
Tsundere President Daring wife

'Don't overthink it You are only back to work for the family' After 17 years of hoping and wishing to be acknowledged by her mother, Gisele finally is given the opportunity to join the Andres family but it's not for the purpose she thought. After three whole year wasted on slaving for the Andres family, she is Forced into a marriage her step-sister ran away from, a marriage to save the Andres family from their debts. With no option but to accept, she is thrown into a loveless marriage to a man who deeply resents her for separating him from his love. Would she find a way out of this forced marriage or would she spend her whole life with a man who resents her. ... "Mr Devin, we agreed to not interfere in each other's personal life so what is this you have done?" She asked with her hands akimbo and a frown on her face. "You're my wife, it's natural I interfere" The cold man said righteously, not even sparing her a look. "Your wife?" She snorted and declared "I'm filing for a divorce!" He looked up surprised then his eyes turned sharp and deadly "You wouldn't dare!" She smirked "Oh you know how much I dare"

unique2bliss · Thành thị
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64 Chs

a Vixen's cloak

Following Aunty Lou, she went to the dining for her breakfast. Ignoring that cold stoic faced man had become her expertise so she ignored him and took her sit.

Devon was having a conversation with his Secretary so he also ignored her presence "What happened?" He asked the young man with a deep frown on his face.

"The Situation isn't clear yet. I still can't find out how there was a mix up. There is no evidence to discern who had plagiarized each other's design" Secretary Ben answered.

The frown on his face grew deeper, followed by a slight look of inconvenience "Did you interview them both?"

Secretary Ben shook his head "I interviewed Flynn Meyer but Linda Flaw has refused to accept interviews. She say I should speak to her lawyers"

Linda Flaw?

Gisele had unknowingly been eavesdropping on their conversation so she was surprised to hear his Secretary mention Linda Flaw's name.

Was he investigating about Linda Flaw's scandal? But why?.

MX corporation was not involved in the Fashion industry so there was no way Linda Flaw or her accuser was related to them. Could they be related by family?

She turned and looked at Aunty Lou, her questions was unasked but Aunty Lou understand what she wanted to know. She bent down and whispered to her.

"They aren't related, it's just... master has a business dealing with Flynn Meyer. I'm not sure what it is" Even her who had stayed many years beside Devon couldn't really pinpoint what business her master had with the designer. She had only noticed how he would come back home to watch the Fashion show when that designer was contesting. Perhaps he wanted to invest in the Fashion industry too.

Gisele nodded and continued her food while still eavesdropping on what was being said. She had read a blogspot on the internet where the designer's former designs where compared. Flynn Meyer was not a shabby designer still he didn't look to have the talent to design the dress pieces that were causing the recent troubles. Seeing the drastic change in designing skill and style, it would really seem that he just might have been the one who plagiarized Linda Flaw's designs but still who was she to get involved.

"Linda Flaw states there had been a period she displaced her sketchbook two months ago. She insists it was then her designs got plagiarized cause Flynn Meyer's production are the unfinished version of hers."

"where did she lose it?"

"At the Salon"

Devon nodded "Have a talk with the salon, see if you can find anything from the CCTV from two months ago. The press release is after the weekend, I need something on my table by then. Positive or Negative, I want this issue cleared out" He ordered.

"Yes Boss" Secretary Ben answered then turned and walked out of the room.

Once again the dining room was left in complete silence with only their cutleries doing the talking.

"miss how long would you go shopping with your partner? Would you be back by dinner? Should I ask the kitchen to prepare something for you?" Aunty Lou asked in a very ambiguous tone. Gisele hd not detected her ambiguity but the man sitting at the other side of the table directly frowned when he heard the Head maids words, still he kept his head down and didn't look up.

"I'm not sure, I was merely asked out I wasn't told the details much. But I'm sure I wouldn't be out that long" She replied nonchalantly.

Devon scoffed in his head. Who else would be taking a lady out for shopping if not a man. It was clear she had really gotten herself a lover. He was reminded of the phone call the previous night, perhaps that was the man calling to ask her out.

