the mountain, the landscape transformed before their eyes. The majesty of snow-capped peaks and deep ravines reminded them of the vastness and beauty of the world they were fighting to protect. Although war had left scars on the country, they held onto the hope of a better future and were willing to fight for it.

The journey continued for several days, with the convoy traversing varied and challenging landscapes. But each obstacle and every kilometer traveled only fueled the determination of this group of brave individuals. They knew they were close to their objective and that the moment of the attack was rapidly approaching.