
Trying To Find You TWD TV Show (Male OC x Maggie Green)

A lot of days have gone bye since the outbreak ( I don’t own anything just the oc) and the oc will be with Maggie, so warning. If y’all in to harem well there is no harem in this story. Trying to make it as close to the show as possible with some fun changes. I love this show and I wanna do it justice.

TheGoon187 · Ti vi
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Days gone bye

A Month Ago

(Police Radio chatter)

The sheriff's deputies have eaten their burgers. The remains of their box meals still set on the seat between them. They share a puddle of ketchup as they eat their fries.

Sheriff 1: What's the difference between men and women?

Sheriff 2: Is this a joke?

Sheriff 1: No, I'm serious.

Sheriff 2: I never met a woman who knew how to turn off a light. They're born thinking the switch only goes one way – on.

Sheriff 1:(mutters)

Sheriff 2: They're struck blind the second they leave a room. I mean every woman I ever let have a key – I swear to God, it's like I come home, house all lit up. (Chuckles) And my job, you see, apparently – because my chromosomes happen to be different – is I then gotta walk through that house, turn off every single light this chick left on.

Sheriff 1: Is that right?

Sheriff 2: Yeah, baby, Mmm. Oh, Reverend Shane's a-preaching to ya now, boy.

(Both laugh)

Shane: Then – The same chick mind you she'll bitch about global warming. You see, this is – this is when Reverend Shane wants to quote from the Guy Gospel and say, "Um, darling, maybe you and every other pair of boobs on this planet just figure out the light switch, you see, goes both ways maybe we wouldn't have so much global warming."

Sheriff 1: You say that?

Shane: Mmm. Yeah, well, a polite version. (Laughs) Still, man that– that earns me this look of loathing you would not believe. And that's when the Exorcist voice pops out. (Deep voice) "You sound just like my damn father! (Snickers) Always—always yelling about the power bill, telling me to turn off the damn lights!"

Sheriff 1: And what do you say to that?

Shane: I know what I want to say. I want to say, "Bitch, you mean to tell me you've been hearing this your entire life and you are still too damn stupid to learn how to turn off a switch?"

(Both laugh)

Shane: You know, I—I don't actually say that though.

Sheriff 1: That would be bad.

Shane: Right right. I go with the – I go with the polite version there, too.

Sheriff 1: Very wise.

Shane: Yes sir. (Laughs)

Sheriff 1: Mm-hmm

Shane: Well. So how's it with Lori, man?

Sheriff 1: She's good – She's good at turning off lights. Really good. I'm the one who sometimes forgets.

Shane: Not what I meant.

Sheriff 1: We didn't have a great night.

Shane: Hey look, man, I may have failed to amuse with my sermon, but I did try. The least you can do is –speak.

Sheriff 1: That's –That's what she always says. "Speak. Speak." You'd think I was the most closed-mouthed son of a bitch ever to hear her tell it.

Shane: Do you express your thoughts? Do you share your feelings, that kind of stuff?

Sheriff 1: Thing is lately, whenever I try, everything I say makes her impatient, like she didn't want to hear it after all. It's like she's pissed at me all the time and I don't know why.

Shane: Look, man. That's just shit couples go through. Yeah, it's a phase.

Sheriff 1: The last thing she said this morning, "Sometimes I wonder if you even care about us at all." She said that in front of our kid. Imagine going to school with that in your head. The difference between men and women? I would never say something that cruel to her and certainly not in front of Carl.

(Radio beeps)

Dispatcher [King County]: All available units, high-speed pursuit in progress. Linden County units request local assistance. Highway 18 eastbound. GTA, ADW, 2-17, 2-4-3. Advise extreme caution.

(Engine starts) (Siren blaring)

Shane slam dunks the bag of their meal into the trash can. Sheriff 1 drives off tires squealing.

On a rural blacktop roadway a couple of crows feast on the carcass of an animal. Two sheriff's cars approach, sirens blaring.

Dispatcher [King County]: Suspects are two male Caucasians. Be advised they have fired upon police officers. One Linden County officer is wounded.

(Tires screeching)

One of the cars stops and takes position on the road while Sheriff 1 takes his car a few hundred feet further. Slamming his brakes he hits the trunk release. Shane jumps out and grabs a spike strip from the trunk. He and Sheriff 1 ran further up the road about thirty feet.

Dispatcher [King County]: Unit 1, unit 3, to eastbound Route 18, two miles west of Interstate 85. Will patch in Linden County Sheriff radio.

Shane and Sheriff 1 quickly lay the spike strip across the road, get back in the car and Sheriff 1 reverses their unit into position with the other, blocking access to oncoming traffic.

Man over radio [Linden County Deputy]: Roger that. We're five minutes south of the Route 18 intersection.

Inside the second Sheriff's car another deputy communicates with Dispatch.

Man #2 over radio [King Co. Sheriff's Deputy Lam Kendall]: Dispatch, Unit 1 and Unit 3 we are 10-97 and code 100, Highway 18, E.B. of interstate. Please advise.

Man [Linden County Dispatch]: 10-9 we just got word from Linden County that they're off 18, now southbound – (tires screech drowning out the radio)

(Tires screech)

Sheriff 1 and Shane get out of their car as do the other two deputies.

Man over radio [Linden County Dispatch]: Old French Road is closed down there so they're gonna head back onto 18.

(Guns cock)

Sheriff 1, Shane and two other officers take positions between their vehicles. Shane takes off his ball cap and takes a position behind Sheriff 1 who kneels with his weapon out. The other two deputies do likewise with Deputy Lam Kendall kneeling, Deputy Leon Basset standing behind.

Deputy Kendall (Sheriff 1): Sounds like they are chasing those idiots up and down every back road we've got.

[Deputy]Leon Bassett: Maybe we'll get on one of them video shows, you know? Like "World's craziest police chases." What do you think?

Sheriff 1: What I think, Leon is you need to stay focused and make sure you've got a round in the chamber and your safety off.

(Distant sirens) [Leon checks his gun, a Glock 17]

Shane: Would be kinda cool, getting on one of them shows.

Sheriff 1 shakes his head. The sound of police sirens in the distance can be heard growing closer.

(Engine revving) (Sirens blaring)

A silver two door seventies muscle car [Buick GTO or a Le Mans modified to look like a GTO*] fishtails across the highway with two Linden County vehicles in close pursuit.

(Crashes) (tires screech)

The driver regains control and keeps the lead but not without kissing the bumper of the first deputies' car. Again the driver keeps control without losing speed.

The chase approaches the road where the spikes were laid. The two King County sheriff's cars lay beyond about a quarter mile. The muscle car blows its tires on the spikes, skids along the road for some ways then flips end over end. The police cars brake sharply to a stop. The fugitive's vehicle rolls to a stop in the nearest field.

