
Tutoring The King of Entertainment

Lisa, our gorgeous hopeless romantic of a female lead is in love with her betrothed, James, rare as that is. She showers him with all her love and affection and aids him to success in the entertainment industry with her precious talent. She lets him shine in her stead, completely blind to the fact that she herself is a diamond in the rough. A musical genius! However, her whole world comes crashing down when James cruelly rejects her after using her to rise to fame! And worse, he intends to continue using her forever! Lisa's heart is shattered. Now focused on her studies and career, she swears she will never be so stupid as to love so deeply ever again! But someone intends to make her break her vow- the King of the Entertainment Industry and soon-to-be greatest Business Magnet in Z state! How does a regular 23-year-old University student wind up tutoring the glorious, untouchable and invincible King of Entertainment!? Well... What if she doesn't know who exactly he is? How on earth does that happen? How many complications can arise from such a situation? And now someone throws marriage into this chaotic mix! Haha! ... Can Lisa gain confidence and rise from the ashes to become the Queen of Entertainment? Or will she sink to the bottom of a cold, loveless world with all these complications? Let's find out ;) Book Cover Credit: https://pin.it/6zN8WJd

Surrealish · Thành thị
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24 Chs


At a Private VIP Hospital...


Theo walked into the room.

Grandpa Hughes' medical ward was more luxurious than the presidential suite of a 7-star hotel. Furthermore, he was surrounded by numerous gifts, sweets and get-well-soon cards. He even had a whole team of servants and nurses waiting on him!

"Grandpa, I'm here. Good aft-", he said.

"You silly child! You dare ignore your grandpa! How could you treat me so badly? You're so cold and heartless!", grandpa cut him off with a good scolding.

Theo pinched his furrowed forehead again.

"Grandpa, I know you're faking it. The doctor said you only had a slight fever. You've long been discharged. When are you going to stop seeking attention like this?", he asked wearily.

"When you learn to come by the house more often. I hardly ever see you kids. You especially! If I don't do this, I probably won't ever see you till I die!", grandpa replied.

Theo's face fell.

'What a shameless attention seeker!', he thought, embarrassed.

"What did you bring me, Leo?", grandpa asked with an expectant smile.

"You didn't ask for anything grandpa. Besides you clearly have everything you could possibly want.", Theo replied casually, looking at the luxurious room.

"What terrible manners! Coming empty-handed to the hospital. So unfeeling. Your sister knows better. She visits me more frequently and always comes bearing gifts. She understands that I'm a frail old man who needs attention. You, on the other hand, have zero EQ. Zero social skills. You're basically a robot!", grandpa scolded with dissatisfaction.

"That hurt grandpa.", Theo complained with a cute pout.

"Take it like a man.", grandpa replied unsympathetically.

Gerrard marvelled at the scene from a corner of the room.

'Look at this room! Is this a hospital or a luxurious hotel?! President Hughes is definitely extra...

... but he truly dotes on master Leo.', he thought with a warm smile.

Grandpa Hughes switched to a more important topic.

"Are you now married, Leonard?"

"No grandpa, not yet. 2 weeks is too short to find a wife.", Theo replied, exasperated.

"I will never have great-grandkids!", grandpa tearfully lamented.

'How dramatic.', thought Theo.

"...That is incorrect. You have many more years to live, Grandpa. It takes just 9 months to make a kid. I can make one for you anytime." he corrected.

Grandpa facepalmed.

"This is the exact kind of thinking that makes you a robot, Leonard. I don't want just any kid. I want great-grandkids born from true love, from a proper loving marriage.

You've cancelled 4 betrothals and ignored the last 7 dates I set you up on. It's obvious you have no intention of getting married.

"I'm a busy man, and none of them was suitable.", Theo gave an excuse.

Grandpa Hughes scoffed.

"Even the President's daughter?... The entire family is tired of trying to set you up. You forced my hand Leonard. Now you can go find a suitable one yourself."

Have you signed up at the University?", he asked.

"Yes.", Theo answered.

