
TVD/Teen Wolf: The Hale Heir

I own the characters just the MC MC is Intersex and OP. Derrick comes to Mystic Falls to find his sister.

xGodofSwordx · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 - Found him

Leah POV

I was starting my teaching job at the high school today and Elena starts her job at the hospital.

I got the kids to school as Elena went to the hospital already as I'm starting teaching today.

I walked to my class which is AP World History as I'm finna make Ric proud.

Leah: Good evening class, my name is Ms. Gilbert and I'll be your AP World History Teacher this semester.

We decided to use the name Gilbert so the hunters won't know my true last name.

As I taught my classes for today I got text from Derek saying he was busy.

I told him to head to our house as there is a spare key under the mat.

I continued teaching as I went through the day with little problems.

I packed my things to head out to my car as I got in to head to my kids school to pick them up as they ran to the car.

I got out to pick them up into the car as I got back in my seat to drive home.

Leah: Do you four have homework.

Children: Yes.

Leah: Well when we get into the house you four go do your homework at the kitchen table, you can watch TV when your done, I'm checking to see you do it all too.

We made it home as I got out to go get the mail, I saw my kids waited at the door as I unlocked it for them to head to the table to do there homework.

I walked upstairs to see Derek coming out of a door.

Leah: Where have you been?

Derek: I was watching the new Beta the Alpha created.

Leah: Were you threatening him?

Derek: He needs to get the message that he's not getting the message and his little friend Stiles is annoying.

Leah: I'll handle it tomorrow since there both in my class.

Derek: Good cause he wants to play Lacrosse game.

Leah: I'll talk to him.

Derek: Alright, do you mind if I stay here tonight?

Leah: I don't mind, the kids are downstairs doing there homework.

Derek: Right, I'm getting some sleep.

Leah: Alright, I'll call you down for dinner.