(Engine sputters)

Shane: Holy shit.

The Linden County officers get out of their vehicles. All guns are pointing toward the wrecked car. Unsure of survivors, deputies from both counties slowly approach the vehicle.

(Car door opens)

The first fugitive comes out armed with a SIG-Sauer P228.

Officer; Gun gun gun!

Sheriff 1: Put it down! Put the gun down!

The first fugitive shoots first at his pursuers then at Sheriff 1. Even though several dozen shots are fired none stop the suspect from turning his sights on Sheriff 1. One of his bullets hits Sheriff 1's chest on the lower right. The impact sends him to the ground.

Sheriff 1: Ah!

The deputies continue to shoot and the first fugitive goes down with several wounds. A second fugitive comes out and starts shooting with a shotgun and all cops fire back. Sheriff 1 rolls on the ground gasping for breath and seeking cover as Shane dodges ricochets and direct hits to their patrol car. Finally a deputy hits the second gunman in the chest and he falls.

Shane: RICK!

Rick: (wheezing) I'm all right!

As he reassures Shane he reloads. Breathing raggedly Rick struggles to his feet.

Shane: I saw you get tagged, man. That scared the hell out of me.

Rick: Me, too. That son of a bitch shot me. Can you believe that?

Shane: What? It catch you in your vest?

Rick: Yeah.

Rick looks down to see the damage the bullet did to his uniform and vest. Meanwhile, an unknown third man crawls out of the car and through the grass.

Rick: Shane, you do not tell Lori that happened– ever.

The third man raises a pistol and aims.

Rick: You understand? AH!

Rick turns and points at Shane to emphasize his words. The unexpected fugitive shoots at what would have been the center of Rick's chest. Instead he hits Rick just under and behind his armpit where the vest doesn't cover.


Shane's shotgun neutralizes the third man.

Man [Officer Kendall]: Police, move in!

Shane: Rick! No No no no no no no. Shh shh shh shh. No no no no no no no no. [Yells] He's hit! Leon! You get that ambulance down here! You tell them there's an officer down! You do it now! Okay, shh shh shh shh. I'm here. Hey, you look at me. You stay with me. You hear me? Shh shh shh. Okay. I'm right here, Rick. Stay with me. You hear me? Shh shh. That's it. Do you hear me? Shh shh shh. Okay. I'm right here with you. Stay with me.

(Distant sirens)

Shane: Shh shh. That's it. I'm right here.

Leon : Dispatch, we have an officer down. Request paramedics please respond. Highway 18 four miles west of I-85. Repeat, officer down. Request immediate response.

(Present Day)

(Ventilator hissing) (Heart monitor beeping) (Labored breathing)

Shane (distorted): Hey bud. We're still here. We're still hanging in. I'm sorry, man. I know I say the same crap every time I come in here. (Sighs) Everybody pitched in on these. They uh, they wanted me to bring'em down. They send their love, and they just – They hope you come back real soon. (Chuckles) Linda and Diane from dispatch, they picked these out. Probably could tell, huh? I'm just gonna set these on your side table, okay?

Behind the sounds of the equipment is the sound of a steady but very slow heartbeat and voices over the hospital's speakers. By the time he's done speaking the heartbeat is joined by the ticking of a clock.


Rick: That vase – That's something special. 'Fess up; you steal it from your Grandma Jean's house? (Laughing) I hope you left her that spoon collection. [His laughter turns into] ( coughing) Shane?

Rick is in a hospital bed, connected to a heart monitor, an automatic blood pressure cuff and an I.V. drip. Unidentified medical equipment is parked in front of the window.

Rick: Shane? You in the john?


Rick looks at the flowers in the vase, the flowers are now dried and wilted. He pinches and crushes a bud between his fingers. The petals fall to a table top that's already littered with shriveled flowers. Looking around he sees the clock is stopped at 2:17:37. There is complete silence. Distressed he blinks rapidly and then tries to sit up.


He shakes off the finger sensor and pulls the cannula over his head. Rick struggles onto his side, trying to get out of bed. He's still heavily bandaged around his midsection. He tries getting up by using the IV pole but he topples over and onto the floor. Rick yanks the I.V. out of his hand.

Rick (hoarsely yelling): Nurse, help! Nurse help!

He opens the door to the bathroom still tearing sensors off. Rick looks in the mirror and sees he has a beard. He turns on the faucet and drinks greedily directly from it.

(Lights humming)

Rick pulls his door open and pushes a gurney out of his way. The hall is deserted and littered with papers. The few lights are flickering. Rick stumbles down through the corridor in his bare feet and hospital gown.

(Phone clicks, clatters)

Hicks up the phone but there is no dial tone. In the near dark he fumbles around at the desk and finds a book of matches. He lights one and looks around.

(Electrical humming)

Down past the nurse's desk a bright light flickers and buzzes. Rick stumbles toward it. The light is coming through the windows of a double set of doors. He stumbles over and through the window he sees a half eaten corpse lying among the litter. Shocked he sees that although her face and head appears untouched she's been eaten almost down to bones. Horrified he turns and walks unsteadily back down the other way. This hall is littered but in addition Rick sees bullet holes and blood splatters on the walls and a puddle of blood on the floor.

(Chains clinking)

He walks through a ruined set of doors. Electrical wiring hangs from holes in the ceiling and glass covers the floor. Rick approaches double doors that are locked and chained. A 2×4 has been inserted through the door handles. A spray painted sign reads "DON'T OPEN, DEAD INSIDE."

(Thumping, moaning) (Glass shatters) (Groaning)

Confused and scared Rick backs away from the doors. Fingers come through the cracks and the moaning, groaning and sighing get louder. Rick bangs through another set of doors to his left. He tries the elevator but it doesn't work. He goes through the stairwell door and slams it shut. In complete darkness he lights the match.

(Rick coughs)

He retches at the smell in the stairwell.


Rick: AH!

The match burns down to his fingers. He lights another and stumbles down the stairs till it goes out. He lights a third and with it he finds the exit. He opens the door to blinding daylight. He continues down the back stairs of a loading dock. He has to walk past dozens of shrouded corpses that have been lined up in rows across the parking area. Many show gunshot wounds to the head. Flies are buzzing all around them. Rick, still horrified, stumbles through to the grass where he climbs to another parking area. Humvees are parked among military tents. Several ammo cans and barrels still lie in place near a 7th Cavalry helicopter, crates and shrouded heaps of even more supplies. But even here he can't escape death. Shrouded bodies lie nearby. Behind the camp and back down the hill, the front of the hospital shows fire damage. Rick doesn't stop.

(Birds chirping) (bugs chittering)

Rick has made it to a neighborhood street. On the side of the road in a park he finds a bicycle. In the grass nearby is what's left of a rotted corpse. Its tail bone and entrails hang down where its legs should be. As he picks up the bike and gets ready to mount it, the corpse takes a breath.