"Good. What course?"

"Performing Arts. 6-month crash program. Does it matter?", Theo asked.

"Not really. What matters is that you experience love with a proper woman who's not just after your money and bear me beautiful great-grandkids. This is the best way.

What name will you go by?" asked Grandpa.

"Theo.", Leonard replied.

"Theo... Good enough.", grandpa was pleased.

He scrutinized Leo's new look with wrinkled eyes.

"I like the hair and glasses. They make you seem more human. More approachable. Even your words sound a lot less scary. This plan might actually work. Hehe...", he snickered.

"The plan is ridiculous. College? Seriously? I graduated college level at 12!", Theo complained.

"Exactly. That's why you have no social skills. You only went through the academic part of college, none of the fun.", replied grandpa.

He continued to elaborate.

"I met your grandmother in college when I had nothing. Our love was true right from the beginning. When I made a name for myself, I found her and married her rather than the numerous gold-diggers around me. That was the best decision I ever made!

A good wife makes a peaceful home, Leonard.

I want what's best for you. You will appreciate my effort in the future..."


"I'm being punished, aren't I?", Leo could sense Grandpa Hughes' mischief.

"Well, I admit this is very entertaining to watch. Hehehe..." Grandpa laughed mischievously.

"...But on a serious note Leonard, it's about time for me to retire. You've managed the company excellently. I'm so proud. I've decided to make you President, but if I let you take over without seeing this through, you won't have an heir to pass the business on to.", he said, his expression more serious.

Theo raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Me? President?", he asked with a rare smile. Becoming President of Hughes Group would make him the No. 1 Business Magnet in Z City. It would also magnify his worth in the Entertainment industry 10 times.

"Yes. But you must be married first.", Grandpa replied.

"I'm honoured. Thank you, grandfather." Theo expressed his gratitude.

"Do your best, 'Theo'.", Grandpa Hughes encouraged with a wink.



Friday Morning...

At Platinum Entertainment Company...


Secretary Jae reported to the CEO of Platinum Entertainment.

"Mr Vincent, I'm sorry to interrupt, but the organizers of 'Eclipse' called. They say Red is too arrogant and difficult to work with. She didn't show up to the promotional photoshoot for Eclipse. They also complained that she's been missing rehearsals and making unreasonable demands."

The CEO, Mr Vince sighed. He was fed up with the constant complaints about the artist, Red.

"Huff... Red is talented, but her arrogance and misbehaviour is becoming a problem for this company. Hmm... Maybe some competition would put her in check. Find me some fresh talent. Now.", he instructed.

"Yes sir."

Secretary Jae proactively got to work searching for fresh talent. Then she remembered,

"Uhh... Sir, I actually saw this video this morning of a girl performing. It was posted yesterday and already has 3million likes.

Secretary Jae handed over her tablet to Mr Vincent.

He watched Lisa's video.

"Hmmm... extraordinary. She's perfect. I want her signed immediately before any other entertainment company makes a move. Make every necessary arrangement.", he instructed.



Monday Morning at Lisa's home...


Lisa was rolled up in the sheets like a burrito at 9:00 am!

Her mom knocked on her door and came in with soup in her hands.

"No school today, I guess. Huff... Li sweetie, don't look so down. It's gonna be alright.", she sighed and comforted her daughter.

"Moommy...", Lisa cried, raising a face dripping with tears and snot. Her red hair was all over the place in knots.

"Oh wow, you look like a hot mess.", Mrs Hatton couldn't hold her comment. Lisa looked like sh*t.

She hugged Lisa as she wept.

"There, there. It's ok... Now drink your soup and heal up ok? Better men will come for you and even if not, you'll still be my perfect, talented superstar, Lisa.", she comforted.

"Thanks, mom", Lisa said between sobs, hugging her mom closely.

This was one of the perks of living with her mom, rather than on campus. Lisa always had someone to care for her. Besides, the school was just 30 minutes away.


"Do you want me to call Mrs Jennings and let her know you're not coming? She wants you to meet a new student today, remember? She said it was really important.", Mom reminded Lisa.

