
Tuct Side

Tuct Side is a standalone narrative detailing the secrets and happenings surrounding the titular infamous town located in the lower regions of Idaho. The events are told through the perspective of renowned basketball player, filmmaker, and photographer Flori Westford Kuttner, incorporating personal accounts, interviews, and recorded data relating to the appalling affairs. Viewer discretion is advised. Trigger warnings will be mentioned in the beginning of each chapter.

Phillip_Mazorodze · Hiện thực
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46 Chs

Interview #1

{Individual Interview #1}: MAMORU KOJO


Date: SATURDAY, MARCH 17TH, 2018, 3:16 PM PST


WEST: And we're rolling. Man, it's been a while, hasn't it, Coach?

KOJO: It certainly has, my boy. Must feel nostalgic stepping inside this room, huh?

WEST: Yeah. I mean, all things considering, it feels… it feels like home.

KOJO: No matter what.

WEST: No matter what.


KOJO: Sorry. I don't mean to derail you. You're the journalist here.

WEST: Haha! Maybe. Alright. Let's start with the basics. Who are you?

KOJO: Well, my name is Mamoru Kojo. I am fifty-two years old, born and raised in Ōmiya, Saitama before moving to the land of opportunity on my own to take a stab at college. Got into basketball during those years. I played, but wasn't anything special. Just average. But I grew to love the game. So much that I wanted to pass off my obsession to a bunch of oddball brats. Who knew they'd become small-town stars in only a few months?

WEST: Heh. Oddball brats, huh? Say, was the 2011-12 Patriot High freshmen basketball team your best team or favorite team?

KOJO: You're lucky you're your father's son.

WEST: As long as you love us the most, coach.


WEST: So, I'm guessing you moved here in 1984 or 1985?

KOJO: Sounds about right.

WEST: What was it like then? Or rather, what were your thoughts of Tuct Side? Your reaction?

KOJO: Honestly, when I came here, I was shooting for normal. Regular. A place that would be easy to blend in. A pipe dream, really. Of course, I had to deal with the occasional color hater, though, those exist everywhere. With a part-time assistant coaching job here for the basketball team, a bit of fame washed the hate off my back. My wife, Marge, even noticed me. Guess the class.

WEST: Hm. Human anatomy?

KOJO: Can you believe it?

WEST: Hahaha! I believe.


KOJO: Anyway, I liked Tuct Side back then. Local college. Local job. Close relationships. It's home.

WEST: And what about now?

KOJO: It's still home. Love it here. No matter what. It will always be home.

WEST: What makes you say that?

KOJO: Tuct Side, like other houses, towns, and cities, was built to give others a home. And more often than not, you'll have to deal with home invasions. Some outside force encroaching on your safe space. That's what I believe happened. In theory, it happened a long time ago and right under our noses. And over the years, the infection spread, but we're healing. We're still healing even after all this time. We're getting better.

WEST: I hear you, coach. You remember the day we had our final match against Wildwood? In freshmen year?

KOJO: Oh, you guys killed it that day. Though, that one sticks out to me the most because of what happened after.

WEST: Right. The little brawl after the game.

KOJO: We're damn lucky we didn't suffer any repercussions for that. They thought it was an isolated incident. Was…?

WEST: No. He wasn't anywhere nearby that day.

KOJO: I see.

WEST: Though, that couldn't be the only Wildwood matchup throughout the years. Any ones, say, between the years 2003 to 2006?

KOJO: I see what you're asking. One of our toughest opponents happened to be Wildwood. In fact, I think that school and Patriot were rivals.

WEST: You serious? I've never heard of such rivalry before now. Maybe because Wildwood was closing down.

KOJO: No, no. The competition began to rot way before that. There was an incident with one of their players and a girl from here. Or maybe it was a group of guys and girls. I don't know the specifics, but after whatever happened, the school wanted out of the limelight. The 2005-06 season was the last matchup we had with them until you guys. About six years later.

WEST: They must have buried the story somehow.

KOJO: They must have, but now that they're gone, I'm surprised the case hadn't been revealed or opened.

WEST: Must have been a separate incident. I think the situation is quite similar to the bigger picture.

KOJO: Do you know-


WEST: Looks like we're out of time. Man, are they in for a world of hurt.

KOJO: Aw, it wasn't that bad. You know the saying, "the only way to go is up." You guys would quit if you went through what they do.

WEST: So, that's why you tried to appease me earlier. You're replacing us.

KOJO: No way. Your team holds a big, special place in my old, Japanese heart.

WEST: It's the same for us, coach. You really are the best. We haven't forgotten about you and we never will.