It turns over and begins crawling towards Rick.

Rick: Ah. Ah. Oh Shit.

Rick falls to the ground, scared and startled.


It reaches for him but only inches along. He quickly gets on the bike and unsteadily rides off. After a time he brakes the bike, jumps off and throws it to the ground. Rick stumbles up the front steps and through the open front door of his house.

Rick: Lori LORI! Carl Carl! Shoot. Lori! Carl!

Rick passes through every room but when he doesn't find anyone, he falls to the floor.


Rick: Lori! Carl. Ooh!

In the living room he lies on the floor and breaks down crying. He can't control his tears. He looks around again. He looks at his hand, the floor, pats the floor.

Rick: Is this real? Am I here?

He slaps his head over and over.

Rick: Wake – Wake up. (Sniffles)

He walks out the front door and sits on sidewalk steps. He sees the figure of a man walking down the street toward him but his eyes are blurry and he doesn't recognize him. Behind him a figure creeps up.

(Twig snaps)

Rick looks around and gets hit in the face with the flat of a shovel.

Duane: Daddy Daddy!

Rick: Carl. Carl. I found you.

Duane: Daddy, I got the sumbitch. I'm gonna smack him dead!


A second man walks up to the first one Rick saw. With a small pistol he shoots the first man in the head and quickly walks to Rick and Duane.

Morgan: He said something? I thought I heard him say something.

Duane: He called me Carl.

Morgan: Son, you know they don't talk. [To Rick] Hey, mister. What's the bandage for?

Morgan aims his gun at Rick.

Rick [dazed and with blood running from his nose]: W –what?

Morgan: What kind of wound? You answer me, damn you. What's your wound? You tell me [cocks the revolver] or I will kill you.

(Footsteps being heard)

Morgan: [Looks up from Rick] STOP! [Points his revolver as something]

Rick's eyes roll back in his head as he passes out.


Rick comes to. He sees that he's lying tied up in a bed in an unknown house. Duane is guarding him with a baseball bat.

(Rubber gloves snap)

Man [washes his hands in a basin]: Got that bandage changed now. It was pretty rank. What was the wound?

Rick: Gunshot.

Man: Gunshot? What else? Anything?

Rick: Gunshot ain't enough?

He walks over to the bed where Rick's tied to the headboard.

Man: Look, I ask and you answer. That's common courtesy, right?

He leans down close.

Man(emphatically): Did you get bit?

Rick: Bit?

Man: Bit, chewed, maybe scratched– Anything like that?

Rick: No, I got shot. Just shot as far as I know.

He reaches out with his hand, Rick flinches back.

Man: Hey, just let me.

The man touches his hand to Rick's forehead.

Man: Feels cool enough. Fever would've killed you by now.

Rick: I don't think I have one.

Man: Be hard to miss.

He takes out a switchblade and holds it in front of Rick's face.

Man: Take a moment, look how sharp it is.

Rick leans his head away from the knife.

Man: You try anything, I will kill you with it and don't you think I won't.

He cuts the bungee cords holding Rick to the bed.

(Knife clicks)

Man: Come on out when you're able. [To Duane] Come on.

Lying on his side, Rick holds his wrists. He composes himself.

(Ladle scrapes)

Rick comes out of the room wearing a blanket over his shorts. He looks around. Morgan is at the dining room table with Duane serving a meal.

Morgan:Mike wake up

Rick looks to his left and sees a young man laying down on the couch

Micheal: [waking up] This better be for a good reason. Is that guy up?

Morgan: see for yourself.

Micheal looks to his right gets up and sees Rick

Micheal: [standing up] Names Micheal Soprano call me Mike.

Micheal sticks his hand out and Rick shakes it.

Rick: Rick Grimes nice to meet you Mike

Rick:[looks at Morgan] This place – Fred and Cindy Drakes'?

Morgan: Never met 'em.

Rick: I've been here. This is their place.

Morgan: It was empty when we got here.

Rick walks to the window but before he can pull the curtain back Mike stops him.

Mike:[looks at Rick] Don't do that those things will see the light.

Morgan: There's more of them out there than usual. I never should've fired that gun today. Sound draws them. Now they're all over the street. Stupid – using a gun. But it all happened so fast, I didn't think,

Mike walks to the table and sits next to Duane. As Morgan picks up a large tin can with towels and sets it on the table. He picks up a sterno can and blows it out. Rick walks away from the window and to the table. Morgan sits.

Rick: You shot that man today.

Morgan [shrugs]: Man?

Duane: It weren't no man.

Morgan: What the hell was that out of your mouth just now?

Duane: It wasn't a man.

Rick: You shot him in the street out front – a man.

Mike:Buddy you need to get your eyes checked, that was no man it was a Walker. Come sit down before you fall on your ass.Here

Morgan spoons food onto Rick's plate and Mike's plate. Suddenly hungry Rick sits and spoons up a mouthful.

Duane: Daddy, blessing.

Morgan: Yeah.

Morgan looks at Rick and Mike. Duane takes his father's hand and Morgan puts his hand on one of Rick's. Duane reaches out for Mike's hand. Mike takes it, reaches his hand out for Rick. Rick hesitates. Duane looks at him expectantly. Rick, with disbelief, puts down the spoon and takes Mike's offered hand. They bow their heads.

Morgan: Lord, we thank thee for this food, thy blessings. [Morgan opens his eyes and looks at Rick and Mike] And we ask you to watch over us in these crazy days. Amen.

Duane: Amen.

Rick,Mike and Duane eat.

Morgan: Hey, mister, you even know what's going on?

Rick: I woke up today in the hospital, came home, that's all I know.

Mike: (wipes the corner of his mouth with a napkin) But you know about the dead people, right?

Rick: Yeah, I saw a lot of that out on the loading dock, piled in trucks.

Morgan: No, not the ones they put down. The ones they didn't– the walkers, like the one I shot today. 'Cause he'd have ripped into you, tried to eat you, taken some flesh at least. Well, I guess if this is the first you're hearing it, I know how it must sound.

Rick: They're out there now? In the street?

Morgan: Yeah. They get more active after dark sometimes. Maybe it's the cool air or hell, maybe it's just me firing that gun today. But we'll be fine as long as we stay quiet. Probably wander off by morning. But listen, one thing I do know – don't you get bit. I saw your bandage and that's what we were afraid of. Bites kill you. The fever burns you out. But then after a while…you come back.

Micheal continues to eat his food also listening as well to the conversation

Duane: Seen it happen.

The memory makes Duane sad. Morgan squeezes his arm and smiles at Duane.

Morgan: Come on.

They finish eating.

