
TRUE NATURE :human's curse

The world is in the mess as the dormant energy in the solar system is released. Prajwal , a 18 years boy studying in university who has his life in chaos, participates in the trial as system appears in front of every single people on earth. He observes the true human's nature as he climbs to the peak.

Destro_ · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs

Secret of the trial

As Prajwal reached down, the area became slightly dark. Thought there was presence of light but it was very dim. There was no direct source of light there, all the brightness came from the light on the stairs. The first thing that caught his focus was the grand and majestic door in front of him. Just by observing the door he was getting deathly vibes. It was as if his single movement will cause his head to fall of on the ground. There was all kinds of symbol and murals drawn on the door or rather carved. As he was observing around, he noticed that there were far more things below than just the door. In the dimly lit areas around the corners the walls were carved as well, there were sclupture all around hinding in the shadows. "I was right in my thinking." Prajwal murmured as he looked around the walls, and door. As Prajwal had predicted that all sectors must have an infastucture that is special. It really seemed to be the case as the wall and door didn't just told about ancient egyptian culture. They told about all of the ancient civilizations, that were theorized to be far more advanced than the current era but had been lost with time.

"I think every one of the main infastructure leads to this same room. There must be something inside that door. Either related to earth's past or about this current energy release. Only about 15 seconds are left. I should be fine if I go now, atleast my survival chance will increase." Prajwal moved towards the door. He tried reading the texts but couldn't understand any of then. "This must be ancient language and symbols." As he neared the door he felt his existence becoming small both physically and mentally. There was a great pressure emitting from the door. He endured the pressure and reached in front of the door. " How am i suppose to open this massive door ? I don't think it would bulge an inch if i push it. " Prajwal put his hand on the door and was thinking of ways to open it. Suddenly there was a creaking sound and the door started to open. It didn't open completely as if it had sensed that the existence in front of it wouldn't need must space to walk through. Prajwal was shocked and scared at the same time. He couldn't see anything inside even with the door open. Something inside was blocking any prying eyes from outside. It seemed to be saying, 'if you want to learn what's inside, come and see it with your own eyes'.

Prajwal was hesitating wheather to go in or not. He was fearful but something happend which made him go direcltly inside the door. The eagle had also arrived there. As soon as he entered the room the door closed on it's own. He sighted in relief. "can only one person enter inside at a time?" Prajwal stopped getting the feeling of death inside the room. As he looked around, he found nothing. The room was cylindrical in shape with high ceiling but it was completly emty. Only about 10 second remained for the trial to be over. Prajwal frantically ran all around the room in search of any clues. "This place can't be vacant. There must be somthing hidden. This is the connecting point of the ancient civillization." He ran one circle around the room but didn't find anything. "some seconds to go. Let's try at the center. If there's nothing than at least i will pass the trial. I should be happy about it." As he neared the center he found something written on the floor. It was a small text written in a language that he couldn't read but somehow understand.

'Cruelest emperor to ever exist' As he repeated the sentence inside his mind, the word started glowing. Within a second an altar was formed right at the center of the room. There was bright lavender flash at the top of altar. Prajwal had his eyesight taken by that light temporarily. He immediately closed his eyes to regain clarity. After few moments he opened his eyes and found a book a float the altar. He immediately climbed the altar and caught the book. Only a second was remaining for the end of trial. But as soon as the book was taken away, it was as if some seal on an ancient beast have been lifted up. Suddenly an ancient roar reverted inside the room. All the walls began cracking just from the roar. Prajwal too was affected. Roar was sound elemental attack. He was bleeding from his ears. He couldn't hear anything and his mind was foggy. He couldn't think straight, it had great impact on his brain. As the roar was just the remant of some thousand of years old dead beast, it didn't cause his death. If it was even 100th of beast power, he would have exploded just from the roar. One can think how strong the beast must have been in it's prime. But what was scary was that the best wasn't the main enemy, it was just the pet of the emperor whose sealed have been released. Soon, Prajwal dissapeared from the room and shadow of a man of 3 meter appeared.

Prajwal had already fallen unconscious as he returned to the room. He was slowly recovering inside the room with his hand clutching the book. Soon he was woken up by the announcement. 'Participant, if you don't participate within the minute, the trial would end up as failure.' "Huh, what happened. Trial is over." Prajwal was confused. He thought he was still in agility trial. That attack sure took troll on his mind. If his intelligence hadn't been that high, he would have either lost his complete memory or would have become idiot. But he just suffered from short term memory loss which he would remember after the fog in his mind clears up.

After some time, his mind cleared up and he remembered all the events. He was still scared of that beast. "What was that? And who is the cruelest emperor? That seemed like an animal or rather beast. So, it couldn't be emperor. Was there someone else who was released as well? Ah... I, let's forget about that and focus on next trial. Anyways didn't previous trial stated extra reward according to the trial completion. Let's see what I got." Prajwal called out the system and scrolled through the notification bar.

*Trial has been completed successfully. You will be awarded 10 agility points at the end of the trial*

*You injured the beast, you will be awarded 5 free attribute points*

"Where's the reward for that book? Was that not included? May be there will be additional reward as I get my rewards doubled after my last trial. Let's focus on the next trial. Now, it is endurance trial." Prajwal clicked yes on the start menu. The white room slowly disintegrated and changed into mountainous area. There was a huge mountain in front of him with winding paths. The mountain had a rocky terran. Rocks all around. There was no vegetation on the mountain except some mosses and lichens. The surrounding temperature was scorching. That was the reason the mountain was bald without a single flake of snow.

*You have to climb to the top of mountain within 5 hours. If you are not able to complete, the trial will be deemed as failure. *

*Trial starts in 00:00:10*

"What how am I suppose to climb more than 3 thousand meter within 5 hours without any ropes. I'm not some professional climber. There has to be a way for the trial to be completed else it wouldn't be called trial." Prajwal searched around for clues but he couldn't find anything thing other than rocks. Surrounding area was devoid of any clues. "May be there is some clues on the way. I should just climb it. If I don't fall, I won't be dying, just failing the trial. Rewards have already been doubled so, there's nothing to lose. Obviously I would lack endurance attribute but be it. One thing lacking can be covered by free attribute. I already have 5 free attribute from previous trial. Maybe I can earn more on later trials. " Prajwal looked towards the top of the mountain. He checked his condition, he was fine. His health seemed to have recovered faster than before. It seemed that his body was evolving by all that stuff he had gone through. Not in literal sense. It was just that his body was adapting to constant injuries and producing recovery hormones more than before. This evolution was possible even before this supernatural phenomenon.

*Trial begins in 00:00:01*