
Turned Rogue

Young teen having genes from the moon goddess made her the biggest target, who will be able to protect her if her own family failed to protect her. Is her fate set or will the unthinkable happen?

Nikita_Van_Meyeren · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs


Amya's POV

I awoke with the sun seeping through the curtens only to realize I'm in Ryan's arms completely naked, thinking back to the night before I piece the event together not realizing I am smiling and tightning my grip on him, when my thoughts came back to the present I see Ryan staring at me with this amazing smile. " Morning beautiful, how did you sleep? Hope you aren't to sore. " still staring into my eyes I reply, " Good morning, I slept like a baby and no, not to much. So we marked each other? " startled he sais " Yes, do you regret it ?", "No, not a bit. I am a little ashamed of my actions last night, hope I didnt offend you." my eyes shifted from his down to his chest too ashamed to look at him. " Darling you were perfect I will never be offend, please do that again I loved it." he jumps up and towers over me kissing the spot were he marked me. It felt other worldly, like an orgasm aproaching just by the touch of him.

I could not stop a moan from escaping my lips he had me wrapped around his fingers my body is no longer mine and I had no issue with that. He suddenly stopped his delightful torture and says " Come lets take a bath and head out, I want to show you around." I smile at him and nod my head yes. He gets up and picks me up like a princess strolling to the bath room. Then suddenly he lifts me up to put me down on the counter top. I gazed apon his amazing body he was truly breathtaking and I am just so lucky to have him as my mate, he prepares the bath for us once again not asking me to lift a single finger. After he finished preparing the bath he undressed me so gently like I had bruises all over I giggled at his thought that he might hurt me after last night. I leaned forward and pulled him in for a long kiss and it was like sparks flew between our lips. It must be the fact that we marked each other everything is intensified.

In the bath we made turns washing each other it felt like true romance, I am truly fortunate to have him in my life. I will one day repay everything he has done for me. A smile creeped onto my lips thinking of the ways I could thank him. As we finished up washing we stepped out of the bath then he wrapped me in a thick soft towel before tending to himself such a gentleman. " I have to tend to a few things before we start, check in the closet for something you like then meet me in the courtyard." He kissed me one last time before disappearing out the bathroom. Toweling myself off I looked around for body moisturizers, I checked the cupboards and there were so many to choose from and all different things I didnt even know existed for your skin. I grabbed the floral scented bottle lotion it smells amazing. After covering every spec of skin on my body I exited the bathroom. Ryan has already left the room. I look at the big double door in the room that must be the closet.

I stood in aww staring into the closest it was a walk-in-closet it was massive. As I walked in I could see that the right side was Ryan's clothes and about twenty different belts and different watches they looked expensive. To the left was clearly for me with loads of different jewelry and shoes to dresses, gowns and so much different colors I didnt know where to look. My eye coaght a red and white thigh high summer dress, now I just need shoes to match. I ended up on deciding on red Tommy's they would be comfortable for a lot of walking since Ryan wants to take me on a tour of the lands. After getting dressed I spotted a dressing table at the end of the closet, it didnt take me long to find the hair dryer and curls to do my hair. I didn't pay much attention to make up since we were ganna be outside in the heat the entire day just some eyeliner and lipgloss. In one of the drawers of the table was all kinds of perfumes and boy did I over do it but I wanted to smell amazing for Ryan for longer. I rushed out of the room so fast that I bumped into someone landed dead on my behind. " I am so sorry did I hurt you?" I looked up into a beautiful young lady with bright blue eyes. She was in the same position as me, clearly I bumped her hard. She looked flustered at first but then burst out laughing. I couldn't help but burst out in laughter too." It's alright, that was quite a knock are you okay?" she says still laughing. " Yeah, nothing I can't heal from." I lifted myself off the ground wanting to help her up but she has already gotten up. She's an interesting character I thought to myself. "Amya.." I gestured my hand out to her. " Violet." she knocked my hand away and gave me a hug. She made me feel right at home. " You must be new here, you should let me show you around sometime." She nodded " O, that won't...." interrupted by her rushing off with the words " Sorry I am going to be late, bye." I smiled thinking about how nice she is, I hope everyone is like her. I carried onward towards the stairs making my way down and out towards the courtyard.