
TTMS- High School!

Story written by fenncyer (with bobskittle as the publisher) If the characters from “The Ten Tales of the Misunderstood Sigma” or “TTMS” were ordinary high schoolers.

bobskittle · Hiện thực
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22 Chs


It's the day everyone has been waiting for, girls are cheering, guys are hyping up, everyone has been waiting for the basketball matches.

Everyone is so hyped and ready to see the contestants, but who will go first??

SENJOUGI VS SKITTA OF COURSE RAHHHHHHH. The announcer got ready and said these words: "is everyone READYY??!!!" Everyone screamed as if this was a concert.

"Well let us waste no more time, COME OUT SENJOUGI AND SKITTA" everyone jumps and scream their names

*Heh beating this guy will be easy, although he looks a bit different from before, no matter, I'll win* senjougi thinks in her mind and grins

*What's this kid smirking about, what is she, delusional too? No matter, the training days weren't just for my body, I learned a whole new power up, I'll win for sure* Skitta laughs menacingly while in his thoughts (bro is not aizen skull)

They both get in their sides and wait until the ball is given to. After a bit the referee comes out with the ball and it slips from his grip, the ball is bouncing it's way to some ladies and it's about to hit them but the referee gets there just in time to catch it "you ladies already?" The referee says while smiling (is bro omar??) He gets the ball and now makes his way to the court.....

To be continued