Leaning up against the wall by the dining room Morgan sits on the sleeping pallet he and Duane share. Across the room Rick lies on a bed made of couch cushions. He's still wrapped in his blanket. And Mike is sitting on the couch looking at a silver pocket chain watch.

(Crickets chirping)

Mike: {looks at Rick and puts the chain watch away}You are a cop right?

Rick:Yeah Sheriff Deputy,how did you know?

Mike:saw on the news and local paper,a month ago about some cop being shot.

Rick(Snickers a bit):Kids your age still read newspapers?

Mike(rolls his eyes): screw you man i am 21 i am not one of those goons who is on the phone all the time.

Morgan(chuckles): My boy thought you're a bank robber.

Rick (laughs): Yeah, that's me, deadly as Dillinger. Kapow!

(Morgan chuckles) (Mike chuckles a bit as well)

Morgan: Carl — he your son? Well, you – you said his name today.

Rick: He's a little younger than your boy.

Morgan: And he's with his mother?

Rick: I hope so.

Duane lies in the bed, almost asleep.

(Car alarm blaring)

Duane jumps, startled.

Morgan: Hey. It's okay. Daddy's here. It's nothing. One of them must have bumped a car.

Rick: Are you sure?

Morgan: It happened once before. It went on for a few minutes. Get the light, Duane.

As Mike gets up and grabs his metal bat

Rick , Mike and Morgan get up while Duane turns down the lantern light. Rick turns down the second one.

(Alarm continues)

Morgan goes to the bay window at the front of the house. It's been boarded up loosely then covered with blankets to keep in the light. He carefully pulls them apart and peers outside. He stands aside for Rick and Mike to see. The street outside is crowded with shambling shuffling corpses. Several of them walk toward a late model sedan; its lights flash in time with the alarm that had startled Duane.

Morgan: It's the blue one, on the street. The same one as last time. I think we're okay.

Rick: That noise– won't it bring more of them?

Morgan: Nothing we can do about it now. Just have to wait 'em out till morning.

Duane (gasps): She's here.

A walker that used to be a very attractive woman walks toward the house. Duane is looking through his own gap in the blankets.

Morgan: Don't look. Get away from the windows. I said go. Go on.

Reluctantly Duane leaves the window and lies on the bed.

Duane (sobbing)

Morgan goes over to him, not just to comfort him, but to make sure his cries aren't heard by the walkers outside.

Morgan: Duane, Duane, quiet now. Come on, quiet now. Shh shh.

The walker that used to be Duane's mother walks toward the front porch. Rick leaves the window for the front door. He looks out the peep hole and sees her come up the steps and over toward the door. Morgan sits on the bed. Duane lies in his lap unable to stop crying. Morgan picks up one of Duane's pillows.

Morgan: It's okay. Here, cry into the pillow. Do you remember? Shh shh.

The walker looks closely at the door, the peephole. It tries the doorknob. Slowly Rick backs away as quietly as he can. Mike with his metal bat in hand walks back to the couch and sits down looking at Morgan claiming his son down.

Morgan: She, um… She died in that other room on that bed in there. There was nothing I – I could do about it. That fever, man, her skin gave off heat like a furnace.

Duane (crying)

Morgan: I should've – I should've put her down, man. I should've put her down. I know that, but I – You know what? I just didn't have it in me. She's the mother of my child.

(Rattling continues)

Next Day

Rick,Morgan, Mike and Duane come out of the Drake's house the next morning. All the walkers are gone except one lying against the picket fence.

Rick: Are we sure they're dead? I have to ask at least one more time.

Morgan: They dead, except for something in the brain. That's why it's got to be the head.

Rick approaches the walker.

Walker (hisses) (growling)

It gets up to attack but Rick hits it in the head over and over with a baseball bat.

Mike:Take it from a guy who uses a bat most of the time, it takes one or two hits with the wooden bat. Just double tap it man.

Rick (grunting)

Rick:(looks up at Mike)Thanks for the information Mike.

He's still sore from his wound. He reels and collapses to the ground. He looks like he might get sick.

Mike:(looks down at Rick) Hey man just saying double tapping these things usually gets things done.

Mike offers his hand to Rick to pull him up. Rick takes Mike hand and gets up to his feet

Rick: I'll be sure to remember that.

Rick walks into his house with Morgan Duane and Mike behind him.

Rick: They're alive – my wife and son. At least they were when they left.

Morgan: How can you know? By the look of this place –

Rick: I found empty drawers in the bedroom. They packed some clothes. Not a lot, but enough to travel.

Mike: You know anybody could've broken in here and stolen their clothes, right?

Rick [gestures with the baseball bat]: You see the framed photos on the walls? Neither do I. Some random thief take those too, you think? Our photo albums, family pictures – all gone.

Morgan (laughs): photo albums.

Morgan sits down in a chair.

Morgan: My wife – same thing. There I am packing survival gear; she's grabbing photo alb…

He breaks down, unable to speak.

Mike:My Mom….. she did the same things as well fucking photo albums.

Mike leaning against the wall with Becky, the metal bat in hand, looks away as water fills his eyes a bit but he wipes his eyes a bit so the tears won't come out..

Duane: They're in Atlanta, I bet.

Morgan: That's right.

Rick: Why there?

Morgan: Refugee center. A huge one they said, before the broadcast stopped. Military protection, food, shelter. They told people to go there, said it'd be safest.

Mike: (Looks at Rick) If they are anywhere it's got to be there, that's where i am heading to. To find my girlfriend and her family hopefully.

Duane: Plus they got that disease place.

Morgan: The Center for Disease Control. Said they were working out how to solve this thing.

Rick walks to the kitchen, opens a cupboard and takes keys from a cup hook.

(Lock clicks)

A door opens flooding a darkened kitchen with light. Rick, Morgan, Mike and Duane enter cautiously. Rick leads the way with a flash light. They end up in the Sheriff's Department locker room where Rick tries the showers. The water comes out clean and strong.

(Knobs squeak, pipes groan)

Morgan: Gas lines have been down for maybe a month.

Rick: The station's got its own propane system.

Rick puts his hand in the water.

Rick: Pilot's still on.

Rick shaves, Morgan washing his hair, Mike washes his hair as well and Duane free styles.

Duane: Whoo Hoo!

Mike:Halleluja baby Halle fucking luja!

Morgan: Oh my Lord.

Duane: Hot water!

Morgan: Ah! That feels good, right? (Laughs)

Duane [spontaneously rapping]: Bring it around, bring it. Bring it around, bring it around uh uh. Yeah, I'm wet. Take that. What? Whoo!

After their shower Morgan, Mike and Rick sit on a locker room bench. All four are in towels. As Duane walks by, Rick hands him his clothes and points through a door.

Rick: Duane, dressing room back there.

Morgan: What do you say, Duane?

Duane: Thank you.

