
Trying to Remember who I am

"i... I ... I have so much to tell you. So much that I was afraid to say when we were young. I miss you. I was a fool for not noticing it sooner until it was too late. I'm sorry." Emily was best friends with the boy next door. They met the day his family moved in. Leo was the one she trusted with everything. Sneaking out late to see each other, sitting together in school, going to the same University, they had big plans. They could never be separated until it happened... He walked away and made a name for himself. What happened to them? This story is also on wattpad under : the one that almost got away by @it’s_SaraMint

Sara_Mint · Thanh xuân
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How tragedy ends a lifelong friendship

As your narrator, I feel responsible for what I am about to tell you. This story falls down paths of tragedy, sadness, fear, and a drop of hope. I warn you now.

Where was I before? Ah yes! Emily's apology.

Emily formerly apologized for being sick to the McAdams family. In return,(at his parent's request) Dylan started to watch what Emily would eat to make sure it wouldn't happen again. they started to spend more time together after Leo left again for another month or the foreseeable future

Dylan and Emily didn't love each other and it was becoming painfully obvious to both of them and their parents. However, the McAdams family needed the Valentin family reputations, and the Valentines wanted to diversify.

Emily was starting to question how she saw Leo the longer he was gone. She was noticing that when they were together she felt safe, appreciated, and loved, and she was always happiest with him without trying. She woke up that morning realizing how she truly felt about him and she was going to tell everyone (even though many already knew/figured it out) She went to her father's office to tell him her plans before putting them into action.

However, Dylan had made plans to try harder to win Emily's heart. He was not ready to get married but Emily was such a good girl that he knew if they fell in love they would be happy. With the two families united they could do anything, and the thought of all that power appealed to the second born. He felt bad with the thought of using such a nice girl and her family for his own gain, so he came up with a plan to win her heart so that they would work together.

"I'm here to see Mr. Valentine," she said after walking a few feet into the lobby.

"do you have an appointment with Mr. Valentin?" the receptionist asked not looking up from his computer, completely missing who he was talking to.

"Dad never said anything about needing an appointment?" Emily mumbled. upon hearing the word 'dad' the receptionist's eye grew wide with shock and fear. His head shot up and looked at the teen in her perfectly tailored fitted dress and heels with that trademark red bottoms. Her hair fell in neat curls and she was a spitting image of the owner of the company.

Thankful she didn't see him yet he cleared his throat "I am terribly sorry Miss. Valentine this is my first day. I wasn't expecting any family to show up on a Wednesday. My apologies, your father has a call with a client right about now but I'm sure you can wait in his office."

"oh! It's ok... Max, I just need to tell dad something that is too important to call or text." her eyes looked up from the floor to the nametag of the twenty-something standing at attention. "and Max I can already tell you will be so much better at this than the old receptionist. My mom will be here on Tuesdays to have lunch will my dad, just a heads up. Thank you for telling me dad is busy. Have a good first day" with that she walked to the private elevator.

As the elevator came to the sixty-fifth floor Emily's smile was replaced with a worried one. what if her engagement was important and she had to go through with it? what if her dad thought she was foolish to have feelings (past being friends) for Leo? What would she do if everything didn't work out? Just as her thought consumed her, Jason her dad's PA noticed her.

"Hello, princess sprinkles! Did you finally come to see me? You missed your uncle Jason too much." he jokingly smirked and looked proud to see Emily for the first time in weeks. "Your dad is on a call but you can walk right in. I know you didn't come all this just to see me. How unfortunate." he sighed dramatically.

Jason was a man in his early thirties with a seven-year-old daughter who adored Emily. Before she went off the college, she would babysit the then one-year-old after school. She would go to the company right after school with Leo and they would pick up Julie and watch her as they did homework. Jason started working for the valentines when he was still in high school, as a gardener, over the years he started to work at the company, he was well trusted by the Valentines.

