
Tutorial Finished: India

The story is about a world where people have been given special skills based on their lives. Suddenly, monsters start coming to Earth, and everyone's main goal becomes just surviving. The monsters are real, but the real danger comes from humans turning against each other. We follow a guy who just wants to make sure his family stays safe in this chaotic world where people are fighting each other more than the monsters. It's a story about how far someone will go to protect their loved ones and how tough it is to stay human when the world feels like it's falling apart.

KH_R · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

The Artifact room

Despite the extensive effort we had put in, we finally managed to reach the throne. Attempting to sell it, I found myself thwarted by the system's refusal.

[ Author note- if someone was wondering what thwarted means. It means to 'prevent (someone) from accomplishing something.']

"Why was it declined?" I fumed, perplexed.

"What got declined?" inquired my father.

"I tried to sell the throne, but the system rejected the request," I explained, persisting in my attempts to sway the system's decision.

"Why was the request turned down?" my father queried.

"It seems I cannot sell anything weighing over 50 kgs (around 110 lbs) at this time," I revealed.

"At this time?" my father probed.

With my father engaging me in conversation, I read through the system window and elaborated, "According to this, upgrading my rank from 'F' to 'E' is the solution. It promises a superior rank for all system functions and increased options."

"How does one elevate their rank?" my father sought to know.

"Apparently, possessing a 'BST' (Base Stat Total) exceeding 500 and individual stats of at least 50 each automatically boosts your rank," I informed, glancing at the system window.

"Despite this setback, stay positive. We still have the weapons," my father encouraged, aiming to motivate me.

"I understand that. Btw how can we bring down those weapons?" I pondered aloud as I shut the system window.

"That's a valid point," my father agreed. "However, I have a suggestion. Instead of lowering the weapons, one of us can ascend with a ladder and conduct the sale."

"That's a brilliant idea," I commended my father. "Where could we obtain a ladder, though?" I wondered.

Smiling, my father replied, "I remember seeing a ladder in the first apartment building I visited. I will retrieve the ladder and the car while you search for the chamber where the monster once sat on the throne. Who knows, it could hold valuable treasures."

"Excellent idea," I responded, "let us descend now."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about those accursed stairs we have to go down," Father replied with a tinge of disappointment and frustration.

We then began our descent, and halfway down, we stumbled upon something we had not known was there.

"Father, look behind you," Khush exclaimed with a look of shock on his face.

Father quickly turned around to see ordinary, normal-sized stairs.

"Are you kidding me?" Father exclaimed angrily. "There were just regular stairs leading to the thrones? How did we not see them before?"

"I-I don't know," I responded with a fearful expression.

After venting our frustration about the stairs, we shifted to the more ordinary stairs and made our way down. Upon reaching the bottom, Father starts leaving to get the ladder and the car.

"Stay safe, Khush," Father instructed. "I'll be back in 20-30 minutes."

"I will, Father. You stay safe too," I replied.

As Father left, I began to explore the throne room.

"Now is the time to search for any loot in the throne room," I thought to myself.

After scanning the left and right sides of the room, my eyes landed on a single door leading to a mysterious artifact.

"How does this thing work?" I pondered to myself. "Should I try to activate it?"

However, upon approaching the machine, I decided against it, fearing that it could be a bomb or some other dangerous item. I wisely backed away and left the room.

As I emerged from the room with the artifact and reentered the throne room, I realized there was nothing else of interest.

"Perhaps I should search for the Red Orc's sleeping quarters," I mused, and with that thought in mind, I left the throne room and began my search.

I turned left from the door of the throne room and found a passage that led to another building made of stone.

Inside, I discovered five rooms, with three of them luckily being open. The first two rooms I entered were empty, containing only a bed and some empty shelves.

As I observed the lack of belongings, I couldn't help but wonder, "Were the red orcs so poor? I have more stuff in my bedroom than they do."

Finally, upon entering the third room, I noticed something hanging on the wall.

To be continued....