Morgan: Mm-hmm.

(Door closes)

Rick: Atlanta sounds like a good deal. Safer anyway – people.

Morgan: That's where we were headed. Things got crazy. Man, you wouldn't believe the panic. Streets weren't fit to be on. And then my –my wife couldn't travel. No, not with her hurt. So we had to find a place to lay low. And then after she died, we just stayed hunkered down. I guess we just froze in place.

Rick: Plan to move on?

Morgan: Haven't worked up to it yet.

Mike:Well if going to Atlanta mind if i tag along as well?

Rick:Yeah you can come along.

Mike:preach man.

Morgan and Rick look at each other confused.


Rick:(smirking a bit) is that a new slang term you young kids are saying nowadays?

Mike: (smiles a bit) it means thank you but shorten.

Rick and Morgan just chuckle and go to get change while Mike is still talking.

Mike:Screw you guys man!

Rick, in his uniform, opens the door to a weapon cage. Duane,Mike and Morgan walk in with him.

Rick: A lot of it's gone missing.

Rick takes a rifle down, checks it out.

Duane: Daddy, can I learn to shoot? I'm old enough.

Morgan: Hell yes, you're gonna learn, but we've got to do it carefully, teach you to respect the weapon.

Rick: That's right. It's not a toy. You pull the trigger, you have to mean it. Always remember that, Duane.

Duane: Yes sir.

Morgan: Here [indicates a weapon bag] Load up.

Rick picks up a Remington rifle with a scope. He checks out the sight before he hands it to Morgan.

Rick: You take that one. Nothing fancy, the scope's accurate.

Morgan looks intently at Rick and checks the weapon. Duane loads ammo, and Rick checks a shotgun. While Mike is putting the weapons in the bag he sees a pistol engraved on the handle is a light Blue medallion that says S.T.A.R.S.

Rick sees Mike inspecting the pistol

Rick: That one is a special one. It belonged to an ex member of the S.T.A.R.S team.

Mike: (puts the pistol in his bag) S.T.A.R.S. huh what happened to that member?

Rick: ( puts the shotgun in the gun bag) Died on duty. But they never found her body, so who knows.

Mike: Well whoever she was, she was lucky not to see the world go to hell. Instead she died a hero, or maybe she could be still out there.

Rick:( smirks ) yeah maybe.

Rick, his hands full, kicks open the outside door and walks up a flight of steps to ground level. Mike, Morgan and Duane walk with him. They are similarly burdened.

Rick: Conserve your ammo. It goes faster than you think, especially at target practice.

Morgan: Duane?

Duane: Uh-huh?

He gives Duane a bag.

Morgan: Take this to the car.

Duane: Okay.

Rick hands Mike one of the bags and Mike goes to the police car to put it away.

Rick: Are you sure you won't come along?

Morgan: A few more days. By then Duane will know how to shoot and I won't be so rusty.

Rick opens the car door; Morgan looks around to check on Duane.

(Walkie-talkie clicks, whines)

Rick: You've got one battery. I'll turn mine on a few minutes every day at dawn. You get up there, that's how you'll find me.

Morgan: You think ahead.

Rick: Can't afford not to, not anymore.

Morgan: Listen, one thing –They may not seem like much one at a time, but in a group, all riled up and hungry –Man you both better watch your asses.

Rick: You too.

Mike puts the bag of guns in the back of the car and then closes the door. And then stands next to Rick.

Morgan shakes Rick's hand and then shakes Mike's hand.

Morgan: You're both good men, Rick. I hope you find your wife and son. And Mike I hope you find your Girlfriend and her family.

Mike nods.

Rick: Be seeing you, Duane.

He shakes Duane's hand.

Rick: Take care of your old man.

Duane: Yes sir.

Mike: Remember what i said at camp that you are

Duane: fast and Nimble like-

Mike/Duane: The Flash!

They both Chuckle A bit.

Duane hugs Mike.

Duane: I am gonna miss you counselor Mike.

Mike hugs him back.

Mike: Me too little D like Rick said protect your old man.

They let go of the hug.

Duane: I will.

As they are about to leave, Morgan looks over Rick's shoulder. Seeing his demeanor change Rick and Mike turn around. A walker, in a sheriff's uniform, approaches from the street, a restraint chain hangs from his left hand.

Rick: Leon Basset?

Morgan pulls Duane close.

Rick: I didn't think much of him –Careless and dumb but I can't leave him like this.

Walker Basset (growls)

It's stopped by a chain link gate topped with razor wire.

Morgan: You know they'll hear the shot.

Rick: Let's not be here when they show up.

Morgan: Let's go, son. Come on.

Mike: I will be in the car when you are done.

Rick nods.

(Car door opens)

Rick walks up to the fence.

(Car door closes)

Walker Leon pushes against the fence, trying to get at Rick as he nears it.

(Gun cocks)

Rick puts his Colt Python up through the fence against Walker Basset's forehead and pulls the trigger. As he is finally put to rest.

2 minutes later

Morgan makes a right turn in his jeep onto the road outside the Sheriff's station with Rick and Mike behind in a Deputy's car.


Morgan honks his horn.

(Siren blares)

Rick turns left and whoops his siren twice.

Inside the Deputy's car Mike is in the passenger's seat with his silver pocket watch in his hand. and the S.T.A.R.S pistol holster on his left hip. And of course his Metal bat Becky in the back of the car.

Mike:( stops looking at the watch) so straight to Atlanta?

Rick: yeah but there's something I have to do first.

The Drakes house with Morgan and Duane

Morgan hammers nails into a piece of wood he's barricading the door of the Drake's former home with. Duane is putting blankets over the bay windows. They've been reinforced with wood too. The two exchange smiles.

With Rick and Mike

Rick pulls off the side of the road where he'd picked up the bicycle.

Rick: You coming?

Mike: (grabs his bat) well can't have you pull a muscle out there.

Then Mike gets out of the car.

Rick snickers a bit.

Then he gets out and walks onto the grass where the half walker had been.

Mike goes to stand next to Rick.

Mike: So who are you putting to rest?

Rick looks at Mike a bit surprise

Rick: How did you-

Mike: Come on Rick, you don't come to this park that is like a ghost town,if you are not going to lay one of these things to rest. Unless your son lost his ball here or something?

Rick:(Smirks) yeah i suppose you are right. I am going to lay someone who Torn in half to rest. They don't deserve to be like that.

Mike: alright i got your back.

Rick nods.

Then he puts on his hat and looks deeper into the park.

The Drakes house with Morgan and Duane

Morgan: Read your comic books a while. Daddy will be upstairs.

He picks up a suitcase and the rifle.

Morgan takes the ammo bag and scope rifle.

With Rick and Mike

Rick and Mike walk across green grass and through shady trees. The clover studded lawns are empty. They keep searching.

