
Trying to Remember who I am

"i... I ... I have so much to tell you. So much that I was afraid to say when we were young. I miss you. I was a fool for not noticing it sooner until it was too late. I'm sorry." Emily was best friends with the boy next door. They met the day his family moved in. Leo was the one she trusted with everything. Sneaking out late to see each other, sitting together in school, going to the same University, they had big plans. They could never be separated until it happened... He walked away and made a name for himself. What happened to them? This story is also on wattpad under : the one that almost got away by @it’s_SaraMint

Sara_Mint · Thanh xuân
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9 Chs

Dinner with Benny

Benjamin Valentine Pushed himself harder than ever before after he got the news about his baby sister. He was in Paris in the middle of a business deal when his personal assistant knocked on the door with such a force that the poor door could have broken down. The words came out faster than she could speak.

"Emily... car crash... head injury... Hospital... uncertain... everything is taken care of... Go now!" Maggie was out of breath but she couldn't tell him fast enough.

"Maggie, what is going on?"

"I can explain on the way to the airport. We need to get you back to the states ASAP." After her brief explanation, they left for the car waiting downstairs for them. Once in the car, he indicated for her to start talking. "Emily is in the hospital with a head injury..."

During the three years that Emily was in a coma, Benny's company started to take off as well as becoming close friends with Theodor Charles. Work kept him busy for the most part. Maggie his PA became his girlfriend and then Fiancé after Emily woke up. Benny finally had the courage to ask Maggie after being able to talk to his sister for the first time in years.

He trusts Theodor to not only protect and care for his sister but be someone that would stay by her side no matter what. Having a meal with them for the first time felt strange but he was excited to see how they were together after years of knowing each other.

"You should start getting ready to go Mr." Maggie's voice broke his thoughts about the meal.

"Are you sure she doesn't remember him? What if it was just for the first week? Maybe she remembers him now."

"Benny, I love you, but you have to be patient with her." she took his jacket off the coat rack in his office and started to walk over to him. "We lucked out that she recognized me. The doctor said her memory is selective right now. " she handed him his jacket. "Please don't push her tonight."

"For someone that is normally ruthless with making business deals, it sounds weird hearing 'Please don't push it' from you." he got up to put his jacket on. Air quotes and sarcasm were deeply apparent. "You always tell me to get to the information I want out of people."

"Very funny Mr. pushy." Her arms crossed over her chest as her eyes rolled, as a small smirk was being hidden. "Leave now before the lunch traffic starts or you won't be there till dinner time."

"But Theodore's house is an hour from the opposite edge of the city," he complained. "How will I get there so late?"

"Well, lunch starts in 15 minutes. You should make it through the city in less than 45 minutes if you leave now."

"That eager to get rid of me?" he smiled getting his things to leave. "How do I tell her about our wedding?"

"If it comes up, just tell her. Even though you shouldn't push her, don't baby her ether. Emily is an adult now, don't treat her like she is 5."

Once the doorbell rang the boys barked at the potential threat. Theo welcomed Benjamin as the boys went running back to Emily.

"Good to see you made it back in one peace. How has my sister been treating you?" Benny smiled at his friend.

Theo looked around before responding. His voice low, a look of caution on his face, and he looked nervous. "She asked about Leo, she had a nightmare the first night about seeing the car. I want to tell her but the doctor said it might be too much for her right now." They continued to talk in a hushed tone until the girl in question popped her head around the corner at the opposite side of the house missing everything they had discussed.

"Hi Benny!" she ran to him before giving him a hug. "I missed you, even though I saw you two weeks ago." the boys came running after her. "Why didn't Maggs come with you? I wanted to ask her why she didn't say anything about your engagement last time."

"YOU KNEW WE WERE TOGETHER?!" his eyes almost fell out of his head.

"I knew you liked her the moment she walked in for the interview. I had a feeling you kept things strictly professional for a while, but eventually, you realize you liked her." she smiled proud of herself for figuring it out. "Can we go sit down now?" she turned to Theo, looking for approval.

"Shall we?" he moved away from the doorway. "Why don't we go to the sitting room, Emily can you lead the way please?" her whole face lit up as she also ran in the direction of the sitting room.

"I can't believe she is 22 now." Benny turned to his friend with a look that asked if she seemed the same as before.

"She hasn't changed at all." Theo glanced down the hall. "I can tell she is scared about getting married to someone she doesn't remember." he admired his shoes." She isn't disappointed with me, but she misses him, even if she can't remember. "

The three of them sat down and talked as if nothing had changed. The dinner came and went, Benny, left the house a quarter past eight, with a promise to tell all about him and maggie. the boys waited outside Emily's room as she got ready for bed. Theo was in deep thought when a quiet knock got his attention. There in the doorway stood Emily in her favorite hoodie and sweatpants, no makeup, and messy hair.

"You are going back to work on Monday, aren't you?" her voice was quiet yet it held so much hidden emotion. He nodded.

"I have to. I wish I could just have one more week off to spend with you." he got up from his desk. "I would ask if you wanted to go with me, but that might be too much for you." He noticed the disappointment she quietly tried to hide.

"Why can't I go with you? I need to get used to office work eventually. Why not just do it right now?"

"It's not that I don't want to be seen with you," his eyes found the floor. "I wouldn't mind being seen with you ever." the words were low but she caught it. " You haven't been cleared by the doctor yet. When you get cleared I will take you to the office right after the appointment if you want." He made eye contact with her as he made a promise.

" I have to get used to the house without you here during the day than."

"Actually, the whole workweek." He moved to sit down on one of the couches with her. "the house is a bit far for me to travel back and forth every day, especially with the extra work I have to make up for. I can come back on the weekend."

"Where will you be staying?"

"I have a penthouse in the city."

"I still have to do all the exercises without you here don't I?" she looked to her right at a wall full of books. " Can I at least come in here and read some of the books?"

"The books in here are all in different languages or are on business educate. You know about all of that stuff." Major walked in and put his head on her lap. "Why don't you try and memorize the house? By the time I come back on Friday night, you should know the garden by heart."

"Do I get some sort of reward if I can do it?" her face had a sarcastic smile.

"IF you can do it I will make you hot cocoa."

"That's it? Hot cocoa? Really?" she didn't look convinced.

" Not just any hot cocoa, extra whipped cream, a pinch of cinnamon, and 2 drops of peppermint extract stirred for 15 seconds in a large mug." She glared at him. He smiled triumphantly.

"Leo Know-it-all Grant!" it flew out of her mouth before she could even think. Her glare wavered with confusion for a second. "I-I'm sorry I didn't know where that came from."

This ends chapter 8