"She's been trying to reach you, Lisa. Where's your phone?" Mrs Hatton looked around for Lisa's phone.

"I don't need it anymooore!", Lisa burst into tears again.

"There, there. It's alright. I'll tell her you can't make it today.", Lisa's mom replied.



Meanwhile at Z State's First Class University.


Leonard (as Theo) sat at Mrs Jennings' office waiting to be introduced to Lisa, his tutor.

His intimidating gaze was pointed at a panicking Mrs Jennings.

A dark aura loomed over the office.

Theo was upset.

"Calm down Leo - I mean Theo. They're trying to get ahold of her right now.", Theo's friend, Mr Vincent, CEO of Platinum Entertainment, now disguised as 'Ralph' tried to get Theo to relax.

His short, naturally blond hair was now neatly tucked under a blue wig. His piercing blue eyes were left intact. However, he and Theo had their noses altered by the best prosthetic experts in the entertainment industry. They were both unrecognizable and both too hot to handle.


A shaky staff of the school whispered something to Mrs Jennings.

"What? She didn't show up? What do you mean she didn't show up to class? Lisa never skips class! Search properly!", Mrs Jennings ordered in a hushed tone.

"We've searched everywhere. She just didn't show up today ma'am.", the administrative staff replied.

"Get Mrs Hatton on the phone, quickly!", Mrs Jennings ordered the administrative staff.

She turned to Theo and Ralph.

"...Umm Please excuse me young masters.", she excused herself before moving to a cooler, less pressurised, more breathable room to make the phone call.

"Good morning Mrs Hatton.", she greeted.

"Good morning Director. I was just about to call you. I'm sorry, but Lisa can't make it to school today.", Mrs Hatton apologised.

"What?", Mrs Jennings gasped.

"She's down with the flu. She'll be there tomorrow.", Lisa's mom explained.

"I'm sorry to hear that. B-but uhh, is there any way that she can show up for just 30 minutes? Please it's really urgent."

'My life may depend on it.', she thought, tearfully.

Lisa's mom turned around to look back at Lisa the burrito, ugly-crying on her bed. She looked hopeless.

'Nope.', Mrs Hatton knew there was no way Lisa would make it.

"I'm sorry Director. She can't possibly make it. This illness is... serious. Please let her off this time. You know she hardly ever skips class.", Lisa's mom replied.

"Umm... Not even for some extra credit?", Mrs Jennings tried again.

"No. Not at all. I'm sorry." Mrs Hatton replied.

Mrs Jennings sighed deeply.

'That's it. My life is over.', she cried within.

"Alright then. Please send my best to Lisa. We'll see her tomorrow.", she managed to say without her voice breaking.

"Of course. Thank you for your understanding. Goodbye ma'am.", Lisa's mom replied with gratitude.


Mrs Jennings ended the call with her heart in her stomach.

"Oh, sh*t! I'm screwed! How do I explain this to him?!", she broke a sweat.





********** TKE Q&A **********




Surrealish: Hello and welcome to TKE Q&A!

I'm your host, 'Surrealish', the author of the book, "Tutoring The King of Entertainment (TKE)". I bring to you live Q&A sessions from the book!!

Lisa: Why are we suddenly on a live show? ...Who is this again?

Ruby: She said she's the author or something.

Leo: Ignore her.

Surrealish: And now, our question for today.


a) Accept their offer happily.

b) Run away

c) Reject the offer

d) Kick Vince out of the house

Leo: (d). That's what I would do

Gerrard: (facepalm) It's obviously (a) sir.

Lisa: I dunno... (b)?

Ruby: Girl, how don't you know? You're the FL!

Grandpa: I think the answer is (c).

Leo: Why?

Grandpa: I just like the letter (c)

Gerrard: sigh...

Surrealish: Find the answer in the next chapter!

Crowd: (Applause)

Ruby: Where did all these people come from?

********** _________ **********

Story's building up. There's much more to come.

Keep reading ;)

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