
True evil

just a evil man

ALPHA_GANG_Price · Hiện thực
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4 Chs


As the world lay shattered at his feet, Alexander's grip on reality began to falter. Haunted by visions of his victims, he descended into madness, his once brilliant mind now twisted and warped by the weight of his sins.

In his delirium, Alexander sought solace in the darkest corners of his empire, surrounded by the ghosts of his past. He wandered the halls of his grand palaces, their opulent halls now silent and empty, haunted by the echoes of his crimes.

But even in his madness, Alexander could not escape the consequences of his actions. The people he had wronged rose up against him, their spirits bound together by a shared desire for vengeance.

Driven by a newfound sense of purpose, they marshaled their forces against the tyrant who had brought so much suffering upon them. With each passing day, their ranks swelled with the downtrodden and the forgotten, united in their determination to bring about Alexander's downfall.

And as the final battle raged on, Alexander found himself standing alone against the tide of humanity that sought to destroy him. But even in the face of overwhelming odds, he refused to back down, his will unbroken even as his empire crumbled around him.

In the end, it was not the strength of his armies or the power of his weapons that sealed Alexander's fate, but the resilience of the human spirit. For even the evilest man in history could not stand against the collective might of those he had wronged.

And so, as the dust settled and the fires of rebellion died down, Alexander Graves was left to face the ultimate punishment for his crimes. Cast out from society, he wandered the wastelands alone, a broken and defeated man.

But even in exile, Alexander's name would live on as a cautionary tale, a reminder of the dangers of unchecked ambition and the darkness that lurked within the hearts of men. And though his reign of terror may have come to an end, the scars he had left upon the world would never fully heal, a testament to the enduring legacy of the evilest man in history.