
TVD/TO: The Original Husband

What happens when a modern day dude is dropped into the TVD Universe? Will he become a Vampire? Or is he a Werewolf? Or maybe he is a Witch? Read this fanfic to find out more. Male OC X Rebekah Mikaelson Forgive me if the characters are out of character. The story starts from 999 A.D. !!! Caution: I know some people are dissatisfied with the front portion of this fanfic, but please be patient. I assure you it will be worth it. At least read until chapter 20 before deciding to drop this fanfic. !!! (I don't own anything except my MC, and I am new to this so if there's any grammar, spelling or constructive criticism you want to let me know, feel free to leave a comment.)

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24 Chs

Hidden Past


The incessant ringtone shattered the serene slumber Rebekah and I had been sharing, abruptly jerking me awake. Letting out a groan and blinking against the unwelcome intrusion, I stumbled out of bed and surveyed the chaos on the floor – a jumbled mix of clothes and personal belongings. After a bleary-eyed search, I managed to locate Rebekah's phone. The caller ID displayed 'Nik'.

Knowing it might be important, I reached out to answer the call on her behalf. Just as I was about to accept it, Klaus hung up, leaving a voice message.

"Rebekah, where are you? Pick up the phone, darling. Daddy's dead. It's time for a family reunion."

The sound of someone else's voice roused Rebekah beside me. Her features, a blend of sleep and annoyance, emerged as her eyes fluttered open.

"Ugh... Who's bloody calling me? Can't a girl get some beauty sleep?" Her voice carried a hint of irritation, slicing through the remnants of her dreams.

Tossing the phone aside, I moved closer to her, my fingers tracing the delicate curve of her cheek as I marveled at her beauty.

It was moments like these that made me wish I could stop time and preserve this moment forever.

"It's nothing, Rebekah. Go back to sleep," I murmured, my tone a calming elixir against the lingering fragments of her dream world.

Still with her eyes closed, she smiled sleepily.

"You know it's creepy to stare."

With a playful grin, I fired back, "Oh, come on, love. Your face practically invites attention."

Noticing a hint of blush gracing her exquisite cheeks, she attempted to brush it off and replied sarcastically,

"Oh, well, by all means, don't let the morning sun stop you from ogling."

Amused by her blushing, my smile widened, a testament to my affection for her presence, and I let out a chuckle.

"Oh, don't worry I won't."

Locking her eyes on mine, she rolled her eyes but couldn't hide a small smile.

"Really? Can't a girl get a moment's peace from your relentless ogling?"

Seeing that I was still staring, she acted exasperated.

"You're incorrigible."

Grinning, I leaned in for a kiss. "And you're irresistible."

Shifting her body to face me, she brought her face closer. I could feel her breath as our lips touched.

Separated, my gaze continued to remain locked on those ever captivating blue eyes.

Minutes ticked by in silence as we got lost in each other's gaze, suspended in each other's eyes. Eventually, I broke the silence.

"I miss this. Me waking up beside you on a peaceful day without fearing anybody finding out about us. Especially Mikael."

"Mhmm." She nodded. Then, hesitating for a moment before asking as if she was afraid I would not answer this question, she continued.

"Speaking of Mikael, what happened to you after he killed you?"

Her questions summoned forth memories of my thousand-year separation from Rebekah, an array of images and emotions that played out like phantoms haunting my thoughts.

Observing my distant demeanour, Rebekah gave me a gentle shake.


"Ahem." I cleared my throat, masking the pain lurking beneath the surface, remnants of the millennium-long trauma.

"Uh, it's complicated." I shifted away from her, slipping into my bathrobe, sensing her face mirrors with a tinge of disappointment and sadness, recognising she had touched on a sensitive topic.

"First, let's get some breakfast. I am starving." I suggested, tossing another bathrobe in her direction.

"And do get dressed. I can't have other men ogling, can I?" I jested, the words accompanied by a wink that coaxed a small smile on her lips.

"Alfred!" I called out, and my butler appeared in an instant, bowing respectfully as he did.

