
Turn to watch the collapse

alex_gomez_4717 · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

compound breach

a siren blared loudly from outside the compound.

I used the distraction to infiltrate from the rooftops and used the shadows to slip into the main computer room to recover some "information" that I understand I'm not under jurisdiction to reveal.

I'm inside the room being brightly lit by the emergency flashing lights. i have the contents stuffed into a small packet drive in hand, and make my way out from the facility.

its simple enough. being hired for this job usually means the usual power struggle from corporate entity to one another. but I wasn't interested in that. i just need to keep up these jobs to stay of the radar from the criminals from the "higher branch civilian safety protocol".

Most of the guards ran by as I hid in the shadows of the ceiling ducts. with this little ability, its very easy to crawl around smaller locations and be seemingly undetected. "I've done it enough to seem completely natural. a strange sight i just had as the guards ran by, most of the weren't armed as I would've thought they'd be. they ran by with basically no combat gear most companies are requiring to defend themselves with. most people with a ability similar to myself can retrieve this info single-handedly. why is this so easy? I let the thought trail off and began looking down the main hallway for any more guards. none were present and the building seemed suspiciously quiet. I took the opportunity to jump down from my position and sprinted towards the nearby window, crashing straight through it, landed on one of the lower rooftops of a different building and radioed for my current partner.

"I have the info, I'm on the south corner of the facility I need an out".

I didn't wait for a response. the facility wasn't too big but the ease of the job creeped me the hell out. no guards the flashes of the emergency still blaring, but if you ignore all that..

"its too quiet don't you think?" my partner radioed in.

"just get us out, I don't want to be here any longer than I have to."

"I'm already a few miles near the compound just get out of there."

I ran out to beyond the steel gates of the area, unpleasant at the thought of the place being empty.

my partner arrived from a distance in a nondescript vehicle but obviously armored, driving by as I jumped into its open back seat and fled back into the city.

just wanted to add here that i know the writing is incredibly messy and i have every issue you could find on how not to write a story in construction terms, but i was hopeing to be able to put out a story out there for fun. reguardless of all the pacing issues and the introductions, and the descriptions of many things i shouldve explained. but if anyone enjoyed and can understand the story itself, i hope to expand and express the story even more.

thank you for trying out my short story.

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