

Meadow pov

I was in the mess with some of the clones. Fives trying to make me laugh but not getting a rise out of me. He grabs the photo I was holding. "Lets see whats so important that you can't Ah!" I force pin him to the wall. "Give it back " I said in a threatening tone. This only resulted in me being force pinned by Anakin. "Come on Meadow you need to calm down. He was only trying to help. I kbow your in pain talk to us we may be able to help." I gasped remembering JD always said that. I drop Fives and Anakin did me. "I'm sorry Fives I am not myself. If you wanna take a shot at me I won't judge you for it." I said opening my self. When he got close to me. I thought he was going to go threw with it, so I brace myself only to be pulled into a hug. "I'm alright kid  more worried about you." He said the other clones voiced an agreement. "I'm ok just a bit shooken up is all." I said pulling away. "Kid your one of us we may not all be the best lookin, but we are your brothers or uncles whatever you wanna call us. Point is your never alone you can come to us. We'll have your back." Fives said putting his hands on my shoulders. "Hey speak for yourself fives. We all know that I not only am better looking ,but I am the first one she will go too." My dad laughed this started the pissing contest between the two. Is this what mom had to deal with when my siblings and I fought. I laugh at the both of them it was funny watching.

Iris pov

Making it back to Coruscant so the 707th and Zephyr could get some medical attention. I also had to speak with my master. "Something bothers you my Padawan." Yoda said before I could knock on the door. "Enter you may talk about this we should." He said allowing me to enter. Once I sat down he smiled warmly at me. "Now tell me what bothers you so."  I took a deep breath before explaining what happened. "Hmmmm yes youn Meadow is attached to her brother and sister but it is to late to correct. Let us hope that when the time ever should come.....She will be able to let go of her hate. The amount she holds at the moment is dangerous and the darkside temps her. Strong she is at the moment but I fear for the time she loses control." He said and I agree Meadow has a unhealthy amount of hate and if not kept in check....She could very well turn on us.

"I fell training with Windu is the best course of action. A more Experienced grey Jedi could turn the tide for her." Yoda said and it did make sense. "I will speak with him about this." I said before being interrupted. "No need I with train the girl." Windu said making me nearly jump out of my skin. "But she won't be the same when I'm done." Thats what I'm afraid of. I thought to myself. "Well just be careful and thank you Mace I know its not easy for you." I said leaving before he could respond.