
Chapter 1

❝ We request your assistance. ❞

a voice said through an electronic device of someone, as this individual would look at his device with a look of pure confusion. Had they not known he had retired? But then again, such a circumstance in which they had to contact him meant it was too much for them to even take care of as such, and he had to be called. Sighing, the man would stand and walk towards his office, as upon entry, he'd be met with a holographic window with the words "enter password here" upon it as he entered the necessary pin, ultimately confirming his identity as soon after the window would soon disappear as the man would walk deeper into the office and head towards where his personal library was and run his finger through the many books that he had there, before pulling a grey book in, which would result in the office room beginning to shift, as a computerized voice would say.

❝ Welcome, Ashborn. ❞

Upon hearing his original pseudonym, he'd sigh before ultimately smiling. He waited for his base's entrance to appear in front of him, and once it did, he would go onto the platform and be transported to an alternate location. Upon arrival at this location, he'd step off the platform and begin walking towards what seemed to be a huge screen. With each step he took, he reminisced about all of his times doing this same action, as although he was retired, he had truly been awaiting a call similar to this to finally get back onto the field, and his wish had been granted. Upon this thought being done, he stood before the huge screen, as he'd notice a finger pad glowing on the bottom of said huge screen. As he'd place his finger down upon said finger pad, the huge screen would turn on and greet him, similar to the prior automated voice in his voice.

❝ Greetings, Lord Ashborn; I await your request, my lord. ❞

The man would scratch his chin hair before saying with a small smile plastered on his face.

❝ We are back in business, Meto. ❞

His tone was calm, yet you could easily tell he was excited to be back in his original field of work. After making his first statement, he continued to speak, this time with a request.

❝ Meto, do a full scan of Tokyo, Japan, and pinpoint every crime-infested area. ❞

Upon hearing, his first request in a while, the sentient intelligent unit would subconsciously smile as it'd immediately get to work on its master's request, ultimately coming up with exactly twelve locations infested with criminal activities, some ranging from low-level robberies to secluded executions of government officials. Upon this outstanding discovery, the intelligent system known as Meto would place it before its master, who would observe each situation in record-breaking time and resolve each in his mind. After doing so, he'd open his mouth to speak, but this time, his tone was even calmer than before.

❝ Guess, it's time i do a full sweep. ❞

Ashborn wasted no time in preparing for his mission. He had been out of the game for a while, but his instincts and skills were still as sharp as ever. He gathered his equipment and weapons, checking each one meticulously to ensure that they were in perfect working order.

As he made his way to Tokyo, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement coursing through his veins. He had always loved the thrill of the chase, the adrenaline rush that came with taking down the bad guys. And now, he was back in action once again.

Upon arrival in Tokyo, Ashborn immediately got to work. He began by surveilling each of the twelve locations that Meto had identified, carefully studying the movements and behaviors of the criminals who frequented those areas.

Over the next few days, Ashborn worked tirelessly to dismantle the criminal organizations that had taken hold in Tokyo. He raided warehouses filled with illegal contraband, broke up human trafficking rings, and took down corrupt officials who had been turning a blind eye to the crimes being committed under their noses.

With each successful mission, Ashborn felt a renewed sense of purpose. He had retired once before, but now he knew that he could never truly leave the world of espionage and counter-terrorism behind.

And so, as he looked out over the bustling city of Tokyo, Ashborn couldn't help but smile. He knew that there would always be more work to be done, more bad guys to take down. But for now, he was content in the knowledge that he had made a difference, and that he was back where he belonged.

As he prepared to leave Tokyo and return to his base, Ashborn couldn't shake the feeling that there was still more to be done. He knew that his work in Tokyo was just the tip of the iceberg, and that there were countless other cities around the world plagued by crime and corruption.

With that in mind, he made a decision. He would continue to work in the shadows, taking on the most dangerous missions and fighting to make the world a safer place. He knew that the work would never be easy, and that he would always be putting his own life on the line. But he also knew that it was a calling, something that he was born to do.

And so, Ashborn set out on his next mission, ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead. He knew that he could never truly retire from his line of work, and that he would always be a soldier in the fight against evil. But he also knew that he was not alone, that there were others out there like him, fighting for what was right.

And as he looked out at the world, filled with both darkness and light, Ashborn knew that he was exactly where he belonged.