
TVD/PJO: Daughter of Nyx

I own nothing. MC is Lesbian and OP. Elena felt her world crumbling down when her Aunt was killed, Damon got with Katherine, and Stefan with Rebekah as she was suffering from injuries received by the Rebekah but also Katherine, Her mother arrives to show her that she had family still along with her friends.

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Chapter 1 - The Truth

Elena POV

Three years before Percy Jackson.

Elena: D-Damn.

I holding my side as I was bleeding, I think one my ribs is broken.

Rebekah: How is she still alive?

Katherine: Don't know but I'm ending her luck.

Stefan: Just end it quickly.

Damon: End the suffering.

She was towards me as I wished I had help.

Elena: 'Someone help me please! I don't want to die!'

?: 'And your not going to if I have anything to say about it!'

Then the world felt like it stopped with those four frozen it looks like then it got dark as I look up to know it was daytime but the Sun was being eclipsed by darkness.

Then I heard a rumbling coming from down the street as I saw a black carriage moving at fast speed as it appeared from the shadows as it was being pulled by two black horses with glowing red eyes.

As the carriage came to stop at me with the door opening to reveal two guys that got out, both were tall with strong physiques that looked amazing.

?: Hey there, your Elena Gilbert right?

Elena: U-Um yes I am.

?: Wow, she is pretty, nice to meet you baby sis.

Elena: Baby sis?

?: Oh your mom, Isobel and Myranda Gilbert are the same being, our mom is the primordial goddess of the night, Nyx, she sealed off her memories as human then we she died she got her memories back of who she is.

The information was hard to except but then it made me think that my mom was alive.

Elena: So your my brothers?

?: Yeah you probably heard of us in Greek Mythology, I'm Hypnos, the god of sleep and the sitting in the carriage wearing the chains is Thanatos, the lieutenant of hades but the god of death.

Thanatos: Greetings little sister.

He waved at me with his chains dangling with a smile and I waved back not acting weird cause according to this my brothers are gods, yeah that's normal.

Hypnos: Yeah so mom saw your life from the shadows and was really angry that she didn't level the place but you have friends you cared for here so she held her anger back but after seeing these two vampires who claimed to love you now betray you she was boiling mad so she sent us to come get you.

Elena: I see.

I wanted to see her at least.

Thanatos: But instead of waiting she decided to come.

Elena: What?

?: You two know I can't let this continue, anyone of my children I'll care for as they are family.

I recognized that voice, Myranda Gilbert, my mothers voice as I had tears coming from my eyes but then I heard heels coming from the carriage as someone walked out to see a woman but a face I thought I would never see again.

?: Why are you just standing there, come give your mother a hug.

As then it's like my feet moved on there own as I ran with tears in my eyes as I hugged her to never let go.

Elena: Mom!

She embraced me as if nothing else matters to me but then the pain came back.

Elena: Not so tight mom, broken rib.

Mom: Right, let me heal that for you.

She just touched me and I was healed.

Mom: There you go, now where's your brother as he's in need of a hug.

I looked down.

Elena: He's dead.

Mom said nothing but when I looked at her she wasn't sad or angry.

Mom: He's on the other side huh? Thanatos can you go get your brother?

Thanatos: Certainly.

I saw him spread his wings as a door appeared for him to walk through it.

It takes a few minutes then the door appeared.

Thanatos: Found him, along with other one.

He came back with Jeremy and Ric.

I ran to Jeremy to hug him as he hugged me to which I was crying but then I hugged Ric as well.

Mother: Now it's time for a talk.

After revealing she was both mine and Jeremy's mother but different father's which makes us half siblings which is good, my father was John but he was a Legacy of Erebus, the primordial god of darkness.

She said that there's other half bloods like us at a camp but we don't have to go if we don't want to.

She explained everything about the world of gods and monsters to which I'm shocked but she said if we ever need her just think about her to which she'll appear.

She unsealed my powers which I'm shocked to hear I'm the strongest demigod or Demi-Progentoi ever.

She said Caroline was a Legacy of Aphrodite which explains some things and Bonnie was a legacy of Hecate but like that she left but she said just think of her then she'll be there.

She gave me a sword that she said the metal was Stygian Iron and Bone Steel which can kill Humans, Gods, monsters, Titans, giants, Demigods, and of course Immortals, it only lets me wield it and a magic bag that holds infinite stuff, Jeremy got a sword but it was celestial bronze plus arrows but it still hurt supernaturals so he's fine with it.

Once those three leave I see Stefan, Damon, Rebekah, and Katherine to have a smile on my face along with Jeremy cause since he's a legacy he has powers as well.