He got promoted to PA after finding out his girlfriend was pregnant. They needed money and Jason's old job working as a manager of the stylists further proved his worth to Mr. Valentine. Shortly after Julie's first birthday, his girlfriend was killed in a mugging. the Valentines stepped up and paid for the funeral, Emily stated to pick Julie up from the daycare inside the company and bring her to Jason's office after school so that he could see her an extra two hours a day. After the first year, he asked Emily and Leo if there was any way he could repay them for taking care of her. They both refused any money or payment he tried to give them until Emily's birthday came and her dad said she wouldn't say no to ice cream. Jason took his two-year-old, Emily and Leo, out to ice cream right after they showed up that day. Emily got lots of sprinkles in her ice cream and both Jason and Leo made fun of her, after that day she was princess sprinkles.

Seeing Emily and Leo take care of his little girl instead of going out and being normal teens, made him realize that not only would they be great parents, but they were perfect for each other. Even though he could talk to Mr. Valentin about the whole arranged marriage, he stayed out of it. For the first time in a while, he questioned why they would do something like that to Emily, he knew and they knew, it was always going to be her a Leo. No one was good enough for her besides Leo, so why would they do this?

"I really did miss you, Jason. How are you and Julie?"

"I'm doing better after a visit from your majesty," he joked. "Julie misses you but she understands that you needed to go away for school. She can't wait for you to start working here so that she can see you every day again."

after talking to Jason for a good twenty minutes she finally walked into her dad's office. He was on his phone speaking in Italian to some business that made expensive fabrics. When the call ended he greeted his daughter and they talked about what she really thought about Dylan, and how she realizes she was in love with her dear friend Leo. When Emily said that she was in love with Leo her dad's eyes filled with happiness and he smiled as she kept on rambling about how she didn't want to let the family down but she would still choose Leo unless he didn't return her feelings.

Mr. Valentin got up from his chair and hugged she as he wisped "Finally you admitted to yourself." he pulled away and looked at his little Girl full of pride. "You can marry Leo tomorrow if you want! I don't care about this Dylan boy or his family, who cares what they think. My daughter is in love with her bodyguard, not some snobby spoiled rich guy. Love is so much more important than any amount of money. Besides, Leo knows how to help you with this company, he won't hurt you, and he has been in love with you since he moved in."

"What are you talking about? Leo hasn't been in love with me."

"Oops... I wasn't supposed to say that." he looked down before continuing. "Honey, Leo told me that he has been in love with you from the beginning. He was afraid you didn't feel the same so he asked me to send him away to business school so that he could make his own fortune and ask you out as an equal." he paused. "he wanted you to think he was doing some kind of intense bodyguard training so that you wouldn't ask why he was going to a different school."

"So, he didn't want me to know he was in an exhilarated school for business, because he wants to be like all the guys that I see at balls or galas? Why would he do that, he knows I don't care about that. When I go to pick him up later today I will tell him how I feel and that he doesn't have to become a businessman to make me happy. He doesn't have to keep going to that school unless that's what he wants."

As Emily walked out of the building she was happy she could be with the guy she truly loved. she looked both ways before crossing the street to her car.

This dear reader is the part of the story I fear is not so pleasant. For, as Emily crossed the street a car at a high speed ran a red light and hit the nineteenth year old. She would have died if the car hadn't slammed on the breaks, she hit the car and rolled over the windshield and top of the car as in came to a stop. The ambulance came soon after the nurse inside the building saw what happened and called it in. poor Emily had a serious head injury two broken ribs and an arm, she could have become paralyzed from the waist down if the nurse did go running out right after the crash. The doctor said that due to the head injury she would have some brain damage or trauma, thankfully after they operated they were relieved to find out she would only have memory loss, but it would take a while for her to wake up from her coma.

As for the driver, he came out of the accident without a scratch. He felt guilty for driving through the red light not only for hitting someone but for hitting Miss. Valentin, His finance...

This ends chapter 3