
True Essence

'The world we live in is a world of essences. Everything has an essence, animals, plants, elements, concepts. And only those who can understand them, can see the world as it is.' Gen ended up losing his essence, and after trying everything and not being able to get it back, when he was just about to give up, he meets a man at a pub who after hearing his story, says to him, "Have you ever heard of Dahji? He was the emperor of the greatest empire that once existed in this world. The legends say that every year he would hold a tournament, giving the winner a wish of his choice." "But the empire doesn't exist anymore." "Who said that? Have you ever heard of a desert south of here?" "Yeah, the desert of ..." "Dahji." Gen then decides to go to the desert, and after three years living there, Gen finally leaves towards a ruin that could be the solution he was looking for. but little did he know that this ruin wasn't the end of his troubles, but the beginning of his journey. Follow Gen on his journey in this world of essences, making friends, finding unimaginable places, and dominating the essences.

Motsu_Kion · Kỳ huyễn
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459 Chs

First part

Gen then

quickly raised his arms to defend himself, and then was hit hard, being thrown away as he crawled across the ground. This created a large cloud of dust in the way, which eventually blocked everyone's view for a few moments.

After a while the dust began to subside, and it was possible to see that Gen was standing at the edge of the arena with one knee on the ground.

Rika then said, "What a surprise. I was sure I would have knocked you out of the arena with that one blow. I seem to have underestimated you."

Gen then spat out some blood, gave a smile, and said, "Don't be surprised. You haven't seen anything yet.", and then the dust settled a bit more, showing a five-line trail that Gen had left on the ground when he was thrown.

Rika found this a little strange, and then looked in Gen's direction, but as she looked, she saw something that made her eyes widen.

She then said, "You .... how did you manage to do that?"