Rebekah looked at Alfred with a mix of surprise and disgust, taken aback by the lump of flesh he called a face. Her reaction was a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

"Rebekah, meet my personal butler, Alfred." I introduced him, my voice laced with fond familiarity. Rebekah's acknowledgment came in the form of a raised eyebrow, her scepticism and curiosity battling for dominance. Her gaze lingered, her sassiness undiminished in the face of the unusual.

Sensing her bewilderment, I leaned in, my words a hushed confidante's whisper. "He's a magic golem. Don't stare too much; he's quite sensitive."

Her response was a half-amused, half-incredulous, "Right..." Her independence pushed her to accept the bizarre with a dash of scepticism.

"Alfred, please provide Rebekah with everything she needs," I directed, my tone decisive as I issued my command.

"Yes, Sir. This way, Mdm," Alfred replied with a composed grace, his motions flowing with a polished elegance that guided Rebekah into the next room, where her belongings from the Salvatore's boarding house were brought in yesterday.


Should I tell her what happened?

I stood there, my arms folded, a mix of emotions contending within me as I grappled with the decision. Before I could find an answer, Rebekah breezed out of the mansion, bathed in the morning sunlight that seemed to form a halo around her. Her radiant smile held a touch of mischief, capturing the very essence of her timeless allure. She wore a knee-length leopard print coat over a white blouse, paired with a white tweed skirt that exuded an air of sophistication.

(A/N: Rebekah's Dress)

"Finally, something half-decent," she exclaimed with a playful roll of her eyes. A mix of exasperation and genuine fondness for the fashionsof the past is apparent in her tone. Her voice cut through my contemplation, returning me to the present moment.

"Well, how do I look?" Rebekah spun around, her dress fluttering elegantly as if commanding the spotlight. Her twirl held a hint of her signature recklessness, a fleeting glimpse of the girl she once was, despite the weight of centuries.

Approaching her with a heartfelt smile that had replaced the earlier furrow, I replied, "You look as beautiful as the day we first met." My words echoed a blend of sincerity and admiration, and inwardly, I congratulated myself.

Nicely done, Cassius. Your taste is impeccable.

A memory of our first meeting tugged at the corners of her lips, her dimples revealing a charm that could sway even the coldest of hearts. The memory brought a sense of familiarity that warmed my chest.

"Isn't it a bit early for flattery, Mr. Nightshade?"

"You know me, never one to miss an opportunity for a compliment," I quipped, the teasing tone reminiscent of the banter we shared during those rare moments in 990 A.D. As I signalled to Alfred, my trusted butler, to bring around my 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 429. Jarvis emerged, handing over the keys with a respectful nod before retreating into the grand mansion.

(A/N: Cash's Car)

I approached the passenger side with a brisk jog, opening the car door and extending my hand to Rebekah.

"Ladies first," I remarked, a wink accompanying my words.

"A true gentleman," Rebekah teased, her smile outshining the sun as she took my hand and settled gracefully into the passenger seat. A playful glint danced in her eyes, the same fire that had burned since the last time I saw her, a millennium ago.

Sliding into the driver's seat, I turned the steering wheel, setting our course for 'Mystic Grill'.


As I swung open the entrance to Mystic Grill, gesturing for Rebekah to enter, I asked, "So, what's good here? Any recommendations?"


Rebekah was about to respond, but her eyes locked on Elena's figure across the room. I watched as her fists clenched involuntarily. Visible frustration made her veins pop and an aura of anger practically radiated from her.

"That doppelgänger witch," Rebekah seethed through her gritted teeth, her rage barely contained.

"Hold on, Beck, not here," I cautioned, but my worries went unheard as Rebekah stormed towards Elena. She moved with uncanny speed, gripping Elena by the throat and pinning her against the wall. A sudden rush of wind swept past me as she acted.

Sighing, I thought, There's going to be a bloodbath even before Esther comes back to life.

"Repello Muggletum," I muttered, turning my wand toward the growing crowd of curious onlookers. Confusion clouded their faces, erasing any memory of the commotion they had witnessed just seconds before and preventing them from seeing what was happening.

With the immediate threat mitigated, I approached Rebekah as she held the Delena couple against the wall.

Proud of her, I couldn't help but grin. 

That's my girl. I thought to myself.

As I moved closer, I caught snippets of Rebekah's heated exchange with Elena.

