
TVD: reborn Heretic Vampire

Adam smith all his life he tried to repay the debt he owed to the loan sharks. In the end he got killed during a police shootout. Now gets a second chance to truly live his life and enjoy a little at least not try dying a visit again. _______________________________________ Overpowered MC: NO, Weak to Strong: Yes, smut: little bit, r18 or sex scenes: depends on power stones, ______________________________________________________________________- Disclaimer none of the characters in Tvd belongs to me just writing for fun

spirits07 · Ti vi
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11 Chs

chapter 09: Heretic Vampire

Bang!! Bang!!

As I was rushing through the woods. I heard gunshots and ran in that direction. I saw Guiesspe Salvator shooting his both of sons as they were trying to free Katherine Pierce. 

I rushed towards Guiessepe and knocked him out. I went near Stefan and Damon looking at both of them dead but when I got near them I sensed magic inside them I'm guessing they were in transition.

I went near the carriage opened it, dragged Katherine's body out of it, and removed her shackles.

"you know next time you have a change of plans you better tell me or I'm not going to get myself involved."

"This was not part of the plan." a bit grumpily Katherine replied to me.

"Here this ends the deal between us" As I spoke I handed her a locket.

"I cast an anti-locator spell on it, no witch can ever discover your existence but its power will run out unless you recharge it and how that is like this," I explained to her and also showed her how it gets recharged by pouring my magic in it.

"That's not what we agreed upon." Katherine frowned hearing the explanation.

"Well, I didn't have the time to make an autonomous one. Did I" I replied with a little smile on my face.

"Well, I'm curious why me I mean you're with your witch you could have made this whole plan work. What I meant is why get involved like this you know ask her to make this locket and you could have vanished you didn't need to go through all this charade." I curiously asked her.

"Well she is a Bennett witch and I have my reasons," Katherine replied with a mysterious smile on her face while looking at Stefan.

"Fine, now you just need to get lost. I have to deal with the rest."

Katherine just vamped away and I gave a one last look at my friends/traitors. I also went on my way to search for Pearl.


By the time I reached the town. I saw the townsmen drag away Pearl and I was so angry as I saw how Emily just watched as they took her away together with Annabelle her daughter. Protecting Pearl was something she promised to do.

I rushed towards Emily catching her by the throat.

"you were supposed to help her not just stand by."Emily started to struggle under my grip as I kept tightening it more and more as I spoke.

first I need Annabelle to get to safety as that device could still track her. So I need her to get out of here.

"Annabelle you can't stay here any longer I need you to go to my place. you will be safe there." 

"no, I can't leave, I can help" Anna tried to reason with me.

"leave Annabelle, I give you my word that I will bring her back no matter what." I made sure that she was gone and now I turned my attention to Emily.

"Now you need t-" Just then my head started to hurt but I had my magic so I only felt a mild headache.

"You think these petty tricks can stop me now" I threw her at a tree and knocked her out.

I need to save Pearl first. I ran after the carriage they were taking her a total of twenty people were there including Johnathan Gilbert leading them towards the church.

I used my magic and created a large fireball and threw it beside them.


"What's happening" people started getting panicked as suddenly fire exploded. I didnt want to go on a crazy killing spree I mean they are doing it for their survival.

While they were distracted I cast an Illusion spell on the carriage. Not wanting to stay here any more people began to fasten their pace toward their destination.

Like usual they kept a gap between them thinking the carriage was still there and they could see it go with them but it stayed.

I went near Johnathan who was guarding the cage, two illusions were cast one for all and another specifically for Gilbert because he didn't get down the carriage.

"Hello, Mr.Gilbert."

"what are you doing here Adam." I guess gilbert was shocked as to why Im here.

"Goodbye Mr.Gilbert." Before Johnathan could comprehend what happened I snapped his head killing him.

I bast the carriage doors with my magic. Bringing Pearl out of the carriage first I removed her shackles but there was still vervain inside her system and it would take a while for her to wake up. So I started to use my magic to speed up the process as I was doing it. Suddenly there was a gunshot.


I slowly looked down at my chest there was blood. I turned around to look at Johnathan Gilbert who was alive even though I just snapped his neck. Before I could comprehend the situation he shot me again.

But before he could shoot at me again. I snapped his neck again and blasted him away.

I tried to take away the bullet but I started to lose consciousness.


Next Day Morning

"Ahh," I groaned as I woke up feeling weird all over my body. I looked around and I'm inside my bedroom.

"Adam How are you." Pearl came inside the room and looked at him with concern.

"What happened" I couldn't remember what happened and was confused as to how I was alive.

"You were shot." Pearl calmly replied sitting beside him.

"But how am I alive?"

"By the time I woke up, you were already dead and you were going through transition. I'm guessing it was Katherine's blood was still in your system when you died."

Hearing Pearl I was already shocked. Before she could continue I got up from the bed and started to cast a spell and the spell worked.

thank god if I lost my powers it would have been shit of life. I also felt magic flowing through my body but my magic started to flow out of me. Looks like I need to complete my transition.

"Adam stop you still need to complete your transition. I know you might lose your magic but it's important to survive first." Pearl looked worried about the fact that I wouldn't turn because I would lose my magic.

"It's okay. you don't need to worry I will go through the process. What happened to Johnathan Gilbert."

"After I woke up I immediately brought you here. By the time I went back, he was already gone."

"Okay first I need to know whether my brother is safe or not and next thing we will be leaving here." I made my desicion for last time to say goodbye to my brother.

"Here I bought a gift."Annabelle came smiling happily bringing a woman with her.

"You know when we used to date I used have a whole different idea of family presents." I was speechless by how quickly she adapts.

I looked at the woman, I could feel a rush going through me all I'm able think is just how tasting her would feel like. I walked closer to her and bite her neck. As soon as blood entered my mouth it tasted like the most sweetest thing in the world I just can't stop.

"Adam,its enough let go of her or she will die." Pearl tried to break adam away from the girl.

Pearl tried to push me away so i used magic to snap both her and anna's neck. I just didnt want anyone to disturb me from enjoying this feeling.

The moment I completely drained her of blood I let go of her body. Suddenly a letter appeared out of thin air I grabbed it and looked at it. It said "from RoB" 


word count: 1341

From here on there will be a few changes to the plot. Just so that it doesn't get boring.

Thanks for your support.