The Drakes house with Morgan and Duane

Inside the suitcase was a box of loose candid photos. Morgan flips through a small photo album; smiling images of himself, Duane and a pretty woman.

With Rick and Mike

They have walked further into the trees.

The Drakes house with Morgan and Duane

Morgan finds a studio shot of his wife; she is smiling, very happy. He picks up another of her, a candid shot where she's smiling into the camera with him beside her, his profile solemn and looking down. Emotions overcome him; he tears up and covers his mouth.

With Rick and Mike

Rick and Mike are walking along in the green of the trees. Birds are chirping.

The Drakes house with Morgan and Duane

Morgan tapes the studio photo of his wife to the window frame of an upstairs window. He moves a wooden desk chair up against the window. He kneels behind it and places the rifle on the back of the chair. Below walkers in the street wander aimlessly. He sights through the scope.


With Rick and Mike

The walker has left a darkened trail across the grass as it's worked its way through the trees. Rick kneels beside it. And Mike is Behind him looking around just in case any walkers show up with his Metal Bat in hand.

The Drakes house with Morgan and Duane


Morgan's whistles attract a walker as he passes Morgan's target area.


He aims and puts a bullet through the walker's head. He ejects the cartridge and loads another. Several walkers turn toward the sound. Downstairs Duane runs to the bottom of the stairs.

Duane: Daddy?

Morgan: It's all right, Duane! You stay there, son. Don't you come up here.

Duane: (crying)

Duane goes to his bed and starts reading under his breath and covers his ears with his hands.

Duane: (mumbling)

Upstairs Morgan sights on another walker and shoots him down.


Morgan: Jenny. Come on, baby.

Walker: (groaning)

With Rick and Mike

In the park the half walker in the grass senses Rick and Mike , turns and reaches weakly up toward him.

Walker (growling)

Rick: I'm sorry this happened to you.

Takes out his gun, steels himself and shoots her through the head. He tears up, visibly shaken.

The Drakes house with Morgan and Duane

Several walkers approach Drake's house. Morgan scans the crowd and sees Walker Jenny.

Morgan: (exhales)

He puts her in his sights. She looks up at where he is. Crying, Morgan can't shoot her.

Morgan: Come on, come on.

Morgan: (sobbing)

Morgan: Come on. Yeah.

He lifts the rifle again, sights on Jenny again but lets her walk away.

Morgan: (crying)

With Rick and Mike

Mike looks at Rick.

Mike: Are you alright?

Rick: (stands up) yeah. Come on, let's go.

Rick and Mike walk away from the now silent corpse.

One hour later.

Mike notice the gas is a bit low but not close to empty

Mike: We might wanna stop for gas. There is a intersection up ahead.

Rick nods

The car drives up to the intersection of a Georgia county road.. Wrecked and abandoned vehicles are scattered across the intersection.

(Engine stops) (Trunk clicks)

They both step out of the car and go head to the trunk.

Rick takes a gas can and funnel out of the trunk. While Mike with his book bag on his back, and with his bat in hand and on his left hip holster is the S.T.A.R.S Samurai Edge Pistol.

Mike: Looks like a camp set up here. But it seems abandoned.

Rick: yeah lets stick together don't wanna get ambushed by the dead.

They walk past the remains of an eighteen wheeler and more wrecked or abandoned cars and down a hill toward the gas station. The empty camp is littered with children's toys, tents and household items. Dead people still sit in some of the cars.

(Flies buzzing)

They looked up. A homemade sign reads No Gas. they look around for other options.

Mike: I am going to check if the tents might be something we could use. Or food or drinks.

Rick: Alright, just be careful. I am going to look around to see if there is any other options. And then we meet back here alright?

Mike nods and heads a little further from Rick to check the tents and some cars.

With Mike

Mike is looking inside a car and finds nothing. Then he sees a truck with a cooler in the back. He goes to the truck and opens the cooler inside, and he sees 8 cans of coke sitting in melted ice.

Mike:(closes the cooler and takes it) Man i never thought i would miss cola.

Mike takes the cooler, starts walking back where Rick siad to meet back up.


Mike eyes widens and starts running back to Rick, due to the gunshot sound was coming from that direction.

Few minutes before

Rick sees Mike head the other direction and then he turns around to look for some more gas.

(Shuffling footsteps)

On hearing the sounds he looks in their direction. He kneels down to look under a car. He sees a child in a pink housecoat and bunny slippers stoop and pick up a teddy bear. He stands up and sees a girl about age eight walking away.

Rick: Little girl? I'm a police man. Little girl. Don't be afraid, okay? Little girl?

The child turns around. Her eyes are dead. Her mouth is gashed and dried blood has stained her pajamas. The deputy sighs in disappointment and sorrow.

Rick: (panting)

Little Girl Walker: (growling)

Slowly she starts shuffling toward him, gaining speed as she comes.

Rick: Oh my God.

He backs up and pulls out his weapon and puts a bullet in the head of Little Girl Walker. Rick's face is pained and sorrowed as he lowers his weapon.

Mike: Rick!

Present time

Rick hears Mike calling him and then sees Mike running towards him with his bat in left hand and a water cooler in his right.

Mike: Rick are you- my.. God.

Mike sees the 8 year old walker out down by Rick.

Mike:(Puts the water cooler down) you did what you had to do Rick.

Rick: (closes his eyes, takes a deep breath) I Know… I know. What is in the cooler?

Mike: (Opens the cooler and throws a can of coke at Rick. Rick catches it in his right hand) cola still cold Surprisingly and is shaken due to me running and throwing at you. So it will burst.

Rick puts his python in the hostler and then opens the coke away from himself so it won't spray him in the face. Then he takes a sip.

Rick: Alright let's head back to the car. Maybe we will come across somewhere that has gas when we are near Atlanta.

Mike nods, takes a coke from the cooler and leaves it there. As they head back to the car.

40 minutes later

Rick drives the patrol car out a paved country road past houses and fields.

And Mike is looking at the silver pocket watch that seems to be lost in thought.

Rick glances over at Mike and curiously asks Mike a question

Rick: Hey Mike.

Mike: (stops looking at the watch for a moment) what?

Rick: What's the deal with that watch?.. You have been looking at it ever since I met you. Was it your father's?

Mike Smiles a bit as if he remembering someone fondly

Mike: You can say he's like a father figure to me.. But no it is not my dad's watch. It is my girlfriend's dad's watch. He gave it to me when he basically gave me his blessing to marry his daughter.

Rick:(a little surprised) wow. Her father must trust you a lot.

Mike:(chuckled a bit) yeah it wasn't easy let me tell you.

Rick: I bet.

Both men laugh a bit.

Rick: What is her name?

