
Turn Of The Evil

[> The story follows a man who has been betrayed and killed, only to be reborn in a completely new world with new powers. He sets out on a journey to take revenge on his betrayers and become the strongest person in this new world. Through training and discovery, he learns to control his new powers and confronts his betrayer. However, after taking his revenge, he feels a sense of emptiness and decides to use his powers to help others instead. He forms a team of like-minded individuals, who together become known as the "Protectors of the People" and work to bring peace and protection to the world. Along the way, he finds a new sense of purpose and camaraderie with his new team, who become his new family.

HaruUnique · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Back-Stab


As I continued on my journey, I finally came across someone who knew about my past life. It was an old man who had the ability to see past lives. He told me that in my previous life, I had been part of a powerful team that had been tasked with saving the world. But unfortunately, my teammates had betrayed me and left me to die.

I was filled with rage and anger as the old man revealed to me the faces of my betrayers. They were people I had considered friends and allies, but they had betrayed me without a second thought. I swore to myself that I would make them pay for what they had done.

I immediately set out to find my betrayers. I traveled to different parts of the world, using all of the skills and powers that I had learned. I faced many challenges and obstacles along the way, but I was determined to find them no matter what.

Finally, I found one of my betrayers. It was a fierce battle, but I was able to defeat them using all of the skills and powers that I had learned. I felt a sense of satisfaction as I watched them fall, but I knew that there were still more betrayers to find.

I continued my search, and soon found another betrayer. This time, the battle was even more difficult, but I was able to emerge victorious once again. I felt a sense of accomplishment, but I knew that I still had one more betrayer to find.

I searched for many months, but I was never able to find the last betrayer. I knew that they were out there somewhere, but I didn't know where to find them. I decided that I would continue searching, but I also knew that I couldn't let this quest consume me.

Although I was not able to find the last betrayer, I was able to find closure and peace. I realized that I have grown, and that I have become the strongest person in this world. I also realized that my journey had not been about revenge, but about self-discovery and self-growth.

And so, I let go of my anger and hatred, and moved on with my life. I knew that I would always remember my past, but I also knew that it was time to look towards the future.