"Surprised?" Rebekah's words were sharp, each syllable laced with a mix of anger and betrayal. "You drove a dagger through my back, Elena. It hurts." Rebekah's usually soft features hardened, her vampire traits emerging. Crimson veins, like intricate spider webs, branched out from beneath her eyes against her pale skin. "Let's see how you'd feel if I did the same." Rebekah's voice turned icy, the threat implicit as her canines elongated, gleaming white against the light. She moved to bite down on Elena's jugular, who was struggling and letting out muffled screams for help under her choke.

Oh, shit. Everything will go up in flames if she dies here.

Stepping in, I wrapped my arms around Rebekah from behind, prying her away from the helpless couple. She fought back, her body tense and instinctive, her teeth bared, to sink into me but she stopped before it did as realisation dawned on her eyes.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?" Her voice crackled with lingering anger, the inner flames of frustration not entirely extinguished.

"Easy, love. Klaus won't be happy if you touch his doppelgänger toy." I reasoned.

"Nik?" Her confusion glazed her eyes, as I realised I forgot to catch her up on the recent news that Mikael had died and Klaus still lived.

Brushing off her confusion, I turned my attention back to the couple, where Elena was hiding behind Damon. His eyes held a mixture of fear, defiance, and anger.

Oh well, there's time for that later.

Brushing off her confusion, I turned my attention back to the couple, where Elena was hiding behind Damon. His eyes held a mixture of fear, defiance, and anger.

"What do you want?" Damon asked, cautious about what I might do to them.

"Relax, I'm not here to kill anyone. I am here, after all, to eat breakfast," I replied casually.

"Then don't mind us. We are just leaving." Damon quickly pulled Elena as they got ready to walk past us.

"Stupefy." A streak of white light zigzagged through the air, finding its mark in Damon's chest and propelling him against the wall. He collapsed, lost to unconsciousness. Elena stood nearby, her hand instinctively rising to cover her mouth, her complexion draining of colour.

"I didn't say you could leave," I asserted calmly.

"Please. Don't hurt him. If you need to kill someone, kill me," Elena said self-righteously, already resigning herself to her fate.

"Bloody hell, stop acting like you are so self-righteous. You're exactly like that bitch, Katherine." Elena's words were met with a scoff, as Rebekah added her own retort. She perched herself on a nearby pool table, swinging her legs mid-air, taunting Elena with every gesture.

Smiling slightly at Rebekah's snarky comment, I turned my attention back to Elena and introduced myself with friendliness.

"I'm Cassius Nightshade. And you must be the doppelgänger, Elena. Pleasure to meet you." I extended my hand for a handshake. As she hesitantly took it, I channelled my Mana into her palm. Her reaction was immediate, as if her palm had caught fire from the inside out.


She crumpled to the ground, agony saturating her voice as she desperately clawed at my hand. Kneeling beside her, my demeanour transformed from friendly to frigidly ruthless.

"Listen closely, Elena. Let's get one thing straight: I may look friendly, but I am not, nor will I ever be, your friend. I heard you stabbed Rebekah in the back. Literally. So let me give you a piece of advice now that I have reunited with Rebekah. If you dare so much as breathe a word of harm in Rebekah's direction or lay a finger on her, know this: I will hunt you down along with everyone you love. And if you think it ends with just that. Oh no, I will make you feel something so excruciatingly painful that you will yearn for the sweet embrace of death. You'll plead for mercy until your voice withers away, yet it will never come. And when it finally comes, you'll be too far gone to even muster an ounce of concern. Are we absolutely crystal clear?"

Tears welled in her eyes as she nodded. The gravity of her situation was evident as desperation clung to her like a suffocating shroud.

"Okay. Then we are good then." Letting go of her hand, I interlock my fingers with satisfaction as she retreated, her trembling, reddened hand clutched close to her chest in a feeble attempt to soothe the pain.

Rising to my feet, I turned back to Rebekah, only to find an unfamiliar emotion flickering across her features. Was it fear? Uncertainty? Shock? Concern? Confusion? Whatever it was, I didn't have time to decipher it before an interruption came.

"Ah, Rebekah, I had a feeling you would be with him."