He was tempted to ask Derrick who the man was but he held himself back. He had promised as long as she didn't bring that man in front of him and he didn't get to know who it was, he would keep ignoring his existence.

Feeling less hungry, he dropped his spoon and stood up and left. His absence didn't bother Gisele, she was also done eating so she also stood up and prepared to leave. Aunty Lou left to go inform Derrick of her outing and while she went to pick her bag.

On the other hand, Claudia was hurrying to meet up with her appointment.

An enthusiastic look on her face as she arranged the things at home. As the Eldest daughter-in-law, She was the mistress of the house so she had to make sure things were in order.

"Sis you seem to be in a hurry" Evelyn pointed out. Everyone could discern the haste in The First Madam's actions.

"I have an appointment with the beautiful damsel. I don't want to keep her waiting."

Grandfather Hugo was in the dining when he heard her words. A smile fleeted past his lips. The thought that the mother and daughter-in-law would spend a day together gladdens his heart.

He took his seat on his designated chair and first picked up the newspaper in front of him. He pretended to be reading but his mind searched for what he could gift to his beautiful granddaughter-in-law.

"Old man's Patrick's Granddaughter's birthday is next week. Claudia you're going into town today?" He dropped the papers and asked.

Claudia nodded "Yes Grandfather, would you like me to get something for you"

"Help me pick out a gift for Patrick's Granddaughter. The gift must be thoughtful and exquisite. Something that is trendy amongst girls now." He demanded and although he said for his friends daughter, he was merely hinting her to buy something for the girl.

"Okay grandfather, I'll choose thoroughly"

He nodded satisfied and began his breakfast. Claudia didn't stay to have her breakfast after all she had asked Gisele to meet up first at a restaurant. So she could have her breakfast there.

Despite the traffic and busiling roads, Claudia still made it to the restaurant few minutes later.

Walking to the floor, the sight of the gorgeous girl seated quietly and scrolling through her phone was what welcomed her. She looked so beautiful that one would mistake her to be part of a painting. Not only Claudia but everyone in the restaurant was drawn to the girl who coincidentally happened to be sitting right in the middle.

A sense of satisfaction and admiration filled Claudia's heart. It was rare to not admire such a beauty, especially when she had such a superb personality too.

"Miss would you like anything?" The Waiter walked up to Gisele and asked for what seemed like the hundredth time since she had walked into the restaurant.

Gisele smiled apologetically. "No thanks, I'm waiting for someone" she pointed out once again. She was not offended by the Waiter's persistent questioning.

The young man didn't immediately go away instead he stood at her table scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. He showed no intentions of wanting to go away rather he looked like he wanted to say something.

"Is there anything else?" Gisele asked.

"Actually_" The man started with a pink blush on his ear tips. "I was asked to deliver these" he said and dug his hand into the basket in his arms. He took up the napkin and a bunch of neatly folded papers came to sight.

Gisele frowned. What were those?

One by one the waiter picked the papers and lined them up in front of Gisele. By the time he was done, there was a small mountain formed from the papers stacked in front of her. Once he was down he scurried away without waiting to hear her reply.

Gisele looked at the heap of paper and felt burdened. She didn't even need to look at the papers to know what was written in them. This was just ridiculous!

She had chosen this dress because it looked simple and unattractive but how come she became the center of attention now. Did the unattractive dress somehow turn out to be a Vixen's cloak.

She rose her hand and flagged down a female waitress. With a little tip, she ordered for all the papers to be taken way. Thankfully they were cleared away and she could have her breathing space.

Claudia watched from afar how Gisele discarded the letters without the slightest bit of curiosity to what might have been written in them. It showed just how much this girl was not moved by attention. Everytime she saw the young lady, it made her get drawn to her.

If only her son wasn't married yet, she would just have tried matchmaking the girl with her son. But now there was someone else and that someone else was tight with her Father-in-law. She would be directly punished if the old man found out she was trying to matchmake her son.

Sigh what a waste!

"Miss Gisele" Gisele heard her name so she looked up at the person taking a seat opposite her.