
True evil

just a evil man

ALPHA_GANG_Price · Hiện thực
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4 Chs


In the desolate wastelands where Alexander wandered, he found himself confronted not only by the ghosts of his victims but also by the demons of his own making. Tormented by guilt and regret, he sought redemption in the only way he knew how: by seeking out those he had wronged and attempting to atone for his sins.

With each step he took, Alexander was reminded of the devastation he had wrought upon the world. He encountered survivors of his atrocities, their eyes filled with hatred and fear, their voices trembling with the weight of their suffering.

But instead of cowering before their accusations, Alexander faced them with humility and contrition. He listened to their stories, offering whatever meager assistance he could in an attempt to ease their pain.

Slowly, begrudgingly, he began to earn their forgiveness, though he knew he could never truly make amends for the horrors he had inflicted upon them. And yet, in their forgiveness, Alexander found a glimmer of hope, a flicker of light in the darkness that had consumed his soul.

With each act of kindness, Alexander felt the burden of his guilt begin to lift, replaced by a sense of purpose he had thought long lost. He dedicated himself to helping those he had wronged, using his knowledge and resources to rebuild the shattered communities he had once destroyed.

But even as he worked to atone for his sins, Alexander knew that his past would never truly be behind him. The scars he had left upon the world would linger for generations, a reminder of the darkness that had once consumed him.

And yet, in the eyes of those he had wronged, Alexander saw a glimmer of hope for the future. Though he could never erase the pain he had caused, he could strive to create a better world for those who came after him, a world where the horrors of the past would never be repeated.

And so, with each passing day, Alexander walked a path of redemption, knowing that though he could never erase the sins of his past, he could still make a difference in the world. And in that, he found a semblance of peace, a flicker of light in the darkness that had once consumed his soul.