Mike: Maggie Green. She is a couple of months older than me, her birthday being in february and mine in june. We met when I went to high school here after moving. We were in the same class and grade and quickly became good friends. A year later graduated high school, became lovers. Went to the same college too. And we stayed together.

Mike looks back at the watch.

Mike: Maggie.. and her family is all I have left. I have to know if they are alive.

Mike clears his eyes as they are starting to get wet.

Rick: You will find her Mike. you will.we both will find are loved ones.

Mike nods his head.

Mike: now. enough about taking a trip down to depression lane. We are getting close to Atlanta, try the dispatch radio to see if anyone is on the line.

Rick: Alright.

(Radio crackles)

Rick: Broadcasting on Emergency Channel. Will be approaching Atlanta on highway 85. Anybody reads, please respond.

(Radio crackles)

Rick: Hello. Hello. Can anybody hear my voice? Anybody out there? Anybody hears me, please respond. Hello, can you hear my voice?

Rick (over the radio): Hello. Hello. Can anybody hear my voice?

A camp just outside the city

An older man and a woman, sitting in camp chairs by a fire, turns around at the sound of Rick's voice on the C.B. Nearby a young woman throws down an armload of firewood and runs to it. Behind her against the sky an R.V. is parked. A man stands guard on top of it.

Young woman: Hey. Hello?

Rick (over the radio): Can you hear my voice?

The young woman: Yes, I can hear you. You're coming through. Over.

The older man runs up. The girl looks up at him questioningly.

Rick (over the radio): If anybody reads please respond.

Rick continues to talk over the radio, unaware that anyone has heard him.

Rick: Broadcasting on emergency channel. Will be approaching Atlanta on Highway 85. If anybody reads, please respond.

(Radio crackles)

Back at the camp the man watches the young girl speak into the C.B. mike.

Young girl: We're just outside the city.

(Radio crackling)

With Rick and Mike

Rick puts the C.B back.

Rick: damm. No response.

Mike: Maybe a bad connection. I mean we are in the middle of fucksville.

Rick: I hope you are right.

A camp just outside the city.

Young girl: Damn it. Hello? Hello? He couldn't hear me. I couldn't warn him.

Older man: Try to raise him again. Maybe if Joel was here.

Looks over and sees a younger man with an axe.

Older man: Come on, son, you know best how to work this thing.

Behind her a woman sitting with a little boy gets up and walks over to the C.B. The younger man slams an axe into the tree stump and picks up the mic.

Man: Hello, hello. Is the person who called still on the air? This is Officer Shane Walsh broadcasting to person unknown. Please respond.

(Radio crackling)

The little boy stands near the woman who looks concerned.

Shane: He's gone.

Woman: There are others. It's not just us.

Shane: We knew there would be, right? That's why we left the C.B. on.

Woman: A lot of good it's been doing.

Shane: Okay.

Woman: And I've been saying for a week we ought to put signs up on 85 to warn people away from the city.

Young woman: Folks got no idea what they're getting into.

Shane: Well, we haven't had time.

Woman: I think we need to make time.

Shane: Yeah that – That's a luxury we can't afford. We are surviving here. We are day to day.

Older man: And who the Hell would you propose we send?

Woman: I'll go. Give me a vehicle.

Shane: Nobody goes anywhere alone. You know that. And with Daryl and Tommy hunting, Joel took a break to be with his kid. We don't have the man power.

Woman [walking off]: Yes sir.

The little boy starts to go with her.

Shane: Hey hey hey. Go on, take a seat, bud. You're all right. Go on. You're all right.

The boy turns back and Shane follows the woman.

Shane: What, are you pissed at me?

She continues to walk away and goes into a tent.

Shane (also going into the tent): You can be pissed at me all you want. It's not gonna change anything. I'm not putting you in danger, okay? I'm not doing it for anything. That make you feel like sometimes you want to slap me upside the head – Tell you what, girl– you feel that need, you go right ahead. I'm right here. Go on.

The woman turns around, exasperated.

Shane: You cannot walk off like that, all half-cocked. Look, you not want to do it for my sake or your sake, that's fine. You do it for him. That boy's been through too much and he's not losing his mother too, okay? Okay?

She [whispers]: I'm a good mom.

Shane: You tell me "okay".

She nods.

Shane: Hmm? (Chuckles) It's not hard. All right? Hey.

He looks out through the tent windows and sees no one about. He steps in close to her and they kiss. He continues kissing her, more passionately.

Little boy: Mom?

He breaks off and walks out of the tent.

Shane: What's up, bud? She's in there. Go on.

Woman: Hey, I don't want you to worry. Your mama's not going anywhere, okay? Yeah? Yeah?

The little boy nods and smiles.

Woman: Go finish your chores.

Boy: okay.

With Rick and Mike

Rick pulls down his visor to look at his photo of him, his wife and their son. The woman is the same one as in the camp. The boy is the same, too. He takes the photo down and puts it in his uniform pocket.

(Trunk clicks)

Rick: We are out of gas let's get are stuff to try to find some gas or another means of transportation.

He releases the trunk. They both step out and gather their things. Leaving the car as they walk down the highway with the ammo bag and a gas can on Rick. and Mike with his metal bat in hand with the Samurai edge pistol in holster on his left side of his hip.

They stop in the driveway of a farmhouse. They both look at each other and nod.

Rick: Hello? Police officer out here. Can I borrow some gas?

Rick leaves his bags in the drive and walks toward the house where he puts the gas can down, too. Mike is behind him but he put his bat down to take out the pistol. Rick walks up the front steps to the door.

Rick: Hello? (Knocks) Hello? Anybody home?

He peers in through the door window but doesn't see anyone. He walks down the porch and looks into another window and finally the living room window. Flies are buzzing around inside the house. Rick, horrified, sees a man on the couch, gunshot to his head, a shotgun dropped nearby. On the floor is a woman, also shot dead. On the wall above the couch is a message written in blood "God forgive us."

Rick recoils, shaken.

Mike looks in disgust. But sees the shotgun there.

Rick goes back into the yard and sits down under a tree and spits. Looking up he sees a pickup. He doesn't find the keys inside. Rick starts walking back to the house.

Mike is standing at the front door waiting for Rick to clam down as he sees Rick heading towards him. Rick is standing in front of Mike.

Mike: I am going to head inside to take the shotgun.

Rick, although morally, doesn't think it is right to do that. But understands Mike's reason for doing so.

Rick: Alright I am going to head around back to see if I find anything we might have missed.

Mike nods and heads inside as Rick goes around back.

(Horses knickers)

Rick gets a lead, goes through the field gate and approaches the horses

Rick sees two Horses, one brown and the other black.

Rick: Mike! I think I found are means of transportation into Atlanta! Get out here!

Mike comes out from the front door with the shotgun around his back due to it having a strap and goes around back to Rick with a lead in his hand and two horses.

Rick throws a lead at Mike and catches it with his right hand.

Rick: You said your girlfriend's family are farmers right? Then you know how to do this?

Mike: Of course. Maggie made it very clear to master horseback riding, and how to tame one if I wanted a date with her. One of the perks of being with a hot farmer girl is learning how to handle animals before I can handle her.

Rick snickers at Mike's joke and then gets serious.

Rick: Alright you take the black one i take the brown one.

Mike: Let's do this.

Minutes later Rick and Mike are up on their horsebacks. He rides through a field.

Rick: Just go easy, okay? I haven't done this for years.

As Mike looks to be right at home with his Horse.

Mike: speak for yourself old timer. Cause i am running circles around you! Haha!

Mike with the shotgun around his back with his bat in his left hand resting on his left shoulder while his right is steering the Horse.

Mike: Try and keep up Rick!

As Mike Horse takes off at a canter.


Rick looks at Mike with a bit of amusement.

Rick: Oldertimer.

As Rick's Horse takes off at a canter.

Rick: Whoa, whoa whoa whoa!

Horse neighs and begins to run.

Rick: Easy now. Easy boy, easy. Easy. Easy. Easy. Eas –Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.


Rick and Mike ride their horses up a divided highway just outside Atlanta. All the outbound lanes are lined with abandoned cars.

(Birds cawing)

Rick and Mike both look at each other and nod.

As Rick and Mike walk their horses into the town across a bridge and over paved streets lined with skyscrapers.

(Bugs chittering)


As Rick, Mike and their horses go deeper into Atlanta the streets become littered with trash, wrecked cars, abandoned cars, and even a helicopter left in the middle of the street. They ride past a crashed bus. A few walkers sitting in the bus are roused and begin to follow Rick and Mike.


(Horse whinnies)

When the horses whinnies at the walkers, Rick and Mike urges their Horses to a canter.

Mike:(pats the Horse) you alright girl- oh shit!

Rick: Steady. There's just a few. Nothing we can't outrun. Okay whoa whoa whoa.

Far enough away from the walkers Rick and Mike slow their horses and turn down a different street.

(Horses knickers)

(Birds cawing)

They walk past a tank, overturned vehicles and an abandoned roadblock. Crows are scavenging on a soldier's remains up on the tank. As Rick and Mike walk the horses past the tank they hear a helicopter.

Mike shocked as well looks over to Rick

Mike: Please tell me I wasn't day dreaming?

Rick: No you weren't.

(Helicopter approaching)

Rick looks up and around, searching for it. He sees the helicopter reflected in the windows of a skyscraper.

Rick: Come on! Hyah!

Mike: Hyah!

The horses, urged to a run, neighs and takes off. Rick and Mike run the horses down the street with Rick eyes up in the air on the craft. And Mike's eyes on the road just in case. They turn the corner where the street is full of walkers. They see Rick, Mike and the horses and begin toward them, growling.

(Walkers groaning)

Horses (whinnying)

Walkers (growling)

The horses rears in disgust; Rick turns him around running him back the way they came with the walkers and Mike and his horse following after. Rick approaches the tank which is now surrounded by more walkers.

Rick: Oh shit. Oh God.

Every way is blocked by walkers who are now close enough they start tearing into the horse. Rick tries to keep his seat and find a way out but the walkers' attack sends the horse into a panic.

Rick: Oh God.

Rick falls to the ground, dropping his gear. Most of the walkers are too busy with the horse to notice. He kicks away the one walker close to him. He looks up and sees a crowd more of them in front of him.

Rick: Shoot.

He crawls under the tank but walkers follow him from all sides.

Rick: Oh God. Oh God.

He shoots at the nearest until he has only one bullet left.

Rick: Lori, Carl, I'm sorry.

He rolls onto his back with his gun pointed to his head. But instead of shooting he climbs up into the tank through an open hatch. Quickly he closes it behind him. He crawls as far away from the hatch as he can till he's up against the side.

Rick (Panting)

Beside him he sees a dead soldier and a grenade on a shelf.

Rick: Oh… God

Rick reaches for the soldier's gun, a Beretta 92, which rouses the walker. He turns snarling at Rick.


(Gunshot echoes)

Reacting in fear, Rick shoots the walker in the head. The gunshot echoes, temporarily deafening Rick.

(High-pitched ringing)

Rick: Ah.

Outside the tank.

Mike's horse gets attacked but instead of trying to keep his seat he uses it as an opportunity to jump from the horse back to the tank due to him being a little closer to it. Mike throws his metal bat on the top of the tank it lands on top, and then he jumps and lands on the tank. He grabs his bat to look for the hatch.

With Rick inside the Tank

He continues to gasp. He sees the top hatch is open. He goes and looks out.

And sees Mike bashes Walker's head in that tried to climb the tank.

(Muffled groaning and Mike's Voice)

He sees his bag of guns and his hat on the ground.

(Ringing fades)

Rick: Mike! Over here!

Mike turns around as Rick moves inside to let Mike in as Mike closes the hatch. With more walkers climbing the tank.


The walkers can be heard through the tank. Rick checks the gun clip and looks around. And as Mike checks his shotgun ammo as he only has 8 rounds it in. and then he checks his samurai edge to see 15 rounds in his clip.


In despair Rick puts the gun up beside his head.

But Mike grabs his forearm.


Rick looks at Mike.

Mike: We are going to make it out of here alright!

Rick: How! We are Surrounded! An-

Mike cuts Rick off

Mike: CUT THE SHIT! WE ARE NOT GOING TO DIE HERE! Because I be damm! if we came all this way to just get eaten! Panicking is not going to get us anywhere! Calm down breath and assess the situation! You are a cop right?!? do what you were trained to do. So we can find both are loved ones. Alright?!?

Rick, hearing Mike's words, begins to calm down and sits next to the walker he shot.

Rick: You are right, thanks for getting my head out my ass.

Mike sits across from Rick next to the radio.

Mike: No problem, what are friends for?

Rick smirks a bit.

Mike: now we need to come with a plan i have 8 shots in my shotgun and 15 in the pistol so i-

Mike cuts himself off as he and Rick both look at the radio because it began to crackling

(Radio crackling)

Man over the radio: Hey, you guys.

(Pop music playing) [Wang Chung's Space Junk] play this while reading :)

Man over the radio: Dumb asses.

Man over the radio: Yeah, you guys in the tank. Are you guys cozy in there?

Rick and Mike look at each other in disbelief and then they both stare at the radio unable to believe it.

Outside the tank, walkers continue to feed on both horse's carcasses. The entire area is overrun with them.


A few walkers still try to get into the tank and it's still surrounded but some leave to go feed on the horses.


TOLD YOU IT WAS BIG! PAUSE! anyway hope yall liked it!

TheGoon187creators' thoughts